Today at work was a very very bad day. For awhile, I thought I was going to get in some serious trouble. I’m not going to go into details but here’s the skinny. As a programmer, the code I write goes through some processes and checks before the Real World gets to use it. We had such a task Monday evening.
It was supposed to be available for final verification shortly after work and I waited until a little after 9. I looked for a certain log and ran my checks and all seemed fine. Tuesday morning, I see *another* log and realize I had gotten one from a different job altogether – mine hadn’t yet gone live when I tested. Of course, I realize this *after* telling the world we were good to go. Oh crap…
So I check again – errors! I spend an hour hunting through my app logs and checking various settings and files and everything looks good. But because I misread one message, I went down a longer troubleshooting path than necessary. Do you remember when I mentioned my packing skill is capped at 276 with full merits? My troubleshooting skill is like that too. But this week I swear I’ve been suffering from MND- effects. Stacked MND- effects.
Eventually though, I figured out the issue was external to my code and got independent confirmation of that. So, thankfully, my code and its deploy went correctly. I made mistakes on testing and checkout that I’ll not make again. And I’m trying my best to take a deep breath and relax – this incident really did have me panicked and that is incredibly rare for me IRL. Or in Vana’diel I suppose ^^
As for Vana-time, I logged in after dance class and tried Thief again. I waited ages and in the meantime tried sending K another wedding setup message. I also searched the invite list a few times but didn’t see much in the way of full-party ingredients.
Then I got a “silent” invite meaning the leader didn’t ask first and just invited me. Nigitas, new WHM12, grabbed me and began building out the party. We got to 6 pretty fast and after some hesitation, we headed to a crab camp. The party setup was suboptimal – we had to sync at either 12 or 15, and we didn’t have a proper tank. 2 MNKs (only one with voke), DRG, me on THF for DD and a WHM and BLM for mana support.
Thankfully, Nigitas (syncee) was close to 13. Unfortunately, I was asked to pull something we had no business messing with and we lost Regis and me. As we regrouped, there was an amusing chain of drops and adds, and a 30-minute delay.
Vet happened to log in and he and I both saw the same thing – Besieged in about 2 hours. I asked if he’d mind PLing and he came right away. That, plus the new party setup (twin Ninjas!) meant we could handle our business much much better. Things worked out in the long run, with only a couple more speedbumps along the way.
As we dealt with the initial setback and a couple of subsequent deaths Nigitas kept apologizing and offered lead to me. I politely refused and told him the Dunes was a learning crucible. Overall, there were many dings and I even got some SUs. Near the end that Vet and I had called for (for Besieged) Nigi DCed. He came back, DCed before I could invite, then came back just in time for {Last Boss}.
I was planning to head to Besieged but Ape was feeling bad and I needed sleep more than SUs…
Last note: While all the partying was going on, Ape and I watched “Dateline: Family Secrets”. The focus was a man named Ted that always had transgender feelings and after a minor accident, blood tests revealed a cause: Klinefelter's Syndrome. This is when, instead of XX or XY chromosomes, one gets XXY. Ted was married at the time but chose to undergo gender reassignment surgery, becoming Chloe.
Ted’s children seem to have handled it fairly well. But Rene, Ted’s wife, has been supportive but now holds Chloe at a distance. This is the part that made me sad. You all know by now I consider love to be the most powerful force in the universe. To see two people who love each other have something like this change it, when affections otherwise haven’t changed, is sad. Maybe it’s just me…
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