(Aleu!! Yalto keeps lol-ing at me!)
I logged in after some GTAIV freeplay. The Clones enjoy watching the random chaos of freeplay. Some people just want to explore. Some race. Some FPS. Some grief. It's nutty random fun and without real chat, it can be just as fun trying to figure people's motivations out.
Anyway, I picked up in SSG where I left off. After like 20 busts with the Spring Sahagins Friday, today I think I went 2/3 for Cura drops. I looked up Esuna and decided it wasn't worth it. I can sell the extra Auspice and Cura, buy Esuna and have change left over, which I did.
Now, I can try flagging up on WHM in the 60s and not feel underequipped. In fact, Kushiel got on and we chatted briefly while I was in Jeuno selling and buying. He's only up to 55, so that's not gonna work. He does have a 17 and so do I...
I also got hit up by Stoik for a Tele-Holla and after finding out why, I tagged along. He was helping Djlevation with a WAR test in Davoi. We killed quite a few Orc Dreadnaughts. And we were joined by Snowman and Truirony's party. Snow needed an Orc Warchief and a Bugaboo killed. The warchief was easy-peasy but the Bugaboo really tested my skills. Much red HP and I wound up tanking after DS'ed Curaga III and Benediction. But NOBODY died (beside the Bugaboo). The clones watched with concern and at one point I explained that it was all OK because I'm a very good WHM ^^
OK, maybe I'm not very good. But I'm trying, and stuff like this is great for learning better strategies for dealing with tough battle situations.
Upon returning from Ape's work thing (casino-themed fundraiser and silent auction to support the school) I flagged up. No takers. I went ahead and unlocked Ranger to see if it helps with VE. I haven't had time to try yet but it beats my lousy BST17 in Widescan ability.
I also tried skilling on worms in Kuftal but I never actually got to a worm camp. Even at 70 crabs and haunts still aggro. I held my own and got a couple SUs but it was harder than it was worth.
Although I was a bit disappointed I didn't get an invite, I realize nobody parties at 68+, my seacom's target. I may have to do like Yalto and get my needed skillups in Besieged and possibly Campaign.
Speaking of Yalto, I'm not sure he thinks I'm serious about getting married in game. Yes, I *am* going to marry Jesup (Ape's char) as soon as I can. Jesup should be the required level 20 this week and I need to find a petitioner to take the last of my gil to the Powers That Be.
I may not actually need all of my gil - I wanted the church wedding (80k) but Ape seems to want an outdoor wedding, Windy-style. So that might save me some. Still gonna have to drop 50k on the dress.
Yes, I *am* buying the Wedding Dress set. No, I am not into dresses IRL. I may be a little into crossplay as it suits Aer if I ever pull that off. I'm not sure why I'm mentioning this, except it seems to bring lols from those I tell. Oh well ^^
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