Wednesday, I tried partying on DRG, 14. After a so-so wait, I got invited to the Dunes by Endrey. I'll just say that I've been in better... 4 members, sync *21* except me at 14. I was getting bad XP but I figured once we got more people in, we could sync properly. And, lo and behold, I talked Dark into coming out on his PLD. He left two pulls later. I followed him out.
Not having a lot of time, I went back in time and fought a battle in Meriph. I think there were no fewer than FIVE waves. I spent almost as much time raising folks as I did curing. I myself only needed one raise, being lucky with the other recasts. Chaos lifted me up after a particularly-brutal end.
I swear there were at least two area-wide wipes at the hand of certain Yag NMs. It got ugly. And, it lasted for nearly 2 hours >< Between waves I joked an "oh no not again" lamenting my need for sleep. Someone told me I could just quit! Wouldn't that mean no XP? But when all was said and done I got about 2,800 LP and 600 AN.
Thursday I found a quiet GD and bored Deej. I offered to help him with the SAM unlock. We met in Kazham, got the Yhoat crystal, flagged in Norg and then made our way to both NMs. Neither was much trouble for our duo, WHM and DNC39. Then I took him back to Norg to close it out (after the 3-hour cooldown...)
I think Kepi wanted in but didn't make it on by 10 and I wanted to go to bed. I can't keep nodding off during meetings... /yawn. Maybe I can help Kep tomorrow.
Aerin, not sure if I misread your post or not but you can leave an campaign that is still going and get XP points. You talk to the person who gave you your tags and ask for an evaluation and will get your points. Not sure if that is what you meant or not! Hope all is well! Isa
Hi Isa! ^^ Yep, that's exactly what I meant. Thanks for the tip!
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