(Change of plans)
How did I get from Wednesday to Sunday? Ummm...
* Wed ?
* Thurs - off
* Fri - after Watchmen (fan-freakin'-tastic - and I never read the original) messed around some but I don't think I accomplished much
* Sat - Shell party in the Dunes with GD - went WAR13 but couldn't stay as long as I'd liked to. Came back and did a little camping and chatting. Got back on after SNL but no invites.
* Sun - Oh boy...
I logged in at about 1:30 with plans to be on for about 3 hours, then off to chore-time and dinner at my folks' for AR. I flagged back up on SCH after the failure of last night. And got an invite to rep someone in East Ronfaure [S], of all places. Seems easy, right? Well, it should have been.
Switch to WHM, Recall-Jugner, warp to Windy-in-the-Past, change back to SCH, "OP" warp to Ronfaure, and party hardy.
The first sign things would go badly for me was not having Ronfaure unlocked. It's the one zone of the 12 I never went to. OK, I can OP to Jugner and ride over. But I wasn't sure which way to go to reach Ronfaure and crossed those damnable Orc barriers and spent thirty minutes trying to figure out how to get back. Both my intended leader and the GD members were trying but they couldn't get me all the way in. To make matters worse my laptop The Immortal decided to lock me out and the old PC was not set up.
I let my leader (I'm so sorry I forgot your name - maybe I can find you through the others in the party!) know and she said I was going to be repped. I understood. I soon died too, once my bird bailed on me, right next to a decrepit gnole.
I HPed, changed to WHM/SCH and found my way back to Jugner. This time, I got the PC up, foud the path to Ronfaure and unlocked the final OP warp. I also found the group I was supposed to be in and apologized profusely to all of them. As someone warped out and all I saw were three. Turns out they were waiting on the RDM and some others were wandering.
So I got to PL after all. I'm going to try to find the leader, K-something (BLM), but the others, as I recall, were Reaunond (PLD), Scoppie (DD), Vane (RDM), Marlborokid (COR) and Avah? (DD).
I hope I did enough to make up for my screwup with the map. If nothing else, they chin-pulled the Colibri here (make note to return with shell) and I never had to rest once. I did have to take a break to unload groceries however.
At the end, the husband and wife duo said many thanks (as did the others individually) and she even said I was very nice. I blushed.
All told, I felt pretty OK with the outcome. And I now have my final past-OP warp and a great campsite for mid-30s jobs.
See you Tuesday!
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