Aerinravage's GamerCard

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Laying Siege

I logged in at about 10:30 and saw while farming that Besieged was about to begin. I had already asked Lust if he needed my services for his party but ATM he didn’t. So, with Test Answers and a Rusty Dagger in hand I warp back to Whitegate.

This time, I learned something – those temporary items that the Empire gives to Besieged mercenaries are freakin’ sweet! I tried checking inventory several times before and never saw them so I assumed it was either random or you had to get them from NPCs. On the contrary, the items supplied are in the gobbiebag and are fantastic!

Two pots boost HP and MP, to about 1700/1300, while other items provide speedups, refresh (IIRC) and Reraise. There’s also a Megalixir for full HP/MP reload and some TP boosters.

Using this gear I was a little more durable but I still died once. I also DCed once in the middle but managed to get back on without incident. At the conclusion, I got the victory cutscene and afterwards, just before the XP announcement, the connection R0’s again! But fortunately, it came back just in time and I got another 700-odd XP.

So for about 15 minutes of work I got some nice combat training and a fair XP payout. I can’t help but think being in a party would net more XP, especially if that party slayed any of the invaders. But I don’t think it would be fair to party up on my flaky connection.

I re-flagged for an XP party and tried to get ahold of Lust, who had asked for me during Besieged. No response… I eventually got an invite from Kirista and she took us to Aydeewa Subterrane for some Defoliator (crawler) extermination.

Once we found an open camp it was clear this was going to be a lot of work. Three pulls, 350+xp per, but like 5 minutes each and low mana on the mages. Too much downtime. A couple of people besides me suggested a retreat to the Colibri camps and she eventually agreed. It took some doing but we finally settled on a good chain-pulling rhythm and were getting 4’s and 5’s often. I went up about 6,500 xp total.

When it was time to leave I offered to find a rep, suggesting a WHM58 closer to their levels than my 60. She said they were done with WHMs. With a RDM, DRK and her job (BLM?) I can see why they’d want more DD, and in fact a SAM by the name of Kidwithgoofyhat took my slot. I’ve always loved his name so I was glad to see him “in person”. But I took her curt reply a little personally and thought, “Have fun not having
“–ra” spells and Haste/Erase support! I wonder if they went back to the crawlers?

I’m now 60, with a decent buffer and about 904/641 on stats. Gotta work on AF this weekend!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

No Rest for the Weary

Christmas Break (12/21-12/25)

Wow – in a late-evening orgy of Wajaom XP parties, I made about 35k XP in around 6 hours. I’m about 3k from 60, so clearly it’s time to get on the ball re: LB3 and AF gear.

All this XP was made on Lesser Colibris and in just 3 parties, each lasting about 2 hours. The first was a chain-pulling frenzy, where even with Ginger Cookies for the MPR, I was having a hard time keeping up. The second was also a chain-pulling crew but they had 3 healers total (DNC, PLD, WHM) so I had little to do besides Hastes. The third was a little more methodical with fewer chains and more gaps between. However, with RDM, BLM and WHM plus a PLD, I had very little to do since the RDM (and his rep) both insisted on Hasting as well.

Christmas Day evening I logged in and caught Fhox online. I told him about my growing suspicions of Bigbirdfly and Dijena being RMT and he tells me to take care of it. Nice. So, basically, I have to try to coax some explanation from them about their suspicious AH history and completely silent behavior since joining several days ago. And kick them from RDB if I’m still convinced they’re RMT…

However, since bumping into Bigbirdfly, anonymous, in the Goblin room in Horutoto (prompting my suspicions) I haven’t seen either of them. I honestly think the STF got them. Better the faceless STF than little ol’ Aer – I don’t know how organized the GSers are but I surely don’t want to be on their naughty list.

Fhox also said we might be able to work on AF this weekend, if I were to start playing weekends again. I lol’ed and said I’ve been playing daily, but on weekends I don’t usually start until late. Usually around midnight and then I play while watching the Action block on [as].

I did have an interesting combat trial: In the third party, our puller accidentally targeted a NM Colibri that was clearly our better. It was smacking us around pretty fiercely when someone called orders to {Log out}. However, the PLD wasn’t able to execute a clean logout because by this time she and I were the only two left and she had aggro. I tried (unintentionally) to cover her escape but she died not long after. And then it was my turn. I *did* have enough sense to hold Benediction – I was aware enough of the battle progress to know it wouldn’t help, and it wouldn’t protect the full party since the rest were dropping off rapidly.

Immediately I saw {Reraise}? in chat and being sensitive to the 3 Japanese, replied with the /yes emote.

After Reraising and fixing up the PLD, we moved camp to the Leypoint and had no other trouble. Well, besides me almost missing the nuke aggro our leader Deleon pulled after unleashing an Ancient BLM spell. I was too busy watching the chat log trying to figure out what he was doing and I got a lot of help on cures before the tank regained hate.

Also also, I gave Besieged another crack. While I still had the ClearWire, I was able to complete one and got 748xp! Later, on dial-up. I DCed 3 times ><. I missed the end (another win) by about 3 minutes, so no reward for me. Damn! I did take heavy damage through cure-aggro (727 on a one-shot!) and figured I would be in line for more XP had I been able to close the deal.

Gotta get broadband…

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fast Flowing XP

Ape was feeling lousy all day so I planned on spending the evening with her, and after last night’s Christmas Card grind, I wasn’t sure I even wanted to play. I wound up cooking dinner and taking care of Ape, and we watched some TV (Smarter Than a 5th Grader and Don’t Forget the Lyrics) before she turned in.

Since I had Mom’s internet and router, I set that up and took care of the PS3 2.10 update, and on leaving Ape, played a little GH online. Prime2003 beat me on “One”, I took “Flames”, and was leading on “Devil” when he DCed. Chump! Yay – I finally win against a live player!

Anyway, I don’t log in until close to 11 and flagged up on WHM. I think I had a full 10 minute wait before receiving 2 invites. I had already taken the first from Nasla when the second came in from Chigs, so I had to apologize and remember to flag down.

We set out for the Leypoint in Wajaom by bird and once all 7 (Smokebud’s brother PLed) of us were present and ready we started. I quickly realize I’m not going to have a lot to do and ask permission to melee, which I get. So aside from Dia II’s I swing my trusty Staff and try for Divine and Enfeebling skillups. I actually get 2 on staff, 1 on Enhance, 5 on Enfeeb and 1 or 2 on Divine. I wish I knew why Enfeeb moves so quickly – I’m at 84% of the cap now, with most everything else in the 60-70% range…

Once our PL left I stopped all melee and took up the buff and Haste cycles, forgetting early on how quickly Haste wears and losing the notices in the fast-scrolling chat log. But aside from three times our Tarudin Qasim got orange or red, I kept the party solidly healthy.

I even tried asking Qasim if he minded me Flashing for Divine skillups but I think he must be Japanese. I think his reply asked me if I wanted him to stop so I tried to convey both of us, to which he said, {I see.}w. If I understand my Japanese emotes, w is short for わらう, to laugh… Nice.

So I only got one Flash in, when he went AFK a bit, and I got .1 for my trouble.

The party ended when Nasla and 2 or 3 others took off for a Limbus run just after 1am. Arthias and I were left to our own devices. I warped home and ran a 3k tele for Scilina to Mea, but I never was able to collect. Apparently, a gil-only trade still fails if inventory was full. I really didn’t want to toss anything (but for 3k I should have ditched some crystals ><) so I gave it to her free. I said I was in a good mood having come off a great XP party. She said being happy was good, and Medicine (one of her mates) thanked me for the freebie.

I warp back home and then free-warp to Jeuno, winding up in Saromugue. I was fiddling about with Flash for skillups when Nasla runs by and kills my target – lol.

I end the night by putting 4 Colibri beaks and 1 Blind up for sale at Jeuno’s AH.

Final Thoughts

So, for about 90 minutes of work, I wound up with about 9,800 XP, or about 100 a minute. And that was on just one EB charge. I think that’s the fastest or second-fastest XP I’ve ever received. This was mostly because we were chain-5 or chain-6-ing the Colibris regularly. Most pulls happened just before or just after the current one’s death, and as RNG, our puller could reach out and touch them from afar.

Even though I now sport +17 MPR, I may yet have to resort to buying Refresh drinks. The Elemental Seal + Aspir trick only works every 10 minutes, netting about 20-30 MP. Heck, our SCH Houri ribbed me about it. On chain-pulls I run out too fast, especially from Hastes.

I’m now less than 6k from 58!

Also, I haven’t seen Fhox or Chucho on since Monday, and Lust only once. And the new recruits don’t ever say anything!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Card Delivery Dilemma

Most of today was spent continuing the Christmas *ahem* Starlight Celebration event. Most of this involves partying up with a stranger, talking to the event moogle and getting a clue on your real target, who will receive a present. You then disband and fill the air with shouts for a particular race, gender and job.

I wound up receiving a couple goodies – Dream Platter and Dream Stocking to decorate with, and Dream Boots and Boots +1. I gave up looking for an Elvaan female with a 38+ job for my next gift so I took off. I also had no luck delivering the Smilebringer’s “present for the kiddies” to any child NPC. But there was a S-E note about some issues with this event so, hopefully it’ll work later.

I also spent some dough, finally dipping into Ferenan’s gift. I bought a Windy tree (10k) for my MH that’s supposed to give you a higher drop rate or an extra present or something. I also bought the Beak Necklace +1 (130k), Holy Phial (15k) and tried to buy the Curing Earring (also 15k) but couldn’t. I used up about 80k of his once my own funds were out.

I priced out the Baron’s set, and it looks like that one is about 250k… Time to try Test Answers again, maybe?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Today was early release from work, and Family Day until about 10:30. We watched Bran’s last football game (they finished second in the playoffs!) and then did a little shopping and saw Enchanted, with Trevor tagging along. Then it was McD’s drive through and home. I had a massive migraine and took some Nyquil for it and the cold that’s been brewing since Sunday in Avondale. I only had strength for about an hour online.

I spent almost all of it searching Kuftal for the chest again (no deaths this time!). I gave up empty-handed and entered Cape Terrigan to pop the OP run. I warped home to Whitegate ready to log out but ran a tele to Mea for 1k. On returning I decided to investigate the notice I’d seen just before I zoned out – something about a Mamool Ja incursion into Al Zahbi.

I walked from the MH entrance to the Al Zahbi gate and upon entering automatically found myself in battle. People seemed to be popping in and out rapidly and I tried curing up those I could target long enough. Some people shouted for Besieged party invites and I even pulled someone in but they left not long after. I saw Barak and Tieryn there, deep in battle with Mamool Ja and beastie assailants. Two or three War Wyverns sat near the Wajaom exit, using a breath attack that dispelled player effects like my Reraise.

I was doing what I could when I got DCed, but I wasn’t too surprised. The lag was bad and I never could do Garrison reliably either. I didn’t bother to log back in to say my goodnights. I’ll have to explain later.

I’ll also need to figure out what the deal is with Besieged to find out if it’s worth doing. It seems like it’s a pretty lengthy affair but it also looks like a good crucible to refine my skills in too!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Walking Memory Lane in Old Town

I spent much of tonight with Fhox farming in Oldton Movalpolos. He was treasure hunting and invited me along. I think we were there for about 90 minutes in all. What was interesting is how much we chatted about RDB history. It all started because on my way through Bastok to meet Fhox, I bumped into Monkeylori.

We said our cursory greetings and she asked where I was off to. I said farming in Oldton with a shell-mate. “Fhox?” she asked. A bit surprised, I said yes, and she wished me luck and mentioned what a creepy place Oldton is.

When I finally made it in, I had to agree – it looks like a mining facility straight out of “Temple of Doom” complete with crazy mine cart track runs and rickety wooden platforms jamming out of the rocks every which way. I told Fhox who I’d seen and he said he was surprised she acknowledged him, and thus began my first real lesson into the origins of RDB.

The shell was apparently co-created by Monkeylori (!) and Blueeyed. There was apparently a fight, not sure what about, and then Blueeyed split. Later, Lori would leave and Fhox assumed control then (I believe). There was apparently further tension when Fhox allowed Blueeyed back in. Fhox seems to think he may have PLed me early on.

Fhox asked how I knew Lori, and I said from random parties and bump-ins. He said she left the shell before I came in. Interesting. If she has any ill will towards RDB, she’s never shown any toward me ^^

Somewhere along the line he also told me Chucho was a founding member but had taken time off, and I came in during that break.

As for the farming, we got me a key and he let me open the next chest for the area map. We never did find another chest for the key he’d been holding. And all that for a top payout of 6k. I teased him about tele-whoring himself thinking his /WHM would be leveled enough for the core teles. (But I now think he’s more like RDM65, so…)

He said he wouldn’t because he hates sitting around. Hmph! I hate running in circles fighting low or no XP mobs for a chance at only 6k… I appreciate the time we spent and the history lesson, but damn, I could’ve pulled 6k in for a lot less effort.

The good news is I upped my battlefield skills a bit – I changed my Sleep and Silence macros from targeting to after we pulled several Moblin and Bugbear links involving spellcasters or serious damage risk. I’m feeling a little better about how I handle things.

I left Fhox to give the Vollbow OP run a shot, now that I knew I could get there. I made it to Kuftal Tunnel, coffer key in hand, and began looking for the chest after buffing up and sneaking myself. Maybe 10 minutes later I suffered a double-death at the hands of an Air Elemental that seemed to sense me from very far away while I applied Invisible so I could run past it into the main tunnel.

That little accident cost me about 1,700 XP and now I’m only 300 or so into 57 – another death without a buffer and I’ll delevel ><

Also, I think tonight is when Fhox introduced us to Benvolio, yet ANOTHER Bastokan. I really think I’m the only non-Bastokan in the shell now!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

White Mage Refresher

Today was going to be a few hours of Dancer-leveling before the troupe headed off to dinner and the annual Riverside Luminaria festival. I managed to ding 12 and was headed to Jeuno’s AH to get some better gear in hopes of getting a Dunes invite.

I used the free warp Taru in Al Zahbi and wound up at the Qufim Island zoneline. As I made my way to Port Jeuno, Drewman PMed me and asked me if I was near an AH and if I wanted to have some fun. I told him I’d be at Jeuno’s in a couple of minutes and asked what kind of fun. Turns out he wanted healing support while he killed a NM Orc called Marauder Dvogzog. It might have been for Sandy 7-1. No orb was required (I didn’t want to spend any seals away from RDB activities) and so I said yes.

At the AH, he asked for one Silent Oil, and I grabbed that and level 11 Brass gear for Dancer. I met Drewman in Chateau d'Oraguille and we made our way through its basement to the West Ronfaure area with the ??? to pop the Orc. He used the oil between basement floors and wound up needing Sneak from me. I only bought that stupid oil because I thought he needed it to pop the NM or to trigger a CS. He knew I was WHM so why he did that…

Of course, he paid up front, which I refused, and he resent it anyway. The money was never the issue – I just wish I knew that’s all he needed it for so I could’ve saved him a grand. Anyway, I owe him bigtime – he got me LB1 along with Mrbill, and later Fhox, so 10k would have not been enough to repay that.

Anyway, on to the fight… We got to the combat area at about 1:10 and we buffed up. He warned me that Dvogzog is a MNK and would be using Hundred Fists. I told him I had no idea what that meant and he lol-ed me and said I could fight if I wanted, just to be ready on the cures.

It only took 20 seconds of fighting for me to realize I wasn’t going to have time to blow my nose, much less fight. Even with Drew as SAM75 (IIRC) and over 1400 HP, he was taking damage a couple hundred at a time. I threw C3s and C4s with abandon, never pulling hate.

I tried to keep Drew Hasted and Dvogzog Dia-ed, but my MP was falling very fast. I eventually used Bene, expecting to die but the Orc never looked my way once! I healed Drew for over 1k on the Bene and then rested up about 300MP before coming back up. Drew was deep in the yellow again and so I Divine Sealed a Cure IV for nearly 800, then rested up a bit. I ran out of MP as both Drew and the orc were down to vapors. Fortunately for our efforts, Drew got in a big hit and did the job. It was maybe 20 minutes in total.

We chatted a bit, he expressing appreciation for my work and asking if I needed anything. I told him I was glad just to be there and that I had just had the most fun on WHM doing the fight. I also mentioned that I needed to hone my battlefield support instincts to keep me from losing focus in bad spots and letting people down. In hindsight I wonder if a Flash now and again would have helped any.

He split to carry on his mission and I eventually warped back to continue working on Dancer. Fhox had been quizzing me just as the fight ended and I told him what I was up to and why. Mag offered to help, not knowing we were already through ^^

Fhox and I had a brief chat, the gist of which went like this:

Me > I need combat experience to fix my instincts.
Fhox > Bad things happen
Me > Doesn’t mean I have to like it
Fhox > Sometimes others (puller, tank, etc.) are the ones who make things bad
Me > True, but I want to make sure I’m not one of those people making it worse
Me > I feel like I hesitate or make bad calls when trying to react to bad pulls, links, etc. and I don’t like doing that. I don’t like people dying in my care.

Fhox said something about needing to improve his RDM front-line tactics. I felt like maybe I came off snobby, implying other people (not specifically RDB) don’t try to improve or care about how they affect others in the party. I certainly wasn’t trying to slam anyone at all – I just want to be the best WHM I can be!

I finally got my Mog Locker sorted to make some more room for all this new gear. I also changed into my new Dancer duds – ugh! Why do certain outfits look like they were made to insult the wearer? What’s worse is that this dominatrix-y outfit is what NIN and WAR and possibly PLD will have to wear on the way to 20. /sigh

I outposted to the Dunes before leaving for dinner. On returning around 11pm, I flagged up for about 25 minutes and eventually gave in. I was too tired to do anything but one grind through Giddeus for another 4 Yag Necks. Monday night I need to check my Norg fame and pop the Vollbow region outpost via Kuftal Tunnel. If I can I need to get the Kuftal chest as well for the map.

After Friday’s marathon I thought I might be losing the passion for WHM but today helped reaffirm it. I really think helping others is my true calling in Vana’diel. That’s why I’m happy Dancer is what it is – a front-line support role.

Fhox had asked me earlier to help him in his party but then found out I was WHM57, too low for his crew. He told me to level up, which I’ve been doing. The XP gaps TNL are getting quite large now. I definitely want to get to 60 or 61 soon for RR2 and C5.

Oh yeah, two new Brigaders: Bigbirdfly and Dijena.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chatting with a GM

Today’s schedule was to get Dancer as far as possible. Starting from 10 I got deep into 11. But that wasn’t the exciting part of the day. As usual, I couldn’t find Ferenan. So I put in a GM call. I waited about 20 minutes, using the time to move from Whitegate to Sarutabaruta. Just as I entered the zone, I got a tell from [GM]Claav. Here is the transcript, taken straight from the chat log.

So basically, the money is mine per Claav. I still don’t want it yet but I think I’ll stop obsessing about searching for Ferenan. I never asked Claav directly but implied pretty clearly that I wanted to PM Ferenan or otherwise contact him, which Claav didn’t offer to assist with. And since he said he couldn’t verify RMT involvement, that check was out too.

Hmmm… So I guess I’ll sit on it for a few more days and then decide what to do. I do have things I can spend it on – Beak Necklace +1 and Pilgrim Tunica for WHM MPR +3 and the Baron’s set for level 20 characters. Those items would easily consume 300k.

I should also consider sharing with the shell. Maybe 10-20k per, keeping notes to make sure no one double dips. And only those that were live when this happened.

I’m beginning to wonder if maybe Ferenan “cashed out” and quit playing. Not seeing him ONE TIME in 7 days is odd to me, especially for a high-level player. I’d think someone that high would be on doing end-game stuff. Maybe he burned out and decided to throw his gil around before leaving.

One week more and then I’m going to do something with the gil. Heck, I chatted with Mag after the GM call to thank him for his support and to update him and even he said it’d been long enough and that it was rightfully mine at this point.

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Long Night

Today was almost all party. I got an invite pretty quickly after flagging up at around 1am. Our leader initially took us to a Puk camp in Wajaom Woodlands. After three pulls it was clear I was going to have a long night. The Puks have a massive wind-based AoE that drives its targets back several meters and does high damage. Our stunner was having some luck stopping the attacks but we were getting hit pretty hard.

Then, to make things interesting, we wound up with a link. I slept one once I realized what was going on and then popped Benecide. I died, just after two of the party dropped. While all this was going on, the other 3 DC. I was left weakened with two corpses to tend to. While waiting for MP, the others come back just as I exclaimed “Whiskey Tango Hotel – what was all that about?!!” I thought they ditched us to avoid dying and were leaving the party for good.

I took leader from one of the downed players, re-invited everyone and then gave lead back to Opium. We elect to move camp to Cape Terrigan, which I’ve never been to. I warned the leader I wasn’t sure if I had the necessary access because I thought getting there required a quest. Nope – just a long run through Kuftal Tunnel.

Where I died. AGAIN. I had RR up so it was no big, but damn, how embarrassing >< Sneak had fallen and I recast, but a Crab followed me anyway and since I ran, it pulled links. Oh well.

Once there, we got into a groove requiring little downtime, thanks in part to the COR’s refreshing rolls. I dinged 57 and realized the time – 4am. I tried to beg off but the leader asked the party to stick around for her level, so we all did.

At the end, it was D2 for everyone but me and then it was time for bed. I finally got to use that Shellra III scroll I’ve been dragging around for ages.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Staying In Bed

I logged in close to 11pm, couldn’t find Ferenan, and planned to level Dancer. In fact, that was the gist of the brief LS chat I had at login. Chucho happened to be on BLU9 in the Gustaberg area and he and I agreed to duo.

It took me forever to make my way to Bastok, with MH zoning gaffes and wrong teles. I realized I should have simply taken the Airship from Jeuno and did that in the end.

Just as I exited Bastok, I got a blind invite from Kanji, in the Dunes. I thanked him and politely refused his offer. But I wonder if this means I don’t need to be 15+ to party there…

I finally made it to South Gustaberg where Chucho was at around 11:35. We partied up, and killed about 5 chumps before Chucho pulled a Rock Lizard that must’ve been at least EM if not T. We both died. I netted about 100 XP to that point. /sigh

Since it was almost midnight, and he and I both needed sleep, we each homepointed and resolved to try again later.

I did learn that Chu is from western Canada! I already knew he was married and has a young child (IIRC) but I didn’t know he was that far north!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sinz-ful Dancing

Today was another really short, straightforward day. I logged in, found no sign of Ferenan and got ready to head for Windy and more Dancer leveling. I was only 100 away from 10 and figured I could get halfway to 11. There’s some good gear coming up at 11 and 15, so…

Just as I was leaving my MH, Fhox asked if I wanted to farm with him and Puma in Oldton. I told him my plans, and that I only had an hour or so. Sinz however, piped up and asked if I wanted company. His THF was at 17 so I told him he’d need something closer to 10. He said he had a WAR12 and was near Bastok. As he headed in for the change, I teled over and made my way there as well.

I cursed my decision to not travel through Jeuno because the Blind Knife +1 I wanted wasn’t available in Basty. Sinz offered his Beestinger, which I can’t equip. He then ran off, spent CP and traded me Legionnaire’s Knuckles. Immediately I see a problem – they’re only +2 ACC versus +4 on my Cesti +1s, and the delay is nearly double. But I didn’t want to be rude and refuse his gesture. I saw Chucho running around here too.

We headed out and I quickly dinged. On switching to the Knuckles, it’s apparent the delay is going to keep my TP too low to dance and combo. I stick with them until we reach Dangruf Wadi (my first visit!) and we die to a Wadi Leech that was T. I switch back to the Cestis.

While dead, we watched a trio: Sirjason, Madamtitsalot and Ihaveapeeniz. I had already lol-ed at the names but thankfully, Sirjason was Raise-capable because he got us both back on our feet. Not before commenting on what we looked like from his view – “Thong city”… We chuckled and wondered if he’d be shocked to learn the truth of our genders. I did comment aloud that we Mithra tend to die that way for some reason.

This is when I got confirmation that Sinz is male also, with a wife and 2 kids whom he plans to bring online soon. I have no idea how old he is.

After that, we found a rhythm and made slow but steady progress. I finally convinced him that 30-40 XP kills that die in less than 30 seconds beats walking all over looking for EM or T mobs for 60-90.

At around midnight, Ape calls me saying she can’t sleep. >< So I say my thanks and farewells, and give him back his Knuckles, along with a 1k rental tip. I don’t think he even saw that part. He said I could’ve kept them but I insisted they were his – his points, his item. He should use them or sell them. I certainly won’t be using them – I’m getting ready to abandon H2H anyway.

I think I got around 1,200 XP – not bad for mostly EPs and being a duo.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Killing Time

Tonight was a slow 2 hours. I logged in with no signs of Ferenan anywhere, so I flagged up. A short time waiting for tele business only led to frustration –Tauu pipped me for a 3k Vahzl tele for Scilina. I /cheered him on and gave up.

I then headed out to the Mamool Ja areas to pop their Runic Portal. Apparently Sneak and Invis aren’t enough because I got butchered by the side of a tranquil stream. I then accepted Sinz’s request for PL assistance on his THF13.

I hung out with him for about an hour, enough to ding 14 and get a small buffer.

And that was pretty much it!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Back in the Saddle!

Ya~a~ay! I finally had my first party in the Near East! It only took from November 25th (when I finally got ToAU registered) until last night. 16 days. And that doesn’t take into account that over the last 6 weeks or so I only had one other XP party – the one that got me back to 56 with a buffer.

First things first – I logged in and immediately searched for Ferenan but no luck. I was already in Windy prepped for Dancer leveling so I did that. I stopped by the gate for Signet and to dump my expired Supply Run package (Vollbow) and to see what was now available. Finally, Kolshushu was ours! Now I have a faster way to get to the Mhaura port!

I soloed for about an hour getting within 100 of 10 when I headed back in to dump loot. I tried naively to OP since I was XPing near there on Gobs and Yags. I guess I forgot the part about the level restriction…

On the long run back home, Sinz asks via shell if he can get a ride to Dem. I tell him I’m almost there for a job change and can assist. After taking him, I re-tele to Mea, choco to the outpost in Buburimu and claim another OP warp.

It’s around THIS time that I get a blind invite from Shadowmantis looking for a healer in Wajaom Woodlands. I beg off since it’s almost 11:30, but he says an hour is OK. Desperate for the interaction of a real party again (PLing just doesn’t cut it) I accept and after a bit, find myself back in Whitegate renting a choco.

I was honestly afraid I wasn’t going to remember how to run my role but as it turns out, the mobs they were fighting (Lesser Colibris) have no AoE or elemental attacks to Bar-spell, and Shadowmantis is a Dancer. At his level, he can use Enhaste to greatly speed up attacks. Also, my Haste spells stack with his effect, shortening delay even more. I really didn’t have to do much besides the Haste cycle and keep the buffs up. A Regen II here and there or a C3 as needed was all the healing I had to do (save one C4 on a rough pull).

I pulled around 7k experience and even stayed until just after 1am since I was having such a good time. I fortunately found a rep, a SCH59 when I was ready to go. This was good because I was likely nerfing their XP being the lowest level after an early ding on their other 56.

Shadow didn’t seem to think it worked that way but we left it at that… I hope to XP some more soon.

On leaving, I tried one more time to find Ferenan. Nope, still not on. Tuesday morning I popped on to try again but still no luck… Maybe a weekend warrior? Time for a GM call perhaps. I want to do the right thing but I want to do it SOON!

Oh yeah, my Cesti +1 finally sold in Windy, for 18k. Now I can stop yelling at my Moogle for bad sales luck! I really blew it on the two Cestis not checking in Jeuno first. As long as I can get around 10k for the other one I’ll be essentially even. It’s about time anyway to look for better gear, especially if I plan to level Dancer in Valkurm.

Test Answers, OTOH, aren’t selling for crap. That brief spike must’ve been a fluke or a run of new DRKs and BLMs. The more time passes the more I really start to think all those sales were going into the RMT machine. ><

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Bank Error in My Favor

December 7-9, 2007

Ran ToAU 4-11, 12 flagged (first fight in series – 12 farms key item, 13 is the fight)

Popped Nyzul Isle portal

Leveled a bit on DNC, to 9. Duoed with Japanese called Thikaru and chatted a tiny bit in Japanese.

Lust planning on creating a HNM LS and wants me in as WHM. Offered to level with me once he gets closer to 56 on DRK (at 52 ATM)

Checked DB on leaving at 5ish to pick up Ape from babysitting – Got 300k payment for Rusty Dagger in Windy. Turns out Ferenan seriously overpaid but haven’t seen them on to settle. Jeuno AH history seems to be for a high-level NIN and/or PLD-type DD. He spends a lot on high end items and ammo.

Confirm char level upon meeting

When I told RDB, pretty much everyone except Mag expected me to keep it or share it. Lust had overpaid some time ago on an item and wasn’t able to get his gil back (so keeping mine would be fair). Sinz wants some ‘cos he’s poor. Fhox thought I should split with shell (prolly a /wink), I can’t remember if Chucho was still on, and Mag was fiercely defending the honorable position – “You (Aer) know what to do” and he won’t take any cut.

I always liked Mag but now I really like ‘im. He actually PMed me to see what I was going to do. I assured him I had no plans to keep it. When I told the group what had happened and their first “lucky dog” tells came through my response was “I can’t actually KEEP it!” I added that even though the GMs couldn’t make me give it back (their assertion, not mine) my inner compass would. I play White Mage for a reason.

I sincerely hope Fhox wasn’t really expecting me to keep it. Or said another way, that he won’t be pissed when I give it back. I don’t really blame people for wanting a sniff – 300k is a LOT of money in this place. But not only should I not keep it if Ferenan made an honest mistake, I need assurance that even if he doesn’t want it back that this isn’t GS blood money before I’ll hang on to it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Ran through first 3 AU missions, popped 1 portal, 3 teles,

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Orient Express

I fell asleep early Monday and never logged in (sick and frustrated at work) so today’s goal was to reach Aht Urhgan and set my HP there. I was all set to go when Sinz asked for help farming his subjob items in Valkurm. It was already after 11 and I knew that doing both the SJ farming and ferry trip to AU would take a long time.

But I decided to help him out. We met up near the Konschaht zoneline and I let him solo 3 flies while I PLed, getting him 200xp per. But these were taking too long and I was getting impatient so he kindly agreed to duo and we decimated about a dozen flies in short order. As midnight loomed, I told him we’d duo 2 more then he could solo one to end the night and luckily, the first of these 3 dropped the worm. Elated, Sinz stayed in Valk while I made ready to try my luck with the AU ferry.

I’m pretty sure I took out the Aragoneau Region OP at this time, leaving only Vollbow (Cape Terrigan).

I board the ferry with about 5 other players, many who appear to be low to mid level. I think at least 3 of us were Near East first-timers. Not knowing what horrors lurked in these waters, I made straight for the wheelhouse upon leaving port. Sure enough, an Ocean Kraken pops and I can hear a few ooohs and ahhs from the rest of the passengers. It checks EP to me, and feeling bold, I decide to engage it, after buffing up of course.

I manage to stick a fair number of enfeebs on it while whittling away with my staff (skillups too) and Light and elemental magic strikes. While this is going on the rest of the gang emerge from the hold to watch, and Terry, whom I’ve had the pleasure of partying with, gives cure support. I’m not generating much hate because even on measly Cure IIs the Kraken makes for her on more than one occasion but I’m able to regain its attention before any serious harm.

Other than a nasty AoE that gets two bystanders, the fight is uneventful, although very long. I’m at about 50% HP and 20% MP at the end, and all I got for my trouble was 26 XP and a Seashell. Well, and much love from the crowd. That was cool!

I thank them all for their support and PM Terry expressly for her risky help. I cure up those with boo-boos and we eventually land in Aht Urhgan’s port. I take the time to find my way to the MH, after lucking into the MH multi-exit quest NPC. That’ll prolly cost about 3k to activate… I set my HP and actually run a tele. And I dropped 10k on maps…

After a brief trip to their AH and some other minor sightseeing I have to log. Tomorrow’s plan is to start the mission series (many are easy CS or fetch-quests) and hope to learn how the Runic Portals work.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Road Warrior

November 30 – December 2, 2007

Pretty much all of this three-day gamefest was directed towards securing an Aht Urhgan Boarding Pass. I didn’t know I even needed one! Friday Night I had flagged up and was messing around with my MH and a new RDB recruit when I hopped on the Al Zahbi ferry from Buburimu. I got thrown off for not having a boarding pass.

So off to the interweb to find out how to get one. The quest is started in Jeuno, at the Tenshodo and offers a few choices of item fetches to earn the pass. Since I didn’t have any of the coffer keys for the Advanced path, and didn’t want to farm chips from a dangerous zone I’ve never been to, Intermediate was out. 500k gil? {No thanks} So the only path I had was Easy, which meant collecting all 6 subjob items at one time.

/sigh. Friday night ended with me in Valk and two items, the Damselfly Worm and Crab Apron. Saturday was better – I got the other 4 items pretty quickly (Magicked Skull, Bloody Robe, Wild Rabbit Tail and Dhalmel Saliva). I turned these in but was told I’d have to wait one day. I didn’t realize I had made the trade after midnight…

Fhox and I chatted a bit while I was running around Qufim raising people and working on the SJ items. He warned me that Lust may have been banned from his first account for GS activities or assisting them. I assured him I had no interest in risking my investment in Aer to do anything stupid.

Sunday I logged in around 10pm expecting to pick that pass up but was told I had to wait a day. Oh yeah, midnight… Chucho asked me to PL his party in the Crawler’s Nest and after thinking about it I decided to go help.

Maybe I shouldn’t have… I got to the Nest via OP warp and while looking for his crew ran into a Doom Scorpion nest. Since I hadn’t bothered cloaking they aggroed. I slept them both and ran out, around the corner to the other tunnel, and into Chucho. I let him know there might be company coming. He thought that would be cool.

On reaching camp I start buffing up and resting and sure enough, one of the scorps walks in. The party engages and eventually put it down. While all this was happening, the other one waltzed in and I slept it since the first wasn’t dead enough. Turns out that this was a really bad move because Repose must pack a lot of hate. I never engaged or did anything else to that scorpion but it wouldn’t let me go. I eventually had to call for help and then we all proceeded to beat it down.

On the next pull (or next to next) their puller returned with a pair of Soldier Crawlers that were beating the party down hard. Chucho posited escaping but I went ahead and slept one while they finished the other and rested.

Once the crawler awoke, it came after me and wouldn’t let go. I suggested having their WHM cure me to voke but all that happened was a two-hit death on Tgunz, their Taru WHM. Crap. CRAP! Eventually it’s clear nothing is going to get this thing off me and at Galiba’s order, I leave, looking for a quiet spot far from camp that won’t pull links.

I re-sleep the crawler, run to the party and raise Tgunz with my last MP. I return to the crawler and try unsuccessfully to rest and formulate an attack strategy. I can’t get a second sleep off (only 39 MP recovered ><) and die. So does Chucho, for some reason. Apparently he got whacked by an Exoray, but got a raise someplace.

During all this confusion, Galiba says “MPK GM {Call Beast}”, implying he’s reporting me for the MPK on Tgunz, even though I didn’t pull the link and died trying to fix things. Nothing seemed to come of it and once we recovered from weakness (and I re-raised Tgunz from a second death during weakness while I was still out of the room) we got rolling. Once Galiba started endraining, the mobs fell pretty fast. I kept their 4 melees hasted and cured and the rhythm built up.

I had originally only planned to stay for about 20 minutes in order to pick up my pass at midnight but out of guilt, stayed to about 12:45. Chucho DCed and then others started leaving. On his return it was clear the rest were done. I offered teles to anyone but had no takers, and so Chucho and I warped out.

I did, however, pick up my pass! I also popped one of the 3 new OP runs that opened after the Conquest Tally.

Now that I have AU access, I need to hurry up and figure out how to make it work. I need to be able to move quickly between Jeuno and the regular locations and AU, its portals and any OPs it has, especially once I start partying on WHM again.

And that new member? Tieryn, a PLD70, BLU40 who originally mistook RDB to be a Mithra-only shell. We chatted for about half an hour and eventually she asked to join. After more group chat I bolted, to begin the subjob item farming. I’ve seen her on but not in our shell so I don’t know if she’s going to stay…