Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hard Work Followed by Awesome Treat


We went to a morning service today, which meant a traditional Mass, dropping Elder's guest off on the way. The "normal service was nice, and I like SH's sanctuary better than SC's. Here's the "but"... I couldn't really understand what the priest was saying. /sigh I did get a giggle when I patted Ape's belly and wished "peace be with you" to Creature ^^

Afterwards, I took my clones, Younger's guest and Sis's duo off so the girls + Mimi could go visit a friend and then househunting. My plans were to stop at Best Buy, McD's, then home to make ready our first shipment to the storage unit. Sis met me at BB with her kids' food and I grabbed mine some dollar menu treats. Back home, I gave Ape most of her much-delayed present from last year - her car cleaned out. Well, aside from needing a vacuum, it is EMPTY!

Then I filled it, twice. On my first trip, I got hopelessly lost (and a little nervous! ~.~) because our unit is an "inside" unit. Imagine a series of random hallways, metal doors, and automatic lights, all in an enclosed structure. Yeah. Anyway, I got myself sorted and unloaded a bunch of stuff and then neatened it up. The second trip was for shelves and some more garage stuff (rather than house stuff) because we're trying to "lighten" the clutter level everywhere.

Returning home, I had to put the seats back in the van and do some more clean-up, then a shower and dinner. Sammies on Hawaiian rolls - とても美味しいですよ!(totemo oishii desu yo!) I flopped into bed with Ape. We caught the opening of the Emmys, then I returned to DramaCon. Oh my! Volume 3 was so sweet! I don't know why I didn't catch it from my reading of #1, but this turned out to be a very romantic and funny series. I do hope there are more!

Now it's lights-out... YouTube's cranking out some nice trance, nightcore and dance music for me. This has been a good weekend for online entertainments. If I had *real* internet, I think I could make do with streamed TV, YT, and Netflix...

Oh, on an XI note, I looked into more of the soloable CoPs and a few quests too. I wonder what Soho's been up to, lol :3

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Soho's So Helpful!

Saturday 8/28

Ape's snoring woke me at 8:30 and I gave up trying to sleep at 8:50 or so. Went into the LR with plans to mess around and maybe party a bit when Soho got ahold of me again. I was actually working on the Brygid quest for my Rapparee Harness when he rang. He wanted to go out to the Sacrarium for my Swift Belt.

* Farmed Fomor Codex, Sealion and Coral Keys
* Did the "Secrets of Worship" CoP, fun with Keremet when we forgot to clear the skeleton guards. 12 of them stormed in and we were toast
* Got Swift Belt on first try
* Total time on - 4.5 hours

Later, Ape and I got the rental unit and will begin packing Sunday. Lunch at Steak & Shake, then grocery shopping then back home. Ape off at 7 for her friend's b-day. Each clone has a friend spending the night. Pizza and junk food ahoy!

Back on XI to solo Beryl Memo map, War Hoop DNC AF and a Velvet Robe hunt

Reading DramaCon vol 2 now

Decided to see if our router's options would allow me to blacklist the kids' net toys leaving us online. See, I have static IPs set up and each member of the household gets a range. Not as good as MAC mapping but until one of the clones really gets into IP security and the like... Anyhoo, it worked. The laptop and iPod lost connection. This way they won't be tempted to stay up late playing online.



Din with C&R - they got their house! - ate at Longhorn, then we went on by ourselves to Scott Pilgrim. I really really liked it. Maybe 15 minutes too long, but the overall vibe was awesomely awesome! I don't think Ape was as amused as I, but she was game enough. Ha! See what I did there?