(The king...has returned)
Fhox logged in.
It's the first time I've had a conversation with him in maybe 3 weeks. He grats-ed me on 70 ^^.
I continued soloing in the tree, working on the Robber Crabs and doing pretty well. Raki was on RDB and wanted to skill up Axe and made his way out to Zi'Tah. I almost left not knowing he was coming but thankfully heard him mentioning it in shell chatter.
As a duo, we were able to take the DC (well, to me - VT to him) crabs and after about 2 hours with him, plus my first solo hour, I made it to 207 club, 181 eva, 103 shield and 180 enf.
Oddly enough, with him pulling hate I was spending far more MP. Even out-Deffing me, 320+ to 309, he seemed to be really taking a beating. Whenever I could steal hate things were better, as my eva was really kicking in and/or Phalanx was reducing damage nicely.
I need to fix my skillup macros to include party support when not soloing. I also learned to ignore Raki's damage until a Cure IV would fill him up - I was able to take hate pretty often that way. Also, when I could land enfeebles the effect was noticeable.
After over two hours together, the two of us nearly got raped twice. Back-to-back "DC" crabs wouldn't miss, hit hard, and resisted everything... I had to Benecide at the last and we finished one off with maybe 25% HP and vapors in MP. The second I remembered I could use Divine Seal and really jack Curaga III. Again, nearly dead and no MP. But I kept both of us upright!
Laughs of the day came when we were resting and I took off all my gear to check my raw magic stats. Raki ashed "wtf are you doing" followed by "clothes now lol". Shortly after, Dark /poked me in tell and I told him, "Not now, I'm naked... In the Tree... With Raki...". His answer, "ROFLMAO!"
Tonight is Bran's 10th birthday, and the Gators' run for the NCAA "foosball" title. See you all Friday!
damn right that was my answer i started cracking up laughing when you said that
I was wondering "What is Aerin doing in the Boyada Tree?"... Now, I know you like to get nake and run around the gobs... so from now on you will be named "Dance with Gobs".
If the king has returned... Do I have to called you Aerin the White and not longer Aerin the Amateur?... =)
Only one prob Fhox: No gobs up there ^^ Hmmm..."Aerin the White" does have a nice ring to it but I'd be a sad Mithra if I ever stopped being *your* WHM Amateur.
Plus, even as a seasoned WHM/SCH I still find dumb ways to kill my teammates /sigh
Well... actually The Boyada Tree is part of the Li'Telor Region and if I am not wrong you can find a lot of gobs (those you can dance with) in The Sanctuary of Zi'tah.
Now... thinking of having fun we can try a skill up party there. I have a dream!... so please turn off the light. =)
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