(I *am* very flexible, after all!)
After no Vana-time for 3 days, our new digs let me in. And after some chat with Rhelic (WHM gear advice - Medicine Ring = underwhelming) and Kushiel (the usual friendly chat about recent events, I decided to flag up on WHM for the first serious attempt at a party in a week. I got two invites within two minutes. One was from someone in Unyay's party trying to find a rep. Ladywinter came in second.
Sometimes I wonder if others ask about the 'vites before choosing one. I think I've always just accepted whoever got me first. There have definitely been times I've rued an invite, and others where I should have really thought about bailing, but that's just not me ^^
Tonight's adventure was in the Mire as well. The crew was waiting near the gate and it didn't take long to come together. For some reason, we synced quite high - 68, then 71. I had a little Anni Ring charge left and then I used my band.
Basically, this party was a dream setup for me - fast DD plus a Dancer and Bard. So I always had MP and plenty of backup cure and status help when I was slow or silenced.
This time, I did much much better dealing with the mobs. Yes, we were higher, but there was no PL. There was also no dying. Or MP breaking. Or too much trouble with status issues. I settled on this routine: Back-line for Imps, using Auspice in between when possible (note - add barfira). On Jnuns, I switched stances to Misery and after a couple of their lovely gas or puke attacks (what are these? Babies?) I'd cast Esuna.
[I have no idea what happened here. Posting for completeness. 2010/02/01]
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