Garlaige party for Ely’s Sleepga 2 and Castle O for Ben’s LB3 crest
Flagged up hoping to get a merit point or two. Got an invite to the Mire from Highsocietyx and we made our way there after waiting on a 6th. Tonight, Clearwire decided to suck. From start to end, over about 2 hours, I R0’d 4 times with three going all the way to full DC. And Poor Hammer took the brunt. He was on RDM and must’ve undertaken heroic emergency measures when I faded out, then died twice.
On another one, Lary bit the dust. I woke up and immediately checked on Hammer. It looked like everyone was up. But then I realized there were only 5 of us. I apologized profusely and told them to rep me as I was only going to continue getting people killed. High waved it off but I suspect the others weren’t so sanguine about it.
All in all I only made like 13k LP. Hammer had to fight to get his 74 which was made harder by his two deaths. I gave him R3 both times but he still had to make up ground. High was going to end the party at 3:30 but extended it on Hammer’s behalf.
My connection problems were not the only problem in the party however. On arrival to camp, nobody wanted to pull, and/or, left ranged at home. I wound up pulling the first several Imps, drawing ire from someone in the group (ire at the situation forcing me, not my pulling). Also, we had no tank, so I was burning mana. When the RDM takes as much damage as everyone else, there’s a hate-control problem…
After the breakup, I tried other things (off FFXI) and still had connection probs, so I packed it in.
I had planned to get another party, since I had about 4 hours of Vana time. But Fate had other plans… GD was working on Beast AF in Beadeaux and Kush requested assistance with Pokemon. Then Wiita PMed me asking for PL. Since his request came in last, I told him I’d have to see.
Kushiel’s favor involved picking him and Djehuty up in Sandy, then looking for a couple animals to catch on soul plates. I had thought this was going to be pick-up and drop-off only, but he asked me to accompany. As usual, our conversation (in private and party) was worth the time. We commented on roleplay (as it related to all three of us) and on the freedom given by online worlds like Vana’diel.
Also, I got to tease him about being a bit shorter than me (no, it wasn’t the shoes ^^) saying the height difference means I can scratch his ears more easily.
Between Dem and Mea, we got a Goobbue, Couerl and Rock Golem. I had to beg off at this point because GD was underway in Beadeaux. Res, Vet, Ben were waiting and Derf was on the way.
After getting lost (must remember the little gate with torches flanking it) we made our way into the deeper tunnels. I got to show off some WHM coolness with Esuna to wipe curses and juiced Curagas to fix everybody’s uncursed HP.
We fought turtles for quite awhile because we ultimately needed 3 keys. The first took forever but #2 and #3 dropped pretty soon after. Thankfully, the chests were not a problem and soon Res, Ben and Derf had sweet Beast Jackcoats to go with the rest of their AF.
Death found us a couple times – I got taken down twice and I think Ben and Vet each did as well. Tier 3 raises FTW!
After all the AF was sorted, it was time for another of Ben’s LB3 crests. At first, someone (Vet?) wanted to clear the room and then fight the Ruby NM but I suggested trying to sneak past, rushing the crest and teleporting out as needed. They agreed and the finish was anticlimactic. We walked right past a wall-facing Ruby and Ben strolled right up to the crest spot and got it.
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