(I'm happy)
Hey all! I got a little time in today and wound up doing a few things for the first time:
First mog party with Raki, on his mule Miniraki. I think my "grooming" macro may have surprised him ^^
First Recall run as a tele-whore
First use of Dispel as a WHM/SCH. I have GOT to get this Maat business sorted so I can hit 70 and enjoy the multiple benefits of /SCH: Nearly-capped BLM magic, cheaper faster casts and of course, Sublimation
First Guild Points drop-off (Vagabond Tunica)
And in real life, I heard my dad's present for my mom on their 40th: he wrote her a song. He's played guitar forever and he wrote her an AMAZING love song! I told him that of all the things he's done (and he's done a lot of *interesting* things in his life) this was the coolest. I almost cried it was so romantic.
Today (1/1) is Aerin's second birthday - yay!
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