(Ups and Downs)
Today I had some time during daylight hours, for once. Ape was visiting her mom in the hospital and, aside from some chores I had several hours to myself. To summarize the MIL situation, on Wednesday, she had an arterial bypass done on her right leg. She came home Friday and refused to stay on bedrest. She tore herstitches and wound up back in the hospital Saturday... She's got a good prognosis but she really needs to just rest!
I spent my Vana time on WHM, first in an Imp party then in Nyzul having a go at a Goliard piece.
The party was with Lytal and crew, in Caedarva Mire. Oddly enough, we never synced and the roster was 73 and up. Kills were fast and non-stop, but a little light on XP. I had RDM support from Waraji and opted to forgo Sublimation in favor of Refresh. The two of us worked pretty well together.
My only "complaint" about the party, minor though it is, was the fact pulls started the second we entered the zone and only stopped once. Thankfully I was able to squeeze rests in around fly pulls and once when Waraji called a break. I had litlle time to buff or do much else besides cure. At one point I had to burn my 2-hour as several people went red and I only had 70 MP. All in a day's work for this White Mage!
The day started at 17k to 74, and after a couple hours with this crew, I was less than 700 away. This was also when Alv decided to leave and we returned to Whitegate to change camps. I needed to go soon to handle the chores so I asked Lytal what he wanted to do. Thankfully, there was a seeking WHM and Lytal was able to round him up before they left for the bird camps.
I went AFK to clean house and finish watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", which I'd *never* seen. I enjoyed it, and I almost always have fun with a good love story. But this one just wasn't that funny. It had moments, sure, but it wasn't lol-worthy in many places.
On my return, I saw several shouts from Slyver for a healer to accompany his Nyzul run, 16-20. At stake was a piece of Goliard mage-wear. Note to self: apparently, the A:1 D:0 G:2 shouts are showing how many are already called for.
I checked in with Slyver to ensure I was going to make it in and that he understood I haven't done a boss fight. After two runs, I STILL haven't seen a boss! The first run had two floors of "Kill 'em all" and we basically ran out of time. We also had a prob where Gwendalyn died after three attempts to cure never casted. I wasn't silenced and I never saw any errors. I do know that several of them were gear-swapping but I find it hard to believe three casts in a row were cancelled for that. Helpfully, I dinged 74 while we worked.
The second run ended as fast as it started. We entered, buffed, and pulled the first mob, of a "kill kill kill" floor. This one, a Dahak, spammed Body Blow and we got wiped. Kazuna chose to HP at this poinjt and seemed a little annoyed at the early setback. We patched up and wasted Leaping Lizzy for a shot at the boots. Then we exited using our fireflies.
The death put me back to 73, 650 shy of the level. I got some of it through Crystal Fist ops then the rest in a Saruta campaign battle.
Also, RIP Walter Cronkite!
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