(And then there are days like today!)
I was up early Saturday and had to get out of the house after writing my letter to SIL about her issues. I cruised around town and even tried to find the part for our mower, but, no dice. Did you know a lot of stores open late on Sunday? Me either, but they do. Guess I should try waking up at 7 instead of going to bed then!
In any case, after a little Shiroma-time, the lot of us headed to meet our friends at the mall. We shopped and ate and had a really nice time. I also saw the second-coolest t-shirt ever at Hot Topic. Classic Soundwave spinning tracks while Ravage gets the next record ready. Laserbeak is behind them plugging something in to the turntable. If they'd had my size I'd be wearing it but they didn't. Plus they had a 2-for-1 and Ape vetoed my other choice, the Hello Kitty emote version.
Long intro short, I didn't log in until 7:30. Beseiged was about to start so I took care of some chores and made ready. And this one was much better than many recent ones. Good length, good challenge and good SUs! Afterwards I flagged up on WHM. I wanted to see if I could get a merit or two before bed.
While waiting, I tried GD and Milk. Not too much chatter tonight, although poor Deej is still having a hard time leveling DNC. He asked if I had any Fire crystals and I switched to Jesup and sent what I had. I really need to find a chaperone - I saw a Mithra in full Wedding attire plus the ring hanging around WG. Yup, still want that outfit...
Back on Aer, I soon got an invite from Yayna (not Yanya? Are there two?) specifically requesting a meripo. Hot damn! It took a bit to fill the party as I was 3/6, then the trek to the other side of Bhaflau via Undersea. I need to get that route marked on my map ASAP! The good news was the targets tonight were colibri, not the undead things I faced last time.
Once there, we ran a full 50 chain and most of another with zero downtime. Dizeve, our bard, handled pulls and refreshed me. I also made use of Sublimation whenever she was unable to keep the buffs on me (which wasn't often ^^) and I didn't have to call MP one single time. In fact, we'd have had no downtime at all I think had it not been for a flock of colibri killing all of us except Yayna. I never did find out what aggravated them all but someone apologized for it, leading me to think an AoE skill or enfeeb went wrong.
In any case, Yayna was great about my time limit and we wound up breaking up just after midnight, not quite two hours after the action began. I wound up with about 22,000 LP (3 total merits) and over 4k XP, getting my buffer over 25%.
Jonte was very complimentary as well, making special note of my use of Regen. Well, to be fair, Regen works great when damage isn't spikey or huge. The birds smacked everyone, but most hits were well under C3 damage, so a Regen had time to work. Not to say I didn't use cures - there was a good amount of red HP on links or resists. And Aujir got to be my first Martyr!
Also, post-wipe I offered my apologies. I used Bene when things got bad thinking I could get heat off Diz, thus allowing her to start sleeping the birds. But, despite a lot of recovered HP, I only managed to pull one of four birds... Jonte told me to relax and I said I wasn't stressed but that it was just part of my job. At about the same time as he said the same thing - /psych
Aujir said he'd never level WHM and went so far as to say "f whm". I missed it the first time by but when I saw it later I said "Bad Aujir! No cure for you!" then lol-ed and /laughed. I said I knew WHM wasn't to everyone's tastes.
On ending, I gave rides to Mea and Holla, then repatriated to go spend my points. I was going to plunk down for Protectra V, but then I realized Cure Time would be a better use, making me a better WHM. Still, I am gonna get P5!
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