(Peer-to-peer or 360-degree?)
Had a nice sit-down with K. I mean it – we actually sat down! He was on his WHM31 looking for a party when I bumped into him in Jeuno. I was cycling my d-box (floating 8 items in it ‘cos my MH is full) and dumping farming loot.
Much of our convo was on his dislike of WHM (boring) and our comparisons of other jobs. He clearly is a Mithra of action, preferring high-activity or high-damage jobs. Now see, this is where we had diverging opinions. He was all for RDM at 41+ because of Refresh being added to RDM’s already busy schedule. I agreed but mentioned WHM at those levels is starting to get stretched too. That’s when he mentioned parties with 3 full mages.
Confused, I tried to ask him what the roster looks like but never got an answer. I can only assume RDM, WHM and BLM or SMN. Whaa? Sure, running like that the WHM is going to be bored silly. Outside of the Dunes or Qufim, I can’t remember being WHM with that much support. Sometimes I pair with a RDM but not often.
I mentioned that at 50+ things get even more serious since now you’re in the AU areas. If your WHM isn’t curing, status-mending, and occasionally hasting – in between the occasional enfeeb if no RDM, then your party just isn’t trying. Remember Davvve’s imp party in Caedarva? Sure, I screwed up some at the start (missing silenas, not bar-spelling enough, etc.) , but I also had plenty to do. I barely got rest time but thanks to Sanction/Noble’s refreshes, Light Arts and Sub I didn’t need much rest.
He also pegged Dancer as boring. Hmmm? 45+ it seems Dancers never stop dancing. He's looking forward to building out a Haste Ninja - sounds exciting!
But you know what, that’s what’s so great about having 20 jobs. If you personally don’t like one, do another. There’s plenty of fun for everyone. And I hope he knows I didn’t take any of his WHM comments personally. Nobody can diminish my love of the job. (And I hope he didn’t take offense to my SMN putdown)
Leveling lowbie jobs is a pain, but at least I make a little money off all the crap I get. And I’m not too far away from my next big gear purchase – Blessed Pants. Grats to Aleu on her Disco Pants but boy do I hate mine!
Also, when I was able to tear myself away from home life interruptions, I got BLU to within a kill or two of 9. And I learned my first spell – Pollen! ^^ Now maybe I can really accelerate the leveling with less downtime.
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