Tuesday - FoV for DNC to 35, PLed Raki a bit in Qufim, chatted with Phax (he's been busy with work) and Kush
Wed - GD day - quick run to Castle Zvahl for Damu's AF (Dark Spark fight). Ran into Puma who joined us, then 5 of us partied in Qufim on two Field Manual pages. Got WAR halfway to 35.
For once I was actually satisfied about my performance on this job. During a crab battle, we got a little helping of Wight aggro. I popped my 2-hour and with everyone's help we made it. Later, while killing the worm needed for the second Valor run, a banshee decided to kill us. Puma died barely 15 feet from the party. As the banshee worked over the rest of us, Derf tried to sic the Omega Hare on it. I used Smash Axe and actually got a stun to stick. We ran like hell and on the way to the tower, picked up TWO wights (one I aggroed off Derf) a Weapon and...
Well, let's just say I did kinda screw up by running close to a Giant Trapper. Who killed me in two hits. I think LS was still up so, understandable. However, the other three escaped and Puma and I used our FoV reraises.
Giants aside, I feel like I actually played WAR like a true warrior, using the job's abilities as they were intended for hate control and tanking. I did a good job of pulling hate or taking damage when needed to give my mates a fighting chance. I still don't like this job (PLD all the way) but I'll get it to 37 knowing I got the hang of it.
In major good news, Fhox and I chatted a bit! And Yalto's back (but on a schedule)! Aleu's working on it. Fhox has been having some job stress (thank you economy) and Yalto and Aleu seem to have had some job and living quarters dilemmas to deal with. And a dead laptop. But it looks like they're making a recovery.
I don't know if Fhox is in a position to come back regularly but I hope so. And Y&A know how much I've missed them.
In other good news, I was able to get a laptop power adapter for my other laptop. So now Ape can use it and I can use TheImmortal and we won't fight over the computer. And maybe I can avoid further work internet filter warnings on Facebook tabs left open ^^
1 comment:
Btw, about Cafepress, should I send an e-mail to SE to see if I could sell shirts with the FFXI models on them? Or does Cafepress have all of that covered? (You can reply in my tagboard, if you'd like~)
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