(Now that's more like it!)
Last night, while not nearly as long as I would have liked, was still fun and productive. I was on for maybe an hour and I used that time to level Sufhi to 34 and test a theory about RMT gob-farming in the Ruins.
Sufhi and I had no trouble this time because this time I was sane and pulled only three or four skeletons at a time. Banish and Earth Crusher made short work of them and rarely did I have HP issues. And since these guys are in the low 40s I can level Sufhi here to at least 38. It's a fast camp to reach, it's always open and I'm leveraging Aer's natural divine talents at undead deadifying.
As for the Ruins, I wondered if what the RMT's were after in the gob room was crystals or synth mats. I wiped out at least 10 if not more of the little bastards and I got a single drop - crappy holly shoes. Not one crystal and nothing else besides maybe 350 gil. So either I'm doing it wrong or the RMT's have really low standards for what they consider return on their time (well, their bots' or slaves' time).
I logged out just outside my usual Ruins farm and will try to grab tests and gravities when I log in later.
Conversationally, I hung out with both GD and RDB, starting with GD. Yalto did find my guide and apparently tried it out with Taco. I hope it went well! Also, I got some positive feedback on the "walk down memory lane" aspect of my blog. As I said then, that's honestly its main reason for being. I have done a lot both game-wise and people-wise that I don't want to forget. And I do hope at some point someone gets an insight or at least a laugh out of it.
That said, my PL guide is not written in stone. If anyone uses it and thinks it needs tweaking, please feel free to let me know. I'm not a terribly-proud Mithra, and comments, corrections, and constructive criticism is welcome!
I then switched over to RDB where it turns out Fhox is hard at work arranging some high-level brotherhood between shells. Chewy of TidesofFate is working with Fhox to get Brigaders over the last few humps into the 70's. Fhox is there now, Isa's gaining fast, and I'm almost there. Puma already has one 75 and I don't know about Kitty, Star or the others. I think Fhox is continuing his vision of a high-level, helpful shell that isn't an endgame group.
He's also working on his Matt fight strategies. We both discussed Maat as the reason we haven't been leveling our mains lately, and both of us want to skill up various stats before going toe to toe with the old man. I really, really want to make a solid effort as a melee WHM rather than the turtle-cure route.
I was under the impression that RDM has it easier than many as long as the prep and execution are solid. Maybe I need to re-read and see if things have changed over the last several updates.
And speaking of updates, September brings a new feature that is going to be more abused than the Nomads in Selbina: Level Sync. Apparently there will be a way to form a party of any level mix, choose one player as the "level setter" and all those above him will be capped at his level, with the cap moving up automatically when he levels. Everyone gets capped-level-appropriate XP but I have to assume dings will be based on your real level's XP meter, not the capped one.
Work is being done to make it possible to keep your good gear on and have the stats scale down, rather than needing to have separate sets. This, like Tron in KHII, is very likely the most important thing that has ever happened. Not only will finding parties be a different, and hopefully less-frustraing experience, but I can ditch a ton of gear if the "gear adjuster" code works cleanly.
Thanks to Vagu'Stae for the tip, and /welcome to her as she joins the BlogSpot family. Now if only I could figure out why my posts on her blog don't show up!
/blush~! n-n;; I even RSS-Feeded your blog~
Please forgive me, but as soon as I saw your link to me, I immediately thought of the following:
Prepare for blog-to-blog intimacy!
** Known reader total has risen to 4! ** (5 if you count my mom)
I've enjoyed your LJ for some time, mostly because it has a nice mix of FFXI and wackiness - I really do lol at a lot of your stuff. Plus it helps me to focus on the fact that FFXI is just a game and not to be taken too seriously!
And your Photoshop work has inspired me to keep plugging away at it!
People who take FFXI like if it's SRS BIZZNIZZ = /point&lol. And the photoshop comment made me feel all warm n' fuzzy on the inside~
*world blows up!... Wait... Nope.*
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