Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Baby - Meow

Ape went off for most of the evening on a sort of playdate. I didn't get home until 7 because I was on a Christmas mission (accomplished, BTW). So I grabbed the rice & chicken Ape left for me, logged in and got to work on the Starlight Festival events.

Last year, I tied desperately to get the Dream +1 gear and all I managed was the Dream Boots +1. That accursed card trading scheme bit hard. I even posted about it, IIRC. This year, things are much easier. There are three paths, all required. One is easy - smash boxes, get a key item. "Trade" key item for a shot at a Dream Robe +1. It took me like 5 trades. The second is also easy but requires tedious running around. Deliver 4 presents in Windurst Waters, get a key item. "Trade" key item for a shot at a Dream Bell (club). 1/1, baby. The third is the card thing, but it seems they took it easy - race and gender only so far. This one I didn't trade, because... Get all three key items AND a Bell, get Bell +1.

Also, Dream Hat +1 happens when you do the kiddie present runs. It's a "fame" thing, boosted by taking presents to kids around Windy. Also, Starlight fireworks. I maxed my kiddie fame because I had two presents from last year and was online long enough to get 3 more, plus 20 fireworks trades. This done, your Moogle gives you a "Special Present", which when used becomes an Air Rider and a Dream Hat +1.

Remind me to take a pic of Aer in her Santa suit. Also find pants that don't cover the boots - I still hate going around pantsless.

Also also, the bell rings when used in combat!

While I was wrapping up my first leg of holiday chores, Raki came on RDB to ask for a PL in Qufim. It was not a great day, PL-wise. I arrived and headed to the lake where they were. He said to meet at the tower, and, not seeing them near the lake tunnel I'd gone down, turned around. Oddly enough, this is about when I noticed the double-light weather, and a player was shouting that he was killing all the Light Elementals. I found one of my own near the tower and engaged, not having ever seen one (I think). I know I never fought one. Took awhile but I got my cluster.

And Raki and 2-3 others DIED. They never made it out of the lake area, and in fact, died on the far side away from the tower. Never did figure out that happened. I got to the raising and hooked Phax up with Raki since Phax was begging for XP.

Once Raki got the party sorted we headed back to the tower and got to work. Naquel pulled and Meloa tanked. There was some commentary from Phax and presumably in their party chat about going with a PL. Phax doesn't like 'em and Raki was standing up for me - not sure against whom though.

I did well until Naquel was returning from a Snipper pull. She'd gotten hit and I was trying to stick a C2, then C3s. Despite not running when I started casting, I got back-to-back interrupts (!) and the third cast didn't stick before she died. Damn damn damn. That is embarrassing. I felt lousy for it and apoligized but I still don't get the whole interrupt while still business. Phax's take, which I liked: Sometimes NINs mess up a hand gesture and mages say the wrong word ^^

Otherwise the party went fine and I only had to rest a few times. Raki asked me to assist Sikk with raises while they rested (I think he was tired of Sikk's shouts) and Phax left early not satisfied with the XP. Odd that he was complaining of none at all and left to solo. They were getting close to max but kills *were* a little long 21 versus snips is rough. Also had to growl at Hedge for pulling while I was resting and nobody else seemed ready. She did it twice - well, she got aggro twice. I don't know if she meant to pull. In any case, Raki gave me the "O.o" and I made nice by hasting Hedge.

As we wrapped up Naquel and Raki exchanged kisses and I wish I'd gotten a screenie. Raki made it look good.

I gave a tele-Mea and returned to Windy to close out the Dream gear - Full +1.


Anonymous said...

*plays with Aerins ears* mwahahaha

Aerinravage said...

I loled - ty, I needed a laugh today!