(But nobody died!)
I seem to have lost my partner in crime. So I had to try running both Aerin and Jesup, in the same way I've seen others do it.
Firstly, I pretty much nearly forgot how to PL. Aerin, the great healing touch, couldn't reliably hit a needy player with a cure for nearly 5 minutes. But good habits die hard - I recovered and the party Jesup got invited to did well. It didn't hurt someone else brought a PL of their own lol
I tried to keep Jesup engaged and everyone else healed. The other PL did some curing and enhancing while I escorted pulls and tried to stick as many Solace-boosted cures as possible.
Jesup got two full levels and I don't think anyone was complaining about his occasional laziness.
Frezza said Hi and I missed a lot of shell chat because I had the only USB keyboard we have in TFM for Jesup.
Only 5.5 levels until I can get someone to put in for our wedding!!! And if Fhox doesn't get it together I'll have to find another chaperone. He still hasn't picked up the 4 yag necklaces I sent him ages ago...
Oh, almost forgot, on Jesup's maiden voyage to Selbina, a Sea Horror popped. Guess I can't solo those ^^ I held out for nearly 8 minutes on cures, subs, Benediction and hope. I died maybe one minute before docking >< Got a raise at the dock fortunately because Sunday's death farming plus this one deleveled me!
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