(About to play "Will it blend?")
Sunday I couldn't log in at all because TheAlmighty either locked up instantly or wouldn't deign to respond to my polite requests to power on.
Yesterday I got in and had to wait for about 2 hours for all-worlds maintenance to finish. To be fair, it was announced in advance, and even though the end time slipped, the revised update was informative and they held to their new ETA.
All I got done was some AH chores and one mob with Sufhi. She died when the linked Gob Reaper actually targeted her over me. I somehow missed the damage in the log and didn't properly voke off her. In Jeuno, I called for her at the rendezvous point and she let me set combat style. My Bond shouldn't be 35 yet - Hmmm.
I asked her to switch to healer. The mobs we're grinding off of are too hard for her to damage and the voking isn't helpful. At least as healer she can keep me alive a little longer and allow me to spend some MP on nukes to finish fights faster.
Ape asked me to run to the store for some stuff after our dinner party disbanded. I left Aer in Jeuno not wanting to risk a shutdown and restart. But when I got back it was locked. Fhox had ben trying to reach me but I don't know what for - I could only see one line of the log. I hope my tells reached him. I'll hopefully be able to get on again tonight and see what's up.
My search for a broken PS3 to part out for TheAlmighty's repair isn't going so well. Two I've been after have gone past 50 bucks, not including the 20+ for shipping. Nothing on CL either. And the local game store that does repairs doesn't do PS3 repairs ><
I guess if I have to I'll buy another system but I really liked the idea of having back-compat done in hardware and not software. I think I'm going to try emailing Sony to see if there's any word on a possible cause and/or remedy, but Google searches haven't been the most helpful. I found cases of others with identical problems but so far no real answers....
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