Aerinravage's GamerCard

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mission Marathon

While I was finishing my latest book, Ape was off at the pool with the boys. When she got back (just as I finished the Epilogue), we prepped for a group departure.

We rounded up Mimi and then went to our mall. I dropped the girls off at Kohl's and I took all 4 boys to GameStop to see about a used phat PS2. It was time to revive The Fun Machine. While I was being helped, some young girls were making cracks about "he's so hot! - No, the other one". Assuming they were talking about the staffers, I looked at them and they started giggling, embarrassed. The one turned to the other and told her I'd heard. Well, duh, they weren't very quiet about it!

So, I was able to source a re-manned PS2, with a 1-year warranty, for 55 bucks. It actually came with a Sony DS2 as well, rather than some third-party crap. Younger was excited by the Ocean Blue controller and the prospect of playing the dozens of faves from my hard drive. We had some other stops before that happened, but it wasn't long before we were at home and I was setting everything up.

Aside from losing the "trigger" memory card, and accidentally using my XI drive once, setup was easy and it booted to the HD right away. In fact, we got a surprise when I loaded Tony Hawk for PS1 and out popped Tiger Woods 2007 for PS2. Lol. I joked it wasn't the good version as seen on South Park ^^

The rest of the night was light cleaning, then I logged into XI. I had hoped to hit 50 on DNC, but Lees had other plans. Old, Lees and Zelia were attempting ZM6, Through the Quicksand Caves. I jumped at the chance and we left pretty quickly, attempting the tricky Antican NM fight with just the 4 of us. Lees and Old on DD, Zel on BLM and me on WHM.

The fight went well, with Zel taking care of most of the sleeping so we could focus all efforts on the PLD ant. I got some Reposes off and used my favorite enfeeb, Paralyze often, with many sticks. Once the PLD fell, the rest was cake. Old was surprised at not dying with our small band. I didn't say much, knowing that Zel is often WHM but not knowing if she WHMs for their fights when I'm not around.

The gang decided to forge ahead, to the second fight, ZM8. Archduke Kam'lanaut is a tough little bugger, being a Zilart and all. But our merry band did well. Until my stupid net decided at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME to R0. Old was hit into the orance and I fired my C5 twice with no result. Then I saw R0. Then he died. Then it reconnected. Geez.

I apologized for Old's second death at my hand, although this one wasn't like the first when I wasn't paying close enough attention. He shrugged it off graciously though :3

After beating Kam'lanaut, Lees wanted to go to bed but asked the rest of us to get our cutscenes. Which I did over the next hour. I'd like to see this set from start to finish as these are pretty well done and I like the story.

After one last Norg-Ninjutsu scroll run I headed out. I spent the rest of the night ripping more movies to my PSP (Geez but Liam Neeson is a hard man in Taken!) and chatting a bit - Kep was finally back on, enjoying a new(er) PC and LK is working through his situation and upcoming move.

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