Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sony Might Need to Go

(I'm not happy)

Some of you may remember my saga of hardware troubles with my PS3, TheAlmighty. I shipped it off a couple weeks ago and got it back the day before Christmas. And my cloned drive didn't work. Turns out it's likely an antipiracy move. Here is the letter I sent Sony's Customer Service. If I get an answer I'll be sure to share:


Earlier this year, my PS3 began having random freezing/glitching issues. I put up with it during a job change and once settled in the new company spent the money for a repair/replacement.

My system was turned around very quickly and all support staff I dealt with were very friendly and helpful.

My issue is what I was told before sending in the system. I was told the drive (60gb) needed to be included and that I needed to back up my data prior to shipping. My system would not stay on long enough to back up the 47 gigs of data I had on it so my only choice was to clone the drive.

On receiving my system I re-imaged the drive only to be told by the system it needed to be formatted. Just to be sure I re-imaged again and got the same error.

Doing some Google searches I learn *AFTER* being told to back up my data that there's only one way to do so, with a functioning system. The tech knew my system was dead but didn't warn me about my cloning plans. Being an I/T professional I'm used to rescuing data from dead hardware through cloning, so I didn't expect any trouble.

Apparently the system blocks drive swaps as part of antipiracy efforts. I don't want to start a flamewar but I'm getting more than a little pissed off that legitimate customers are harmed in an attempt to prevent casual piracy.

If I'm screwed out of my data I'm not going to be happy about it. I've been a PS gamer since 1997 and Gran Turismo. I personally own two PS units, two PS2s (us, jp), a PS3 and a PSP. My sons have a PS and a PSP and we were planning on buying a PSP-3000 for my youngest's birthday. I have over 150 games, mostly PS2 RPG and racing titles. NONE are Greatest Hits titles. The rest of the family owns dozens more titles across all systems.

If this is how Sony wants to treat honest customers, enjoy your ongoing ride into oblivion while I tell everyone I know and recommend electronics to to avoid Sony like the Zune.

I would like to speak to someone and hear in person whether or not I've lost all my pictures, movies and game data. [cell number]

Thank you

[AerinRavage (c'mon, thought I'd give it up that easily?)]

Monday, December 29, 2008

Solid to Gas

(Forward progress but a lot of grinding)

I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up here lately. It's partly because of all the recent holiday fun we've been having. But it's also to do with Wifey getting hooked on Facebook. /sigh I hardly ever see the laptop anymore...

I went on a major bender from Friday night to tonight. 4 parties + some player assists:

Friday was Seven Pounds (really good, really sad) and then a party with Turon in the jungle. There was some concern from Turon about me main-healing on SCH but I assured him it'd be fine, especially with the job mix we had coming. It didn't hurt that we wound up with a PL.

Side note: Are Scholars not thought of as main healers? I've gotten the "Are you gonna be able to hack it?" look a lot... Maybe I'm just too good O.o

Saturday was help-Resion-with-AF in Xarcabard. It was an easy fight but it took awhile to find and activate the NM fight. He apparently had a WHM way back and came back on BLM. Later that night it was SCH time again in the jungle, this time with Algoran. Terry was there ^^

There was also a bit of duoing with Phax's brother Tax in Qufim. Like Phax, Tax is a BST. They had been beasting it up when Phax had to go and asked me to sub. I tried my best but clearly tanking pn PLD was pointless. I just don't know how to work with BSTs. I died twice and wasn't much help. He kept chain-pulling and grabbing new pets often, in contrast to how I solo BST. I never said I was good at it.

Sunday was an I-kind-of-wandered-into-it party. I teleported into Yhoator and on the ride in to Kazham raised someone. Someone who was in the party I joined when Aryianna had to leave. This one worked well and I didn't have PL help. I can definitely main-heal on SCH with one backup and spaced pulls. Not necessarily full rests - there can be chains. Just not Colibri-level chains ^^

This one kind of bit. I was on schedule to finally ding 35 on Scholar and get Sublimation (did you get the title?) but at about 11:45 we had a semi-wipe and a rep-rerep problem. I had already scheduled my rep and on time, Eclipsys arrived. But we had exactly two pulls between 11:45 and 12:40, and we fell apart. I wound up 65 shy of 35.

So, tonight's plan was to SCH/BST my way to a couple of kills and get Sub. I did it in Tahronghi on Pygmies. And lemme tell ya, Sub rocks the house. Hard! It's not Refresh and it only works on me, but suddenly I want to ding 70 on WHM and try it for real.

While I was screwing around in Valkurm Aryianna asked if I had something around 14 I wanted to level. I hadn't planned on a party but I figured COR could use some love. I was with them for about 75 minutes. I did my best with rolls only because I haven't started working on proper COR weapons and cards yet. I asked Aryi if she was OK with my support (COR, not cure, which I did a lot of) - she said she liked it.

When this party ended naturally, I was ONE tnl and soloed it. Not sure if I'll take it much further. I really need to learn what I'm supposed to do in a party.

I really want to spend time in-shell looking for volunteers to help me with club so I can get Maat knocked down soon. I'm really starting to get antsy.

Also, sorry for the tl;dr and happy birthday Vagustae!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Baby - Meow

Ape went off for most of the evening on a sort of playdate. I didn't get home until 7 because I was on a Christmas mission (accomplished, BTW). So I grabbed the rice & chicken Ape left for me, logged in and got to work on the Starlight Festival events.

Last year, I tied desperately to get the Dream +1 gear and all I managed was the Dream Boots +1. That accursed card trading scheme bit hard. I even posted about it, IIRC. This year, things are much easier. There are three paths, all required. One is easy - smash boxes, get a key item. "Trade" key item for a shot at a Dream Robe +1. It took me like 5 trades. The second is also easy but requires tedious running around. Deliver 4 presents in Windurst Waters, get a key item. "Trade" key item for a shot at a Dream Bell (club). 1/1, baby. The third is the card thing, but it seems they took it easy - race and gender only so far. This one I didn't trade, because... Get all three key items AND a Bell, get Bell +1.

Also, Dream Hat +1 happens when you do the kiddie present runs. It's a "fame" thing, boosted by taking presents to kids around Windy. Also, Starlight fireworks. I maxed my kiddie fame because I had two presents from last year and was online long enough to get 3 more, plus 20 fireworks trades. This done, your Moogle gives you a "Special Present", which when used becomes an Air Rider and a Dream Hat +1.

Remind me to take a pic of Aer in her Santa suit. Also find pants that don't cover the boots - I still hate going around pantsless.

Also also, the bell rings when used in combat!

While I was wrapping up my first leg of holiday chores, Raki came on RDB to ask for a PL in Qufim. It was not a great day, PL-wise. I arrived and headed to the lake where they were. He said to meet at the tower, and, not seeing them near the lake tunnel I'd gone down, turned around. Oddly enough, this is about when I noticed the double-light weather, and a player was shouting that he was killing all the Light Elementals. I found one of my own near the tower and engaged, not having ever seen one (I think). I know I never fought one. Took awhile but I got my cluster.

And Raki and 2-3 others DIED. They never made it out of the lake area, and in fact, died on the far side away from the tower. Never did figure out that happened. I got to the raising and hooked Phax up with Raki since Phax was begging for XP.

Once Raki got the party sorted we headed back to the tower and got to work. Naquel pulled and Meloa tanked. There was some commentary from Phax and presumably in their party chat about going with a PL. Phax doesn't like 'em and Raki was standing up for me - not sure against whom though.

I did well until Naquel was returning from a Snipper pull. She'd gotten hit and I was trying to stick a C2, then C3s. Despite not running when I started casting, I got back-to-back interrupts (!) and the third cast didn't stick before she died. Damn damn damn. That is embarrassing. I felt lousy for it and apoligized but I still don't get the whole interrupt while still business. Phax's take, which I liked: Sometimes NINs mess up a hand gesture and mages say the wrong word ^^

Otherwise the party went fine and I only had to rest a few times. Raki asked me to assist Sikk with raises while they rested (I think he was tired of Sikk's shouts) and Phax left early not satisfied with the XP. Odd that he was complaining of none at all and left to solo. They were getting close to max but kills *were* a little long 21 versus snips is rough. Also had to growl at Hedge for pulling while I was resting and nobody else seemed ready. She did it twice - well, she got aggro twice. I don't know if she meant to pull. In any case, Raki gave me the "O.o" and I made nice by hasting Hedge.

As we wrapped up Naquel and Raki exchanged kisses and I wish I'd gotten a screenie. Raki made it look good.

I gave a tele-Mea and returned to Windy to close out the Dream gear - Full +1.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hectic Holiday Happenings

(very tired but glad to see my friends, if even for a moment)

I was going to log in Sunday night after our annual Luminaria Tour ended, but we didn't get home until about 10:30 and, unlike Ape and the boys, I still have to get up in the morning. So I bailed and waited until last night. I logged in at 7:30 and was presented with YAU. After it passed I was in. Quick greets to GD (Archer, Resion, Yalto and by proxy, Aleu). I changed to RDB and found myself busy fast.

Dark was setting up a Kazham party. Phax was on. Fhox was going to be signing in soon. Cleared all my farming scraps for a pittance. Ran a charity tele after dropping the dough on a Nomad Mantle +1 for my fighting jobs. Eventually made my way to the jungle and after a trip to Yhoator and back to Yuhtunga, we fought sahagin in front of the SSG tunnel.

Dark, Isa, Aryianna, Broly and Ravenshadow were my party-mates for this 28-sync. I went on DNC to back Raven (SCH) up on healing duties. The party went very well but it ended after about 70 minutes of actual combat.

Then Dark asked Isa and me to help him farm a Monk test. We spent maybe 30 minutes running around SSG and never saw the target mob (prolly needed silver beastcoins to reach the deep areas) so I was going to head to bed (11:30pm) but then decided to stick it out. Isa wasn't able to join us in Davoi, where the other mob lives.

Thankfully, reaching Davoi is fast and we soon found one of the targets, an Orcish Champion. He died fairly easily but didn't have a test on him. So we eventually made it in to the Monastic Cavern and the very next Champ we took down dropped the test. Appropriate I suppose, given our location. As I was about to Escape us, I realized I hadn't passed yet. Dark threatened violence ^^ I fixed the loot, then escaped, then went to bed.

Oh yeah, ran into my taru stalker Bardiche. Actually, I think he stalks any Mithra with his bi-lingual "u r cute - kawaii" macros. Hmmm...

Fhox did log on but only stayed a moment. Chatted briefly twice with Phax. Discused alternate varieties of mistletoe, and Xboxen.

I need to post about my last trip on because I'll forget soon. Check earlier dates soon, k?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Clubbing Baby Tigers and...Endgame?!

(Almost ready for Maat!)

I logged on late Saturday and Erata was asking for help farming a particular item for one of the new Goddess missions. Since the targets were Gnoles in the land before time, I'd be able to get some club skillups and help a LS mate at the same time. So we set off, and with a third adventurer, Casev, began the slaughter.

We were in the zone for about 2-3 hours and I got close to 10 full skillups, #183. And we met Kakuzu and Yunalie. They joined us after helping another group, where the drop landed 1/1, leaving them with some spare time. At one point, I nearly dropped the ball trying to fix a chat comment when two different mobs engaged. Since we'd had no probs taking them singly I wasn't very worried about our health. The DRK was throwing down 2k WS damage and add 2k for the skillchain that almost always followed. I was even getting in on the action with close to 500 damage Seraph Strikes.

I even unlocked True Strike which someone (Yunalie?) said would stay with me until Hexa. Ummm, am I doing it wrong? I was getting about a third the damage for the same TP on True versus Seraph. Unless someone explains the difference I'm staying with Seraph.

And then Kakuzu invited me to his Dynamis endgame shell. I told him immediately that it was a longshot that I'd be able to make it, and with their runs on Sunday and Wednesday evening, chances looked even slimmer. He insisted I see what happens and so I planned to join them Sunday. I logged off and went to bed, as it was now like 4am.

Sunday morning was normal, and then some shopping. And then Ape reminded me what was happening tonight, and it wasn't a Dyna run. The Survivor finale was also tonight! Aieee! I'd forgotten, having been used to Thursday night Survivor parties. As soon as I got home I logged in to the shell and briefly introduced myself, thanked them for their kind invite, and apologized for not being able to make it. They seemed OK with this news. [Some time later Kakuzu thanked me personally for the heads-up. Told him I had no choice but to honor his kindness and that I hoped I could make good on it soon]

As for Survivor, Sugar got royally hosed, IMNSHO. She completely engineered everything that happened from about 1/4 the way in, all the way to the very final forced tiebreaker between Bob and Matty, which Bob took easily. In jury voting, Bob got all but 3 votes with *Susie* taking the rest. Sugar got zilch. And not only that, Bob also won the 100k Sprint award too! Oh well. Sugar is still hot. Damn, did I say that out loud?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Party Time

Wednesday Fhox put together a skillup group in Onzozo with Isa, Puma and me. I got 4 more levels. It was an odd setup: RDM RDM WHM WHM. But we made short work of the mobs there and eventually got skillups on club, shield, eva and divine.

Thursday was finally Scholar-time. Sprinzer invited me out to the jungle and after not-quite 2 hours I went from 29 to 31 and a small buffer. I didn't have too many problems but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm missing out on job duties. Luckily, Mascrapone, a late add, happened to ask me my opinions on SCH. He's a 75 and we chatted a bit about it. I asked him for a performance review but he said he hadn't been in the party long enough to say ><

I hope late Friday or Saturday I can get in some WAR time and more skillups.

It's Christmas decorating and shopping time, and I have some car stuff to do too, so it may be a lean weekend play-wise.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Solo Time

I spent Monday and some of Tuesday soloing COR most of the way to 15.

Lordsquall blind-PMed and asked what I thought of the job - I do like it but would ove to get some parties. He seemed to think I woudn't get much love until I could add elemental cards and marksmanship to my support abilities... Ugh...

Ran into Dark in Tahrongi Canyon, and chatted with a number of my friends.

At the end of the second night I helped Stoik with his 7-2. It was a 3 skele fight in King Ranperre's Tomb and I wound up dead but the rest won. I enjoyed the fight because it was tougher than I expected.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Vaycay Report

(It was really, really nice!)

Post #200, BTW! w00t!

We left Tuesday night and didn't return until midnight Sunday/Monday. In between:

* Two trips up into the Smokies for sledding and pics

* Several nice meals

* Big party for my sis's 40th and my mom and aunt's birthdays

* "Guy Day" trip to Hot Rod museum and gun range

* 2 game nights

* A couple of post-Black Friday shopping trips

* Afternoon of relaxing in our super-nice condo

On this trip, we had at a max, the following people (a whole alliance!)

Me, Ape and two boys

My sis and her hubby and son

My Mom and Dad

Ape's sis, hubby and two boys

Ape's Mom

Aunt and Uncle

Cousin and his longtime gf (no, I don't know when they're getting hitched!)