Last-gasp leveling prior to our cruise. Got RNG and DRK to 10, finishing off a major goal. Next is 16. I know I said 13 but it looks like my assortment of lowbies may not be able to share linen and scale.
5/22 to 5/25 AM
On a boat headed to Nassau in the Bahamas! It rained every day for a week straight prior to setting sail. It rained every day on the ship. But I love rain and it didn’t bother me. Minor highlights:
• Saw a Nissan R34 Skyline in Nassau
• Played blackjack at the Atlantis Casino and walked away 30 bucks ahead!
• Saw some good shows onboard
• The fam ate lots of good food: Chicken Marsala, steaks, seafood. But somehow, a simple grilled cheese is beyond the skill of the four-star culinarians in the back. Seriously. Two pieces of toasted, UNBUTTERED bread and a non-melted slice of cheese… Orly?
• Despite some minor motion sickness, we all survived
• Learned just how compatible Ape and I am – can’t tell the story now. One day, maybe…
5/25 PM
Mega-skillup party with Raki. I logged in and immediately got a request from him for a SU party. I still had some Anni band charge left and told him I’d need to finish it off. He had others coming and I wasn’t sure at the time if my heart was in it.
After trying futilely to solo on RDM, I changed gear and OPed to Zitah. Raki, Cyre and Kerikris were waiting. We made our way upstairs to the waterfall camp. We were at it for over two hours. Midway through, Kaylie joined us.
In that time, I CAPPED enfeeb and added like 14 to Divine. Club made it to 230, 3 shy.
Also, I did the poorest job of rescuing Cyre and Raki during an unfortunate agro situation. Cyre was resting, and eventually, a snipper spawned. It aggroed his resting and I immediately reposed it. I also flashed it. Then I made my way towards the Cloister zoneline for when it came for me. Keri was rescuing Kaylie and unavailable to help.
When the crab awoke it resumed beating on Cyre and after killing him, went for Raki. How Raki had any hate (he stood there the whole time AFK) is beyond me. And how repose and flash weren’t able to outpull rest hate lowered by hits is also beyond my ken.
So while this was happening, I ran back and flashed again, trying to save them. Somehow, I mis-targeted >< I wound up getting a fly on my tail. I zoned it but died when the crab came for me. I reraised and got killed again trying to re-zone it.
The worst part was Keri and Kaylie were under attack and getting low on HP. Raki eventually came back (dead) but thanks to a kind samaritan passing by from the Cloister, the three of us got raises. Raki and I made our way to the girls but by then Keri had taken care of business. Did I mention she’s 75 and has what looks like relic gear? She can use Black Halo too.
Once the lols were done with we resumed our practice. Things went well for everyone I think. There was a little awkwardness having two WHMs. Keri graciously offered to handle healing duties while I skilled, but I can’t sit idle while someone goes low. Ultimately I think we worked it out – I stuck with Cure IIIs between SU casts and when I was late on healing she’d drop C4s. After her fine example, I’m desperate to break 70 – Devotion, Hexa/Halo/Holy skillchains… Man WHM is still awesome!
Oh, that reminds me – I gave myself a new nickname: Pretty Hate Machine. All of us were stealing hate pretty regularly. Made for quite the exciting time!
RDM party, originally meant to be me PLing Raki’s existing party in Qufim. They broke up and he, the Ninja and I formed a trio and soon had a full group. With Anni assist I streaked to RDM37 quickly. We wound up with two PLs, so things kept moving. I was repped by Ben!
Also, Yalto thinks he may have wedding news but still can’t get into his inbox ^^
Mostly shopping and trying to start a WHM haste-build for Maat. With Divine so close to capping I’m thinking about giving it a shot. But much of the WHM haste/tank stuff is higher than 70, so I pretty much only have Blessed gear. I think I’ll grab the legs and hands and macro them in.
Also, sense returned to my fuzzy brain – I need to level shield some more since it’s at a lowly 57%. WHM/RDM and a warp scroll should do it. I may also get 3 more in staff at this time so I get the next staff weaponskill.
Also, somewhere in the last few nights I think I did a short Besieged, the 1,999th win for Siren.
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