(General mood of the weekend - some ups-n-downs, of course)
Friday was pretty quiet. We went to eat then rented "Nim's Island". When this was in theatres I was pleased we passed on it. It looked too typical of "kid friendly family fare" often cranked out these days. Turned out to be pretty decent. Rent-worthy for sure.
Spent a little time in Vana'diel and noticed Deej was once again in Promy. I joked about it and he said it was his new shell's doing. He suggested I talk to Surgical but I wasn't ready. Despite not having stopped in TV in several days...
Saturday was super busy, but a lot of fun. For starters, we had two birthdays to attend. One was for the son of our good friends from the east-side. The little one just turned one and mom threw a big Halloween-themed bash. Mom also cooks and is super crafty. You should see the handmade cards she makes! And the hors d'oevures (if I got that right on the first try...) were very creative, and tasty!
From there it was off to my nephew's birthday slash Florida/Georgia party. That went very well too. I was doing my best to eat and snack lightly at both of these in anticipation of all the candy we were about to get. As sundown approached, we got the kids ready. I broke off and sat outside on the porch, soaking in the ambiance. The moon was high and full and super bright. There were orange lights around the porch, and a large inflatable and some smaller decorations around. The weather was agreeable and I got to enjoy about three minutes of atmosphere and happy before the rest of the gang poured out the door.
Thus shaken from my moment, we all went Halloweening. We saw some good costumes and house setups, but sadly there were a lot of non-participants too. And there were many more "average" costumes than cool ones. Man I really wish I had my cosplay gear already! As soon as I get Altana Viewer running somewhere I'm going to ask our good friend's mom about a commission. Her clothcraft is supposedly really up there - like 80+?
It was during a quiet part of the walk Ape told me something that made my heart ache - she had thought she was pregnant but the tests she just did said otherwise. We aren't specifically trying for more but we both love kids and certainly wouldn't turn one down! She was a little sad over it, saying she wanted to surprise me. I feel for her because it took us months and medical intervention for Clone the Elder to pop. So to speak.
Anyway, by the time we wrapped up the door-to-door and stopped at a relative's house (great creepy snacks!) it was very late getting home. I think I came on close to 11 and there was Deej, off again (!) on a promy. This time, he basically arranged it so I'd meet the leader. And so, I joined The Rogues of Siren.
Funny thing - I've partied with most of these people, and funnier still, Lucylulu (search for the post please) was here. As were her parents, Demire and Naax. Now that is awesome! I've met many couples, dating and married. But I think the three of them are the first time I've met two generations. Goldenkid, Surgical, Tracent (of the recent lame party) and others were here, and familiar to me.
I was invited along on a promy marathon, although I didn't realize we'd be at it for four+ hours. I was supplied with animas and some other goodies and I felt bad when I wasn't allowed to pay. But I tried my best to make it up by doing the best I could, on DNC/NIN. Mea and Dem were cake, actually. Only Holla, evil Holla would prove too much.
Sometime during a private chat with Deej on the shell roster, he gave me a splendid compliment. He said he really liked Naax and Demire as parental types, but that I was his favorite "adult". Not sure why the quotes but I blushed. And said I hoped I never disappointed him in that regard. Later still, he offered some unused antidotes to me prior to logging out. I offered to pay but all he asked for was a hug. Awww~!
Sun - Housework... Lots of housework... Then we had to go shopping for science project stuff and other assorted junk. At Town Center, I broke off a line with the Staples cashier I'll prolly never get to use should I live to 100: On hearing that she's studying nuclear physics (came up because we were talking about science projects) a "brilliant" line popped into my head and I took the shot:
"Sooo... Hoping to find the Higgs boson?" She responded enthusiastically affirmatively and I added that it's be neat if she could go to CERN. Apparently one of her sponsors is involved in the project. Thank you Alpine Kat!
Logged in just in time to join Surgical, Autumn, Oldgrey and Tracent in Besieged, then escorted Redgaer from Holla to Xarcabard. Unable to help Bee and Trailmix (from Rogues and also a longtime friend of Bee's!) in Citadel with gate breach. They got it tho'! This all happened during the Sunday Shows:
Amazing Race was quick, but two teams (Team Zebra and Poker Pals) got hopelessly stuck and it was tough waiting to see who would finally make it. Team Zebra prevailed, with the poker chicks having to be stopped by Phil because everybody else was done and I'm sure the crew was ready to go eat.
Desperate Housewives was really good - asked in shell if anyone else watched, no admissions. It's getting appropriately soapy. And hey - cat fight!
Brothers and Sisters was not bad. Sweet surrogacy thread with Scotty and Kevin. Kitty's cancer thing is getting sadder (my mom had cancer) and the Tommy's back angle was not to my liking. But I did like how Nora and Tommy came to an understanding at the end.