On waking up I found myself near the Nashmau/Caedarva gate. I debated what method I’d use to get back to Naja’s and settled on the boat ride. Maybe there’d be an NM and some help to kill it. I bought a ticket, waited my turn and then prepared to go aboard as the ferry approached.
That’s when an insistent Kushiel wanted to know if I could come to Windy, noooow~ I asked why and he said he wanted to show me something really neat. Having just bought the ticket, and leery of spending 50 FoV tabs, I asked if it was going to be worth porting off the boat that was already under way. He insisted it would be. So I ported and Repatriated.
Whatever the surprise was, I’d have to go to his house to see it. After a spot of confusion on my part, I got Abby Jalunshi to let me in. I was amazed by two things. Up by the waterfall was a model airship, with spinny propellers and everything! And, aside from the ship and two trees, nothing!
I joked that I thought I could see the passenger who dropped this here key item. I also wondered after his storage capacity… In any case, the boat *was* really neat and worth the trip. I got a screenie and then we chatted. In Japanese no less!
I asked about the proper pronunciation of his name – turns out it works well as Japanese syllables (くしえる). As it happens, it does not rhyme with “tushie”, but when I mentioned that I think he chuckled. We complimented each other in Japanese as well – he seemed to really like akai-atama. There may have been some flirty banter too ^^;
After some more chat, he went AFK to run errands IRL, offering to let me stay. I excused myself, wanting to move the ToAU missions forward ASAP. I stayed in party for a bit longer but then got some good tele-shouts and had to disband to take the passengers.
Somewhere in here, Dark and I connected briefly. I wanted to know who to talk to about his Dyna shell’s requirements and rules. Either he didn’t reply or I missed it.
Back in AU, I worked the CSes and they are getting interesting… There’s a few more I can solo until a fight on AU22.
During a taxi run, I saw Dahkota shouting for a WHM to accompany her Nyzul 40 run. By the time I got back I didn’t expect the slot to be open, but, despite warning her about my lack of familiarity with these middle floors, she invited me anyway.
To summarize, we got two runs in, one with tokens and one without. However, we never got close to the boss floor because either kills took too long or there were too many objectives.
Also, I wasn’t on my A-game heal-wise. Some of these mobs are completely new to me and I wasn’t ready for the danger. I was trying to keep up but AoE or specials would sometimes obliterate my allies. Even as I queued up cures, people occasionally took heavy damage. I wonder if I should put the party cure announcement back on?
And in a particularly-embarrassing death on the second run, I cast cures three times, only seeing an error on the final one – the pointer displayed on target every time but only the last one gave me the “Unable to see…” message. So I wasted like a minute for nothing!
I felt really bad about my efforts because, not only was I sloppy on cures and status fixes, I managed to bring a Mousse across most of the level. I lost track of the group as they searched one floor for targets. While reapplying S/I, a Mousse got me and I slept it. But it never gave up on me and like a ditz, forgot to Deodorize after the sleep took.
That thing must’ve woken up 3 times and moved to wherever I was. Thankfully, none of my Reposes failed to stick but it was annoying…
Overall I had fun but perhaps I should stick to lower floors for awhile to get the hang of some of the newer mobs’ abilities. Or get access to higher areas in Vana’Diel like Sky, Salvage and Tavnazia…
Res was on at some point mentioning he can get us Sky access quickly. He has a friend who is expert at running the mission series. I hope so (and begged to come along) as this basically finishes out the RoZ missions. There was also a lot of chat between Derf and Res dealing with military service. I will never look at cherries the same way again!
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