Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rumbling Hearts, Cont.


No, seriously, I love it! I just finished disc 2, and the story is flat-out heart-wrenching! I can't wait for / dread reaching the end of this one. It's been a looong time since I've experienced storytelling like this. Last Herald Mage comes to mind...

Also, just when I wanted to write off A Little Snow Fairy Sugar (somehow wound up starting this series on season 2...) the last ep on the disc got me. Overall, what I've seen (7 eps) is light, comedic anime candy. But two of the stories were deeper than expected, and the last one, about Saga's mother's piano, was surprisingly tender. I almost (almost) want to get the next disc to see what happens!

Also also, I wonder if "Sugar Baby Love" is available somewhere...

Monday, May 30, 2011


I decided to forgo shopping for the PS2 net adapter and just swiped mine back from the Clones. I fired up TFM and to my surprise, it logged in. I had expected my account to be inactive, but I guess my master account stayed and just the FFXI-related service accounts dropped.

Anyway, I went through the reactivation screens, and just when I thought I was going to get confirmation Aerin was still in there, I got billed! Aaargh! It never asked for payment, and I don't know if the card I last used was even good, but I cancelled immediately and emailed customer support. Still waiting to hear back.

Also, in account news, I called Xbox support about the troll that used my email to register a Live trial. Oddly, their recommendation is the first thing I thought of, and the last thing I expected to hear: Seize the account through a password reset. No prob, Bob!

Also, also: I'm feeling "nulled" again. My emotions are a mess and I really wish I could find a therapist...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Siren Shout-Outs

In checking my blog for TK references, I found *her* blog:

TigerKirara's Journey

I looked for a cheap PS2 net adapter so I could get my TFM running (to later log in to POL for character reactivation), but we ran out of time. It's been over 5 months and I don't know if Aer's still available to "raise" but if so, I may just do it.

Yes yes, I know I keep going back and forth! I never said I was a terribly decisive Mithra!

{Gather Together}

Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for 1987.

If you'll allow me, I'd like to relive the past for a bit. I know I'm going to get a few minor details wrong, but nothing materially significant. And, as is my normal M.O., it'll make sense in a bit.

1987 should have been the third year of my online life, and Aerin would have been about a year or so old. The Eighties were a great time to be into computers, as the BBS scene was thriving. I had already been to a "board party" or two, where one or more sysops would throw a bash for their users. Often, in addition to barbecue, snacks, drinks and the like, there were often some computers and consoles set up.

This party would be different, in that (I hope my memory is not betraying me) tonight's main attraction was the premiere of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Not everyone watched, but many of us crowded around a TV on one room whilst others continued their merriment*.

There is something to be said about large-scale shared experiences: The Kennedy Assassination, Elvis's farewell, a midnight movie premiere or product launch, Oprah's last show and so on. You may personally only be doing something with a handful to a few hundred people. But you know that elsewhere, there are perhaps thousands more going through the same experiences.

These board parties were kind of like that for me, since online was usually one or two people concurrently, versus 50 of us around a pool. Add to it something as geekily important as ST:TNG (go Wil!) and you have a shared experience to remember.

As I've said before, XI is like that for lots of people. But through all of the online fun I've had since the BBS days (PS2/PS3/PC gaming), it's been over 20 years since I've been able to meet up with others sharing my experiences. Well, to be fair, I did meet a few XI players at AWA, but not from my server.

Today, I got to meet LordKaosu, and TigerKirara! A few weeks ago, I found out that LK was planning a Florida trip, and after some juggling, Ape and I were able to meet up with LK and TK for an afternoon of fun and food. And some Pokemon shopping.

I want to thank both of them for putting up with our tardiness. I know you said it was no big deal but my WHM guilt is ever-present ^^ 30-odd late minutes notwithstanding, we had fun walking around a mall, then had a fantastic lunch at a brewhouse. Fantastic, I said! And for us, a mind-blowing dessert. There was chocolate. Fudgie stuff. Dark Chocolate. Some chips. Maybe some more chocolate. Ghirardelli (wow, I got that right the first time ^.~) may have been involved.

All joking aside, we all had a great time talking about all sorts of stuff, very little of it being XI-related. Though I finally learned what TK stands for and recall seeing her from time to time :3 I hope the two of them had as much fun as we did, and Kat did her best to steal the show. TK seemed totally smitten with her, and so I've found someone else who is as weak to a baby's charms as I am!

I wish we'd had more time to actually *do* something (we had thrown up Ocala Grand Prix as a possibility) but we made the absolute most of the time we did have. They're scooting back north tomorrow afternoon, so I'm just thankful they were able to take the time from visiting fam to meet up with a nostalgic Mithra and family!

I suspect we could have chatted on for hours, as there's a lot of fun stuff mixed across us with our jobs, our backgrounds and our likes & dislikes. If we ever get New York planned out right we'll have to try connecting with them on their turf.

Side note - I got a kick when I realized *both* LK and I wore con shirts ^^

* My mom informed me that some of the /other/ merriments included heroin, which led to a police raid sometime after she retrieved me - O.O

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Apple Sauce

We went to my favorite mall for a little fun, lunch with friends and maybe a PS2 net adapter for me.

While at the Apple Store, the clones and I were messing about with some MacBook Pros hooked up to speakers. And the internet. Where Nyan Cat lives. I don't know who started it, but we had three lappys with speakers cranked queued to the original Nyan Cat vid. We counted down and simultaneously clicked "play". We laughed!

I don't know if anyone else did. And I caved about 29 seconds in and paused the vids. But hey, bonding with the Clones - priceless!

Also, as part of searches for Nyan Cat remixes, I found DJEphixa and GoingQuantum. Both seem to focus on dubstep and hardstyle, though DJEphixa's got some nice surprises in his setlist. Some Zelda, Portal and Donkey Kong Country remixes. And a couple of amazing tracks with a singer called Veela. That are so good I'm gonna buy them shortly.

I also ran across another XI remixer: UnrealNero, who had a few mixes up on Newgrounds. Including a Gustaberg remix! I positively *detest* Gistaberg the zone, but Gustaberg the song is among my faves, after Zitah and some of the battle music.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tactile Sensations

I've been listening to book 6 in Laurell K. Hamilton's Merry Gentry series. This of course after doing 7, then 5, so I'm a bit out of sorts. Anyway, this early recommendation from a good friend has turned out to be a delight, and I'm glad to see by way of Facebook updates that Ms. Hamilton is at work on the beginnings of the next volume.

So, as I was listening yesterday, something dawned on me that I don't think had ever dawned before. If you're not familiar with the series, please allow me to set the stage so that my dawning will make sense.

Merry is a princess of Faerie, specifically in the Unseelie Court. For reasons that are made clear earlier in the series, she and a number of guards and support staff choose exile from their faerie sithen to escape the cruelty and/or machinations of Merry's aunt (Unseelie queen), cousin (prince), and the mad king of the Seelie.

She works in Los Angeles, as a detective. Neat, huh?

Anyway, Merry has what amounts to a harem or men (and some women), as part of the goal of her exile is to become pregnant and extend the bloodline. Childbirth among the sidhe has been basically nonexistent for centuries. So there's quite a crowd.

Before one gets the wrong idea, it's important to note that, for most of the sidhe, intimacy and physical contact are as natural as shaking hands or having an intense conversation. They almost universally take pleasure and comfort in gentle contact (soft caresses, hair twirling, resting hands or arms on shoulders or backs, etc.), even whilst conducting business in Faerie or in our world. To the uninitiated, it looks quite orgiastic. And it often goes there.

But many times, the physical contact is used more to "buffer" one another from some emotional or physical stress. And while reading the descriptions of how some of Merry's men would stroke an arm or thigh, bury a face in her hair, and so on (all while she was sorting out some new political intrigue and doing much the same to them as well), the Dawning occurred.

Ape and I do pretty much the exact same thing. If we're within arm's reach of each other, one or both of us is holding or pressing something. Hair and feet most often, with arms and backs thrown in. It can be very pleasing while being platonic, and it is indeed *very* comforting and relaxing and reassuring to have the touch of our beloved so close.

Also, as it happens, I play with her hair often while driving. And *that* drives Ape's sister mental. It's quite funny, really!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Offer I Couldn't Refuse

(I'll try to limit the "don" jokes)

After a full afternoon of yardwork, Elder and I met with the rest of the weekend crew for pizza. On arriving, my nephew (the one who had First Communion with the Clones yesterday) came up to me. A little sheepishly, he asked if I'd be his godfather. While the adults had talked about this for some time, I was a bit surprised, but accepted his honor graciously.

I'll leave the northern family drama for another time, but basically, for reasons that are meaningful only to him, the original godfather has chosen to stop associating with the southern families. His loss!

So that means I'll get to be involved in his Confirmation as well as that for the Clones - neat!

Now, to get my cut of his car wash business... (oops! Sorry!)

Weird Feelings

I'm not sure why, but it seems that I'm more sensitive to others' emotional spikes lately. Meaning, if someone near me is expressing intense emotion, I feel it more strongly than normal. I've always felt others' emotional states but this is different. I can't help but wonder if it's tied to the fact I'm not using my healing gifts much...

Actually, that would make sense, and would also explain why things like the restaurant service Friday night got to me so quickly...


Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Communions

Today was a long day, capping off a longer journey. Today, both Clones (and their cousin) had their sacraments of First Communion! They had to wear white suits (which we rented) and we were all at the church for close to 3 hours, between pre-show, the procession, the regular service (including Communion for all, beginning with the 50 or so kids) and the post-service pictures with our collective 20-odd guests.

This was followed by dinner with just about everyone who came to see them. It was all very nice!

Also, prior to leaving for the afternoon, I saw two more episodes of Rumbling Hearts. I really *really* love this show. I can't wait to find out what Takayumi does about his new predicament...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Service, Anyone?

I try so hard to be understanding and empathic with restaurant waitstaff. I know they have a hard job, and I've known many folks who put in their time in the salt mines.

But, I do have a couple of pet peeves with regard to table service. Foremost, if I have to stop eating because my drink's run out, that is a problem to me. And having to wait to pay, to the point of making smalltalk waiting for the check or our change is tiring.

Furthermore, if I have to get up and track down my server or another staffer, it puts me off a generous tip. And it likely makes them feel uncomfortable or harassed.

Last night, I had to get up *twice* for help and when I went to the restroom, I actually recalled my "Centering Myself" post in an attempt to remain calm... Lame!

Two Tiny Updates

* Power Gig went back without a hitch. I explained that the box was misleading and that it seemed a pointless product if it couldn't be used as a real guitar in the game.

* Netflix has added support for 6 existing Android phones, including the HTC Incredible. But not the Thunderbolt as yet. C'mon guys! Please? Pretty please?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Power Gig: Rise of the SixString

Why didn't someone tell me sooner that I was wasting my time? When this was announced, all the press suggested it was a "real guitar game", and a path to beginning real guitar proficiency. When it hit retail, the box didn't really say much one way or the other, other than the axe itself boldly claiming that real rockers use strings.

So, I watched my usual haunts for signs of clearance-binning and yesterday I finally scored. I got the PS3 guitar bundle for 25 bucks. Took it home, set it up, and realized I'd basically been had.

Yes, the included guitar (plasticky, three-quarter scale but very solid-feeling) is a real electric. It plugs into any standard amp. But to use it with the included game (whose plot made me think of Rock 'n Rule) you basically neuter it into a standard five-button controller.


All that potential and it doesn't even include a tuner? Wow.

To top *that*, it seems the guitar has no MIDI capability and cannot be used as a real guitar with any software or system.

So what the heck was the point of this thing supposed to be? And how could I have been so naive?

It's going back to Best Buy if they'll have it. I guess I'll have to wait for the Rock Band Squier electric to get binned if I want to play guitar like an actual guitarist.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Whiling and Filing

'Member when I said I gave up cosplay planning for Lent this year? I also gave up my nails.

This (these?) may sound like trivial and odd Lent sacrifices. You'd be right, except for the fact that not having my nails done in my usual claw-point style has really been, uhhh..., clawing at me.

Today, I fixed that. Whilst kicking off Rumbling Hearts, I filed my nails. Soooo much better!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

PSN Network... "It Only Doesn't"

I am one of the 100 million. I haven't seen any evidence of funny business on any of my credit cards. And since I have no clue which one I used ages ago to buy Penny Arcade's game (I can't even log in to check!), I don't know where to focus.

Honestly, I'm not overly concerned yet. I'm betting they didn't get full CC details, and spammy card offers get ignored all the time.

What ticks me off is that I haven't been able to play GT5 or GTA online in weeks. Nor to check out the new GT TV content. Also, I kinda miss PSN Home. I didn't use it much but it gave me a chance to hang out virtually.

But all those things are free, and so I'll fume over /here/ for a bit and get on with my life.

Oops - forgot Netflix. That *ISN'T* free and not only can I not watch on my PS3 (Why? Really?) Netflix seems content to ignore Android devices for now. It certainly seems that once they do support Android it'll be on a go-forward basis, tied to some form of TPM chip or somesuch nonsense. All indications are that there will be no streaming love for current devices.

And *THAT* my friends is a real problem for me, as I traded my iPod when I got Mjollnir. So, for like a month now, I've been mostly stream-free. The DVDs I get are nice of course, but my "sit down and focus on subbed anime" time is rather limited these days.

If I'm up and about the house, I like to stream to the big TV, as do (did?) the Clones. When I'm resting before bed and the lights are out and Ape's watching whatever on TV, I liked to stream eps of South Park, Xena, whatever.

And now I can't do either, thanks to boneheadedness.

I'll reserve judgment on Sony pending their wrap-up of their mess and their actual compensation package for members. -Psst- Vouchers for downloaded games are no good, Sony - I have no room on my HDD as it is, with GT5, GTAIV, Fallout 3 and a couple others eating up multiple-gig chunks apiece.

Netflix is easier. I'm cancelling at the end of the month and if I can actually speak to a human I'll tell them why.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Trying to Return to Vana'Diel

Yes kids, I'm that cuckoo for Square's cocoa puffs. If I can get a sense that Aerin is still reviveable I may rejoin Siren. I can't take it anymore. I spend waaay too much time reminiscing and missing the fun. I know it won't be 100% roses and sunshine if I do make it back. But I think I need to do it for my sanity.

For Lent this year, I gave up my cosplay plans (for Lent's duration, not forever). Actually, up to now, I haven't sewn or sketched anything. I had sort of hoped by shutting down that particular dream that it (and Vana) would leave my system. A sort of fantasy detox.

It didn't work... I'm thinking of cosplaying more and more and as I try to remember why I want to slog through the muck that is XI, I'm remembering many touchstone moments with my shells and some random folks. It also doesn't help me forget when I get blog posts out of the blue from other players (Hi Imma!). I *love* these - don't get me wrong. It just means I go back and relive more memories.

Killing one's internal identity is harder than it seems...