Saturday morning I had a lot of time to myself. Ape went to the beach with her usual crew plus her aunt from out of town. She even left me several sammies to enjoy. I was expecting about 6 hours of me-time, with some chores mixed in.
I awoke in my MH and exited in Al Zahbi. Right at the start of a monster Undead Besieged. I was doing well until Merrow #2 whacked me from afar with four fatal ranged attacks, all within about 10 minutes. On one, I had *just* used the Instant Reraise when I dropped. I honestly wasn’t sure the effect took, but thankfully it did.
I would die at least two more times from the Nemean Lion (more like meanie lion) but not once did I need a raise. In fact, I popped RR about 10 seconds before the retreat, and 1,800 in XP, with a few skillups too.
During battle, I got a blind tell from Poclobian asking for Kazham Airship Pass assistance. I told him I was in besieged (‘What’s that?”) but that I’d see what I could do after. Then, not too long after, Kush’s on and wondering if I can PL him in the Jungle. I told him I’d have to get the business with Poc sorted first (I try verrry hard not to break commitments).
After the undead left the city, I got ahold of Poc again. It took some doing but we got our plan together. I was to meet him in Jeuno to confirm he could get the quest, then depart from there. For some reason, it took him nearly 30 minutes to get from Basty to Jeuno… I used some of that time to take care of chores.
I opted to hit up the Orcs first, in Yuhgott Grotto. Once we got to the lower floor, we had plenty of key mobs to choose from. But it took like 20 kills to get the drop and I was getting impatient. K was asking after our progress and I hoped we could wrap up soon. At one point I told Poc I’d have to leave short of all three keys as I had friends waiting on me.
We did finally get the Orc key, and we both got the Orc armor piece needed for the first MK mission too. I tele’d us out and then made my way to the Jungle.
The PL work there was good, except for Lunettie’s death from a gob bomb. That, and two near-DCs from me plus an actual DC at the last boss kinda freaked me out. All in all, it worked very well and K got at least one level out of it. I had to stop for a fam break then.
On my return, I flagged up yet again on WHM and soon had another party. This one would end with me just 5.5k away from my dream. I figured in a good party, maybe 45 minutes.
Then I broke again, returning after Ape and I watched “Role Models” again. But by this time it was after 4 and I knew I couldn’t main-heal like that. I spent the time instead fixing my /SCH macros to accommodate the new WHM spells and abilities I found myself using frequently, especially in the Mire.
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