I'm on a new book now, but I'm gonna build this one up a bit because, from what I've read so far, it deserves it. And, I have Kushiel to thank for this one. Yet another gift from her, although this one she doesn't know she's given. So unfair too, because this one ranks up there with the amazing scenery surprises for sheer beauty.
If you haven't guessed yet, I'm on book one of the "Kushiel's Legacy" series. About a fifth of the way in to a 900-page page-turner. And in my memory, I'm having a hard time remembering experiencing such sensuous, sumptious, *beautiful* prose. The way Carey describes things and events feels like melting sugar over my mind's eye. It often feels like poetry, and it makes me yearn to improve as a writer and a lover.
Dread was bored and Derf was soloing avatars. I offered my services to the person who cooked up the most interesting thing to do, but nobody took me up on it. I soon hooked up with Deej, PLing Catabolic's party in Yuhtunga. I stayed for about 45 minutes then went to bed. Poor Deej - after I left, they kept pulling gobs and wiped!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Getting It Right
(And then there are days like today!)
I was up early Saturday and had to get out of the house after writing my letter to SIL about her issues. I cruised around town and even tried to find the part for our mower, but, no dice. Did you know a lot of stores open late on Sunday? Me either, but they do. Guess I should try waking up at 7 instead of going to bed then!
In any case, after a little Shiroma-time, the lot of us headed to meet our friends at the mall. We shopped and ate and had a really nice time. I also saw the second-coolest t-shirt ever at Hot Topic. Classic Soundwave spinning tracks while Ravage gets the next record ready. Laserbeak is behind them plugging something in to the turntable. If they'd had my size I'd be wearing it but they didn't. Plus they had a 2-for-1 and Ape vetoed my other choice, the Hello Kitty emote version.
Long intro short, I didn't log in until 7:30. Beseiged was about to start so I took care of some chores and made ready. And this one was much better than many recent ones. Good length, good challenge and good SUs! Afterwards I flagged up on WHM. I wanted to see if I could get a merit or two before bed.
While waiting, I tried GD and Milk. Not too much chatter tonight, although poor Deej is still having a hard time leveling DNC. He asked if I had any Fire crystals and I switched to Jesup and sent what I had. I really need to find a chaperone - I saw a Mithra in full Wedding attire plus the ring hanging around WG. Yup, still want that outfit...
Back on Aer, I soon got an invite from Yayna (not Yanya? Are there two?) specifically requesting a meripo. Hot damn! It took a bit to fill the party as I was 3/6, then the trek to the other side of Bhaflau via Undersea. I need to get that route marked on my map ASAP! The good news was the targets tonight were colibri, not the undead things I faced last time.
Once there, we ran a full 50 chain and most of another with zero downtime. Dizeve, our bard, handled pulls and refreshed me. I also made use of Sublimation whenever she was unable to keep the buffs on me (which wasn't often ^^) and I didn't have to call MP one single time. In fact, we'd have had no downtime at all I think had it not been for a flock of colibri killing all of us except Yayna. I never did find out what aggravated them all but someone apologized for it, leading me to think an AoE skill or enfeeb went wrong.
In any case, Yayna was great about my time limit and we wound up breaking up just after midnight, not quite two hours after the action began. I wound up with about 22,000 LP (3 total merits) and over 4k XP, getting my buffer over 25%.
Jonte was very complimentary as well, making special note of my use of Regen. Well, to be fair, Regen works great when damage isn't spikey or huge. The birds smacked everyone, but most hits were well under C3 damage, so a Regen had time to work. Not to say I didn't use cures - there was a good amount of red HP on links or resists. And Aujir got to be my first Martyr!
Also, post-wipe I offered my apologies. I used Bene when things got bad thinking I could get heat off Diz, thus allowing her to start sleeping the birds. But, despite a lot of recovered HP, I only managed to pull one of four birds... Jonte told me to relax and I said I wasn't stressed but that it was just part of my job. At about the same time as he said the same thing - /psych
Aujir said he'd never level WHM and went so far as to say "f whm". I missed it the first time by but when I saw it later I said "Bad Aujir! No cure for you!" then lol-ed and /laughed. I said I knew WHM wasn't to everyone's tastes.
On ending, I gave rides to Mea and Holla, then repatriated to go spend my points. I was going to plunk down for Protectra V, but then I realized Cure Time would be a better use, making me a better WHM. Still, I am gonna get P5!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Slow night
Besieged, then attempt to party in Deej's party when tank left and he rearranged jobs to accommodate me on WHM. As I arrived they split up and I logged out with Deej trying to make something of the rest of the evening.
Friday, August 28, 2009
This is kinda turning into a theme, I'm afraid ^^
August will probably go down as the most interesting one for me in terms of personal relationships. It's also been a very emotional one and I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for those of you who've been putting up with this manic, mopey Mithra.
Friday Night was a little GD chat and a duo session with Deej (dual Dancers - sweet!) so he could get 40. Then I checked in again with GD and Chaos was looking for more BLU spells. I said that after a short break and Besieged I'd be able to help.
During Besieged (600+ people = major lag!) I cured someone I couldn't see clearly in a dogpile of folks. I did see his name though, in the log. Yalto. One of the GD originals. He didn't respond and I didn't engage further. But I'd love to know, assuming it's really him, how he's been. Aleu's said hi once or twice since they left but I have no idea how they're doing as people, not players.
Returning to GD, it seemed Chaos, Dread and Ben were doing something in the Citadel. So I checked in on Deej and found him in West Ronfaure working on his new SAM. I offered my PL services for a bit and by the time I made it there he was 5. I stuck around until he hit 7.
Earlier, while on our duo, Deej and I made it to the cliff's edge in Qufim. Looking out over the ocean he commented on the way the snow gets blown up from the crashing waves below. I mentioned how K likes to check out beautiful scenery and Deej said he knew what I meant. I added that K was one of a kind.
Now I need friends more... Sis-in-law pulled her crap again and called Ape some nasty things. I let her have it and she took off in a huff. I think things are gonna get nasty around here for awhile...
August will probably go down as the most interesting one for me in terms of personal relationships. It's also been a very emotional one and I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for those of you who've been putting up with this manic, mopey Mithra.
Friday Night was a little GD chat and a duo session with Deej (dual Dancers - sweet!) so he could get 40. Then I checked in again with GD and Chaos was looking for more BLU spells. I said that after a short break and Besieged I'd be able to help.
During Besieged (600+ people = major lag!) I cured someone I couldn't see clearly in a dogpile of folks. I did see his name though, in the log. Yalto. One of the GD originals. He didn't respond and I didn't engage further. But I'd love to know, assuming it's really him, how he's been. Aleu's said hi once or twice since they left but I have no idea how they're doing as people, not players.
Returning to GD, it seemed Chaos, Dread and Ben were doing something in the Citadel. So I checked in on Deej and found him in West Ronfaure working on his new SAM. I offered my PL services for a bit and by the time I made it there he was 5. I stuck around until he hit 7.
Earlier, while on our duo, Deej and I made it to the cliff's edge in Qufim. Looking out over the ocean he commented on the way the snow gets blown up from the crashing waves below. I mentioned how K likes to check out beautiful scenery and Deej said he knew what I meant. I added that K was one of a kind.
Now I need friends more... Sis-in-law pulled her crap again and called Ape some nasty things. I let her have it and she took off in a huff. I think things are gonna get nasty around here for awhile...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Long Night, Friendly Night
Wednesday, I tried partying on DRG, 14. After a so-so wait, I got invited to the Dunes by Endrey. I'll just say that I've been in better... 4 members, sync *21* except me at 14. I was getting bad XP but I figured once we got more people in, we could sync properly. And, lo and behold, I talked Dark into coming out on his PLD. He left two pulls later. I followed him out.
Not having a lot of time, I went back in time and fought a battle in Meriph. I think there were no fewer than FIVE waves. I spent almost as much time raising folks as I did curing. I myself only needed one raise, being lucky with the other recasts. Chaos lifted me up after a particularly-brutal end.
I swear there were at least two area-wide wipes at the hand of certain Yag NMs. It got ugly. And, it lasted for nearly 2 hours >< Between waves I joked an "oh no not again" lamenting my need for sleep. Someone told me I could just quit! Wouldn't that mean no XP? But when all was said and done I got about 2,800 LP and 600 AN.
Thursday I found a quiet GD and bored Deej. I offered to help him with the SAM unlock. We met in Kazham, got the Yhoat crystal, flagged in Norg and then made our way to both NMs. Neither was much trouble for our duo, WHM and DNC39. Then I took him back to Norg to close it out (after the 3-hour cooldown...)
I think Kepi wanted in but didn't make it on by 10 and I wanted to go to bed. I can't keep nodding off during meetings... /yawn. Maybe I can help Kep tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
(I don't like leaving...)
You may notice that my Gamercard changed a little. In the shell membership area. Yeah, I decided it was time to put away my RDB pearl and update my list.
If you ever return Fhox, I still have my pearlsack, and the RDB graphics for the card. And I'll never forget what your insistent offer to join meant to me as I grew up. Thank you, and /kneel Boss!
And should you read this, go back a day. I'm still a WHM Amateur extrordinaire!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Attack of the White Mage Amateur!
(Wow, and I thought I’d gotten past the awkward magey stage…)
I hopped on kinda latish for a schoolnight because I spent a lot of time with Ape, and I finished Sanctuary. As I feared, the guy didn’t get the girl. In fact, she turned out to be a covert operative and totally screwed our reluctant hero… Boo! Another interesting fact: Our hero used “froggin’” and “sheep-shite” as swears throughout the book. 533 pages, minus umpteen uses… Well, I don’t know how many pages it’d shrink by, but I’d wager at least 10!
Upon waking in my MH I checked in on GD – no shell-level action, just a bunch of folks doing their thing. I decided to flag up and see if I could score about 8k worth of LP before bedtime. It took a little time but I finally got an invite from Dartt for my favoritest camp in the whole game – the Mire! (sarcasm alert!)
His original offer said Sync 70 so I was stoked – I’d have a full-powered sub and my new WHM gear goodies would take effect. Then he asked if we could go to 68… So, just before I made it to the Chamber of Passage, I U-turned and grabbed the rest of my Healer’s gear. I also made my first mistake of the night – I forgot my Noble’s worked at 68, not 70 and put it away.
The party looked like a good setup – PLD SAM MNK DRG THF and me. I figured we’d have some sweet SC damage and between the SAM and DRG frequent weaponskill usage. And I love PLD tanks!
But, for some reason, the imps were very vicious tonight. They seemed to hit much harder than usual, despite our PLD, Colder, using his full arsenal of pally talents. When imps went after other targets the hits were often harder than a single C3. Also, we wound up with more than one link, one of them my fault (mistake #3).
I did remember to run my Jnun Misery/Esuna routine, and in fact, the group picked up on it and would wait for the Esuna post-kill instead of taking off for pulls. That made me happy!
Then, Mithra Mistake #2 – Reraise fell, and I left it down. I’d been fighting low mana all night (no refresher) and also the pulls were pretty frequent. Sure enough, not 10 minutes after it fell, we get raped. Neither Colder nor Jeaux (DRG) had reraisers on, so I had to HP and return.
As I made my way back there was some party chatter about passersby either not offering raises or only offering R1 at this level, a breach of the unwritten rules of healing. I commented that I’d blundered first by not keeping RR up. They were very forgiving tho’. I’d need that forgiveness again in about two minutes because as soon as I entered the Iron Gate, I got spotted, from what seemed QUITE far to me, by an imp. I did have SS up and he stopped to cast on me so I thought I’d have a clear shot at the gate. Nope – SS was gone in one hit (!) and I never got a clean Repose off – too many interrupts. Dead again… HP again… 5 minutes later, I tried again remembering RR ^^ However, I failed my sneak attempt back to camp and pulled a link. Correction, TWO links. I only saw the one which I slept, and I pulled the original to camp, telling them to let me die. They thought they could take it, unsynced. I warned of the link and they said to sleep it.
When the first arrived my second sleep on him was resisted. Then another imp joined as they were killing #1. Two-hours flew and they actually got through the second and partway into the third before the wipe. I did everything I could but I had already two-houred earlier and I eventually ran out of mana. Plus that last curaga was enough to get me dead (yet again) anyway.
Poor Dartt, who still had shadows up, used a warp scroll and made it into Whitegate, just as the imp’s Fire 3 roasted him. He landed dead.
And poor Ceemoney was a little irked because he’d JUST hit 75 when I brought the rain. Thankfully, after I was able to RR, and Raise 3 the lot, he still had his level by double-digits. We began to split up then because Dartt and Vallie had to go, as did Colder and I. Dartt called off two incoming reps once it was clear we were all going.
Before parting, Vallie said I was the sweetest WHM she’d met in the game. I /blushed (and *blushed*) at that – one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten! Jeaux, whom I’m pretty sure ate dirt twice, said something cute: “I’d be lying if I said this was the best party ever, but you guys sure have been fun to play with!” I offered teles to those not using warp items and Jeaux took my offer, headed to Dem.
Midway in the party, I switched over to Milk, finding only Dekota. We chatted briefly about how quiet the shell was. I mentioned it was because K wasn’t back yet. I think he texted her because he popped back on a few minutes later saying K’s new house wasn’t going to be internet-able for some time >< Dang it! Hurry back K!
Oh yeah, I had another blunder – also midway, Macotte ran by with an Imp in tow. He called for help and I slept the imp. He got away (I think) but someone on our team paid the price when the flying bastard awoke. There was a bit of agreement that I should have let Macotte die. Sweet as I may be, determined as I am to keep the party alive, I’d have a hard time standing idle watching someone go down if I thought I could make a difference safely. But, extra vicious imps, remember? /sigh…
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Review Time!
G.I. Joe: Freaking amazing fun, but a little brutal for PG-13. People's heads get popped off with explosive darts for goodness' sake! *pop* Look kids, no head! Still, we all loved it!
District 9: Weird anti-apartheid story set to aliens, but still in Johannesburg, S.A. Transparency fail! But it *is* a well-told story and there are some deft emotional touches too. Plus, a lightning gun that explodes people!
I just realized that those last two reviews are gonna make me look like a sicko. I'm not, but sometimes, you just need a good, brainess actioner. Headless even! (I kill me!) Hey, was that a proper use of irony just now?
OK, now that that's done, I've also been reading. On a book called Thieves' World: Sanctuary. Something I got as a gift. As big as I am into Vana'diel and other aspects of fantasy play, my reading leans more towards the sci-fi end of things. Usually. This one's pure fantasy, and after a slowish start, it's really grown on me.
Now, those of you that know me know I love a good romance. Two characters in this one, Cauvin and Leorin, are in love but they each hold terrible secrets that complicate things. They were both raised by a vicious cult of insurgents to be killers and manipulators. Leorin still has terrible nightmares that Cauvin (when he can get to her - long story) tries his best to comfort her through. Very touching... /snif
Now, some 70% into it, I'm getting worried that they won't wind up together and it's making me saddish... I'd better not get to the end of this thing and get cheated!
Also also, Dad and I raced again - great track layout and I beat him too! But part of the deal is you work a shift on the sidelines fixing knocked-down cones. For three-plus hours. And I missed a few spots with the sunblock. Ow...
District 9: Weird anti-apartheid story set to aliens, but still in Johannesburg, S.A. Transparency fail! But it *is* a well-told story and there are some deft emotional touches too. Plus, a lightning gun that explodes people!
I just realized that those last two reviews are gonna make me look like a sicko. I'm not, but sometimes, you just need a good, brainess actioner. Headless even! (I kill me!) Hey, was that a proper use of irony just now?
OK, now that that's done, I've also been reading. On a book called Thieves' World: Sanctuary. Something I got as a gift. As big as I am into Vana'diel and other aspects of fantasy play, my reading leans more towards the sci-fi end of things. Usually. This one's pure fantasy, and after a slowish start, it's really grown on me.
Now, those of you that know me know I love a good romance. Two characters in this one, Cauvin and Leorin, are in love but they each hold terrible secrets that complicate things. They were both raised by a vicious cult of insurgents to be killers and manipulators. Leorin still has terrible nightmares that Cauvin (when he can get to her - long story) tries his best to comfort her through. Very touching... /snif
Now, some 70% into it, I'm getting worried that they won't wind up together and it's making me saddish... I'd better not get to the end of this thing and get cheated!
Also also, Dad and I raced again - great track layout and I beat him too! But part of the deal is you work a shift on the sidelines fixing knocked-down cones. For three-plus hours. And I missed a few spots with the sunblock. Ow...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Acts of Contrition
(I don't have a sad icon)
I may have cost myself one of the best things I ever had in Vana'diel. I may be overreacting; I don't know. I do know there feels like an Emptiness that has nothing to do with Promyvion. Or maybe I'm just being emotional...
MS - Do whatever you need to do, say whatever you need to say. I have a major tendency to misread things and then speak to things that may or may not be there. I don't regret for a second any of the closeness we've shared in Vana'diel (nor want it to stop) and I hope you don't either. For awhile there I thought we were still on the same page but then after I said what I said about the heart and mind, you got very quiet...again...
I'm shutting up now - I'm afraid I'll overdo it. Your turn?
I may have cost myself one of the best things I ever had in Vana'diel. I may be overreacting; I don't know. I do know there feels like an Emptiness that has nothing to do with Promyvion. Or maybe I'm just being emotional...
MS - Do whatever you need to do, say whatever you need to say. I have a major tendency to misread things and then speak to things that may or may not be there. I don't regret for a second any of the closeness we've shared in Vana'diel (nor want it to stop) and I hope you don't either. For awhile there I thought we were still on the same page but then after I said what I said about the heart and mind, you got very quiet...again...
I'm shutting up now - I'm afraid I'll overdo it. Your turn?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Weekend Update

Garlaige party for Ely’s Sleepga 2 and Castle O for Ben’s LB3 crest

Flagged up hoping to get a merit point or two. Got an invite to the Mire from Highsocietyx and we made our way there after waiting on a 6th. Tonight, Clearwire decided to suck. From start to end, over about 2 hours, I R0’d 4 times with three going all the way to full DC. And Poor Hammer took the brunt. He was on RDM and must’ve undertaken heroic emergency measures when I faded out, then died twice.
On another one, Lary bit the dust. I woke up and immediately checked on Hammer. It looked like everyone was up. But then I realized there were only 5 of us. I apologized profusely and told them to rep me as I was only going to continue getting people killed. High waved it off but I suspect the others weren’t so sanguine about it.
All in all I only made like 13k LP. Hammer had to fight to get his 74 which was made harder by his two deaths. I gave him R3 both times but he still had to make up ground. High was going to end the party at 3:30 but extended it on Hammer’s behalf.
My connection problems were not the only problem in the party however. On arrival to camp, nobody wanted to pull, and/or, left ranged at home. I wound up pulling the first several Imps, drawing ire from someone in the group (ire at the situation forcing me, not my pulling). Also, we had no tank, so I was burning mana. When the RDM takes as much damage as everyone else, there’s a hate-control problem…
After the breakup, I tried other things (off FFXI) and still had connection probs, so I packed it in.

I had planned to get another party, since I had about 4 hours of Vana time. But Fate had other plans… GD was working on Beast AF in Beadeaux and Kush requested assistance with Pokemon. Then Wiita PMed me asking for PL. Since his request came in last, I told him I’d have to see.
Kushiel’s favor involved picking him and Djehuty up in Sandy, then looking for a couple animals to catch on soul plates. I had thought this was going to be pick-up and drop-off only, but he asked me to accompany. As usual, our conversation (in private and party) was worth the time. We commented on roleplay (as it related to all three of us) and on the freedom given by online worlds like Vana’diel.
Also, I got to tease him about being a bit shorter than me (no, it wasn’t the shoes ^^) saying the height difference means I can scratch his ears more easily.
Between Dem and Mea, we got a Goobbue, Couerl and Rock Golem. I had to beg off at this point because GD was underway in Beadeaux. Res, Vet, Ben were waiting and Derf was on the way.
After getting lost (must remember the little gate with torches flanking it) we made our way into the deeper tunnels. I got to show off some WHM coolness with Esuna to wipe curses and juiced Curagas to fix everybody’s uncursed HP.
We fought turtles for quite awhile because we ultimately needed 3 keys. The first took forever but #2 and #3 dropped pretty soon after. Thankfully, the chests were not a problem and soon Res, Ben and Derf had sweet Beast Jackcoats to go with the rest of their AF.
Death found us a couple times – I got taken down twice and I think Ben and Vet each did as well. Tier 3 raises FTW!
After all the AF was sorted, it was time for another of Ben’s LB3 crests. At first, someone (Vet?) wanted to clear the room and then fight the Ruby NM but I suggested trying to sneak past, rushing the crest and teleporting out as needed. They agreed and the finish was anticlimactic. We walked right past a wall-facing Ruby and Ben strolled right up to the crest spot and got it.
Garlaige party for Ely’s Sleepga 2 and Castle O for Ben’s LB3 crest
Flagged up hoping to get a merit point or two. Got an invite to the Mire from Highsocietyx and we made our way there after waiting on a 6th. Tonight, Clearwire decided to suck. From start to end, over about 2 hours, I R0’d 4 times with three going all the way to full DC. And Poor Hammer took the brunt. He was on RDM and must’ve undertaken heroic emergency measures when I faded out, then died twice.
On another one, Lary bit the dust. I woke up and immediately checked on Hammer. It looked like everyone was up. But then I realized there were only 5 of us. I apologized profusely and told them to rep me as I was only going to continue getting people killed. High waved it off but I suspect the others weren’t so sanguine about it.
All in all I only made like 13k LP. Hammer had to fight to get his 74 which was made harder by his two deaths. I gave him R3 both times but he still had to make up ground. High was going to end the party at 3:30 but extended it on Hammer’s behalf.
My connection problems were not the only problem in the party however. On arrival to camp, nobody wanted to pull, and/or, left ranged at home. I wound up pulling the first several Imps, drawing ire from someone in the group (ire at the situation forcing me, not my pulling). Also, we had no tank, so I was burning mana. When the RDM takes as much damage as everyone else, there’s a hate-control problem…
After the breakup, I tried other things (off FFXI) and still had connection probs, so I packed it in.
I had planned to get another party, since I had about 4 hours of Vana time. But Fate had other plans… GD was working on Beast AF in Beadeaux and Kush requested assistance with Pokemon. Then Wiita PMed me asking for PL. Since his request came in last, I told him I’d have to see.
Kushiel’s favor involved picking him and Djehuty up in Sandy, then looking for a couple animals to catch on soul plates. I had thought this was going to be pick-up and drop-off only, but he asked me to accompany. As usual, our conversation (in private and party) was worth the time. We commented on roleplay (as it related to all three of us) and on the freedom given by online worlds like Vana’diel.
Also, I got to tease him about being a bit shorter than me (no, it wasn’t the shoes ^^) saying the height difference means I can scratch his ears more easily.
Between Dem and Mea, we got a Goobbue, Couerl and Rock Golem. I had to beg off at this point because GD was underway in Beadeaux. Res, Vet, Ben were waiting and Derf was on the way.
After getting lost (must remember the little gate with torches flanking it) we made our way into the deeper tunnels. I got to show off some WHM coolness with Esuna to wipe curses and juiced Curagas to fix everybody’s uncursed HP.
We fought turtles for quite awhile because we ultimately needed 3 keys. The first took forever but #2 and #3 dropped pretty soon after. Thankfully, the chests were not a problem and soon Res, Ben and Derf had sweet Beast Jackcoats to go with the rest of their AF.
Death found us a couple times – I got taken down twice and I think Ben and Vet each did as well. Tier 3 raises FTW!
After all the AF was sorted, it was time for another of Ben’s LB3 crests. At first, someone (Vet?) wanted to clear the room and then fight the Ruby NM but I suggested trying to sneak past, rushing the crest and teleporting out as needed. They agreed and the finish was anticlimactic. We walked right past a wall-facing Ruby and Ben strolled right up to the crest spot and got it.
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