Aerinravage's GamerCard

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Testing My Limits

I logged in at about 9:30 hoping to either get LB3 help or ding 15 on Dancer (2k tnl). As luck would have it, Fhox (RDM62) and Puma (WAR69) were on. Fhox said we were going for LB3, just as I’d changed into my Dancer’s armor. Puma couldn’t come because he got an invite but Fhox said we’d just duo it. I was in Jeuno already so I stopped by the AH to grab Reraise 2 and Shell 3. I am now WHM-spell-complete through 61.

I wanted to be done by about 10:30 or 11:00 in order to spend time with Ape and maybe get a good night’s sleep for once. Fhox opted for the Davoi leg and I thought things were going my way when Fhox said he already had the Davoi crest. This meant he’d already done the mini-quest to open the Wall of Banishing. We were thus hopeful it wouldn’t need to be redone.

However, he couldn’t get the wall open and I died when Invis fell with three Orcs nearby. Fhox managed to Escape but died returning to me. I gave RR2 a shot but failed. Upon HPing I found myself still level 60 (yay) but only by 81 xp (boo).

After all that Fhox was set to try again, asking me to meet him in Bastok but it was already 10:40. I begged off explaining I couldn’t restart something that would likely take us past midnight, and apologized for wasting his time. I thanked him profusely but had to go.

I didn’t tell him the complete reason, of course! /wink I climbed into bed just before 11 and was asleep not long after. However, all my plans of a restful night came to naught when the hallway door came open at 3am setting off the house alarm…

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