I managed to (very briefly) bring down a live system at work. It was back up within 20 minutes, and it happened early in the day so I don’t think the full workforce was on yet. Anyway, I got another tail-chewing to go with the one from yesterday…
Vana life has been fine. Work has sucked… I guess into every life a little rain must fall. Normally at work I lead a pretty charmed life (lots of CHR I guess) and don’t usually get into much trouble. I’m usually the one doing the impossible as I refuse to take no for an answer so thankfully I have many allies, and a lot of stored good will.
Hopefully my tail is long enough to withstand a few more chewings because I have a bad feeling it’s not over yet ^^
Aaand I was right, kinda. I logged in about 8:15 with hopes of getting another job 14-16. I opted to go DRK and flagged up. After about 20 minutes, and a delivery of my Pilgrim’s Tunica to Bee (hopefully temporary because I’ll need it soonish for SMN and SCH) I jumped off, muled with Jesup and came back WITH my level 16 Bone armor.
Got an invite synced to 14 from Demacles, just as they were swapping another member. Pretty sure this was the same party Bee and Fal were in when I brought the tunic to Bee. Thankfully Bee was self-PLing with Nethen which helped later on.
We had a rough start trying to get to the ledge camp moving from the OP as someone and I got drilled by gobs. I opted to HP and avoid the 5-minute Weakness. Dem chided me but quickly realized my way was good when I was back and ready before the other was over weakness.
Eventually we settled on the beach doing the crab/fly page as the Oasis was full. We barely got started when Doomtriggero showed up with every mob in the zone following him. He parked right in the middle of our camp and just stood there. I was terrified some of the mobs would de-aggro him and decide one or more of us would make a fine substitute. That didn’t happen thankfully.
While Dem was calling a GM on Doom’s mob monopolization and harassment, someone said to pull a “yellow” fly off him. I said no, because we likely wouldn’t get XP. And sure enough, I was right ^^ I do wonder how that works – would a straight aggro link count as a claim and erase XP?
Party chatter revealed a suspicion that Doom was really Batsu, a legendary griefer known on multiple servers. Vagu even had a write-up on Batsu some time ago. I tried chatting with Doom to ask if he’d go skill up somewhere else. That’s when I found out, if I could read the IM-speak correctly, he had a beef with Dem. He apparently had a slot in the party earlier but felt Dem was a grief-worthy noob. I think.
He said he was going to leave shortly, about the same time Dem was having his GM-time. I thought about warning Doom but decided not to. We moved back to the OP and then to the Oasis as it opened up. We changed pages to the gob/leech one (/panic! Bee said not to worry and I told him this was her chance to shine on WHM). As we finished leech #1 and looked to #2, Rukiasan came along and grabbed one.
Normally I wouldn’t have gotten my little nose out of joint, but today was a helluva day. Dem’s response to Rukia? “That hooker stole our leech”. I PMed him: “’Hooker’? Seriously?” He wrote back that it was a joke, as in not serious, as in kidding. Hmmm…
Less than five minutes later he was raving in party chat wanting to know “who told the mithra I called her a hooker?” Wow… I PMed him again reminding him HE was the one who just said it. I also said I wondered if this was how he treated people generally. What I may have missed was that Rukia is also Mithran. But then I wondered if he forgot who I was and thought my original PM was from Rukia.
I started getting fed up and in shell chat the three of us lamented what a poor player Dem had been.
Got a chuckle when Galagor had to run and we repped him with Aleandro, of Fhox friend fame. He asked me what was shakin’, hot stuff? I gave him a straight answer but someone must’ve said something about me IRL, because he said that’s how he talks to all the “secksi mithra”.
We ended with me partway into 16 and with Dem raving about more GM calls. Xbox got shafted 600 shy of his next level but Fal had had enough and Bee was tired. And I was just tired of Dem. Aleandro parted with another flirt-ish comment and I /blushed, which made him laugh. Which made me laugh. Which I really needed after this lovely day ^^
Sincere apologies to all my shellmates – I try not to be so cross (in-game or here) but this week’s testing me.
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