(See how long it takes you to get it...)
I took Tuesday off because I was feeling icky. I managed to give myself whiplash driving home when I had to make a panic stop from 80. I wish I had a G-meter in the car just then 'cos little Shiroma stopped VERY hard. My head didn't - *OW*
Also, Ape and I did the Outback Twofer Tuesday thing again then went dancing immediatelty afterwards. Not smart...
Wednesday I jumped on at about 9:30 and nobody was on from my friendlist nor GD or Milk. So, I went home, fished the TotusValidus pearl out of storage and put the GD sack away in its place. Taking a deep breath, I hopped in and introduced myself to about 7 others who were present. Isa and Raven (whom I recognized from earlier conversations) were chatting and TheTick was there but silent.
"Hellos" flowed all around and I tried to introduce myself as modestly as I could: "{White Mage} {Amateur} at your service!" Raven and Isa were getting ready to wrap up Bastok's final mission and I joked that I was ready for Windy 6-2. Oh yeah, AGAIN I'm like the only Windurstian. What on earth do these people have against Windies?
While chatting, I made my way to Jeuno to try once again pawning my remaining Brass gear. Deej was on by now and he and I chatted some. He was planning a big armor purchase in anticipation of a soon-to-ding level. I explained why I wasn't in Milk at the time.
Also, he and I talked about FF14. I registered today on Squenix's site and may try for a beta slot. Yeah, I'll get one of those. Sure...
Anyway, I mentioned I hadn't been sure of leaving FF11 for 14 but lately I wonder if maybe I should prepare myself for the journey. I'm tired of causing others pain and not being able to fix it. Maybe Aer needs a fresh start.
Deej said he hoped he'd see me there as he was definitely going - ^^ Aw, that made me feel better!
By now I was in Whitegate and I saw Draskol shouting for Nyzul 11+ members. I asked if he needed a WHM and I got an invite. We were still missing the sixth so I had a little time to kill. Which i got to spend chatting briefly with Fhox. I'm afraid just as he and I got into it the run started and I wasn't able to focus on him.
Our first run was hard but I think we won. In any case, I got a ton of tokens. Chinzu DCed near the end but came back in time for a second go. Starting on 16, we were trying for a boss fight and a shot at the G-A-D armor. This run was tougher but at least this time I was a little sharper on buffs and -na spelling.
Near the final floor Chinzu DCed again, leaving us one short to face an Adamantoise, something I've never seen before. Not long into the fight I was wishing I hadn't burned Benediction - I really needed it... {I'm sorry.}
I also got wasted by the turtle's earth breath attack. I reraised and went back to work but the rest of the crew began dying. We ran out of time with maybe 5% left on the turtle. I tried casting Holy and got the animation just as we were ejected, but I never saw the damage report.
By now it was just about midnight (!) and I ran to bed. Where Ape's snoring roused me twice... -.- /yawn
P.S. I just noticed this was post #366! I talk too much, don't I?
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