(Forward progress but a lot of grinding)
I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up here lately. It's partly because of all the recent holiday fun we've been having. But it's also to do with Wifey getting hooked on Facebook. /sigh I hardly ever see the laptop anymore...
I went on a major bender from Friday night to tonight. 4 parties + some player assists:
Friday was Seven Pounds (really good, really sad) and then a party with Turon in the jungle. There was some concern from Turon about me main-healing on SCH but I assured him it'd be fine, especially with the job mix we had coming. It didn't hurt that we wound up with a PL.
Side note: Are Scholars not thought of as main healers? I've gotten the "Are you gonna be able to hack it?" look a lot... Maybe I'm just too good O.o
Saturday was help-Resion-with-AF in Xarcabard. It was an easy fight but it took awhile to find and activate the NM fight. He apparently had a WHM way back and came back on BLM. Later that night it was SCH time again in the jungle, this time with Algoran. Terry was there ^^
There was also a bit of duoing with Phax's brother Tax in Qufim. Like Phax, Tax is a BST. They had been beasting it up when Phax had to go and asked me to sub. I tried my best but clearly tanking pn PLD was pointless. I just don't know how to work with BSTs. I died twice and wasn't much help. He kept chain-pulling and grabbing new pets often, in contrast to how I solo BST. I never said I was good at it.
Sunday was an I-kind-of-wandered-into-it party. I teleported into Yhoator and on the ride in to Kazham raised someone. Someone who was in the party I joined when Aryianna had to leave. This one worked well and I didn't have PL help. I can definitely main-heal on SCH with one backup and spaced pulls. Not necessarily full rests - there can be chains. Just not Colibri-level chains ^^
This one kind of bit. I was on schedule to finally ding 35 on Scholar and get Sublimation (did you get the title?) but at about 11:45 we had a semi-wipe and a rep-rerep problem. I had already scheduled my rep and on time, Eclipsys arrived. But we had exactly two pulls between 11:45 and 12:40, and we fell apart. I wound up 65 shy of 35.
So, tonight's plan was to SCH/BST my way to a couple of kills and get Sub. I did it in Tahronghi on Pygmies. And lemme tell ya, Sub rocks the house. Hard! It's not Refresh and it only works on me, but suddenly I want to ding 70 on WHM and try it for real.
While I was screwing around in Valkurm Aryianna asked if I had something around 14 I wanted to level. I hadn't planned on a party but I figured COR could use some love. I was with them for about 75 minutes. I did my best with rolls only because I haven't started working on proper COR weapons and cards yet. I asked Aryi if she was OK with my support (COR, not cure, which I did a lot of) - she said she liked it.
When this party ended naturally, I was ONE tnl and soloed it. Not sure if I'll take it much further. I really need to learn what I'm supposed to do in a party.
I really want to spend time in-shell looking for volunteers to help me with club so I can get Maat knocked down soon. I'm really starting to get antsy.
Also, sorry for the tl;dr and happy birthday Vagustae!
1 comment:
hey buuuudy if you spot me online and i am not busy my mnk could really use some H2H skills hes kind of gimped haha so i'll lend you a hand lol and i'm on facebook TOOOO Brian Bettencourt if you wanna find me mwahahahahhahaha
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