I woke up in Yhoator Jungle, where I'd exited after running a tele-passenger here. Nobody but Deej was on, so I popped back into TV. Friendly chatter, especially with Gaika.
While getting into the TV groove, I chatted briefly with Deej, who was partying in Qufim on SAM. I also made my way back to Windy, with a detour in the Ruins for some farming. I need the money for NIN, to get it to 37. And if I can't get the NM for Utsusemi: Ni I'll have to buy that too. Winjas need their shadows!
Eventually, I had a set of test answers, two Gravs and a dagger. On my way back to the city, I passed a BLM02 and buffed a bit. Then I bowed out asking him to {please} {Take care.} I caught the boat to Jeuno by maybe 30 seconds and took a quick break to rub Ape's feet. On returning, I saw a dyna run forming and stood amongst them, my blue pearl in stark contrast to the sea of red. I /smiled for fun then ran off.
After putting my junk up for sale I took the Wildcat warp to Whitegate but there wasn't a lot happening for a WHM75 to get excited about. I knew I wasn't going to party but I was hoping for Besieged or a Nyzul. Heck, I'd have pitched in on a mission. Actually, seeing the non-life in AU I offered my services to TV but nobody took me up on it. So, I grabbed a last-minute fare then made my way to Qufim to PL Deej.
Who took off as soon as I got there! O.o Actually, he was just job-changing, having gotten at least two levels on SAM. They must've been syncing on him because when he came back the fights suddenly got much harder.
In any case, Kuse was self-PLing and it took me a bit to find a rhythm that didn't waste either of our XP. Things went well and there were more dings. No deaths either, and I got to rescue someone when two wights decided to tag-team him. It took some doing with all the running around but I stuck a diaga on them then beat them to crumbly bits.
At 10:45 I bowed out with much appreciation from Deej and others. And of course, Fhox had just logged on 10 minutes prior...
So he and I played catch-up for 20 minutes or so. Poor guy seems to have forgotten where we left off. All of a sudden, I'm glad I have the blog because I could refer to it and replay the last two months of our time together if he needed ^^
In any case, I told him I was saddled with a new, earlier schedule but we might be able to work it out. I'm torn though - I just got going with TV, and if Kushi and Kep ever come back, I want to stay with Milk too. I've never run more than two shells at once and I don't plan to now unless there's a compelling reason...
OK, going back a bit... There's this guy I work with. He's on another team but he helps my group out a lot. He's a freakin' genius and I'm trying to copy his brain. He's got this great sarcastic, passive-aggressive, full-on New Yorker thing going. As you all may know, I love characters.
So anyway, personally-wise I don't expect there to be much in common between us other than the geekery things. Well, while working on my machine, he grabs my earphones and listens in. As it happens, Evanescence is on. Whom he claims to love. I thought he was joshing me but nope - he loves them like I do. He also likes Metallica, Rush and a couple others that I can't recall, but good taste.
It was during our "Why there won't be more albums from Ev" argument that I realized with a start that my three fave songs on "The Open Door" were all written solely by Amy. Lithium, Like You and Good Enough.
We even debated the point at which Metallica went off the tracks and when they really "clicked". I voted for Master of Puppets to start and Black to end. He went newer, to "Justice" but agreed with Black. He even saw 8 shows of the multi-year Black tour!
Turns out we're also the same age... Weirrrd.
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