Sunday was a lot of fun. No, wait... It was a lot of angst, then about 12 hours of driving, with a couple of stops. We had the car packed and ready at 9:45, but Ape couldn't find the gifts she'd bought Saturday. So we tore the car apart, then the condo, then the individual luggage, then...about an hour later we repacked and left. Argh!
Worse yet, we had to skip breakfast, my fave meal. But it'd all work out when we found an IHOP that looked promisingly clean. They were having some holiday promotions, including Egg Nog pancakes. Imagine two pancakes, with vanilla cream between, laced somehow with egg nog flavor. Cap it with more cream, whipped cream, syrup, nutmeg and cinnamon. It sounds truly horrifyingly sweet.
Turns out, for the most part, it tastes a lot like a vanilla or banana Moon Pie. This is actually a good thing! :3
The ham, eggs and biscuits were fantastic as well, and the portion was so big I had leftovers for a late night snack.
The rest of the drive was uneventful, and the stretch on 321 from Charleston to Savannah was quaint and charming as always. We got in just after midnight, no traffic to speak of. After unpacking the car I set up shop and logged in briefly but I don't think I did anything significant.
Monday was another long day. I was supposed to have the day to myself, after bringing in the Christmas stuff, putting up the tree, a little cleaning, and finishing off Clone the Elder's science project board.
All of these things would take longer than planned, plus meals and the like. In any case, I was able to spend several hours in Vana'diel. I used that time to start dumping unnecessary gear to make room for the gear held by Jesup.
I also got to join Demire's all-day Qufim party, on PLD of all things. I got it all the way to 40! She kept that thing going from like 2pm to midnight, swapping out as needed. I think half the shell passed through that group!
Later I spent a little time with Soho, again in Qufim looking for some hand-to-hand weapon dropped in the treasure coffers. After Soho took off, I found Demire's group and PLed a bit and then Autum arrived, as the PL :3 So we dual-PLed some then I left.
I tried to get with Kepi to unlock COR but she came back from dinner too late. We talked over the plans and Kepi seemed a bit put off. I apologized profusely for not being able to do it then, but it'd have meant starting at close to 11, and she doesn't have her staging points yet...
I'd prefer to give that run a go with some shell 75s helping because of the True Sight danger. And maybe we could work it into a staging point, COR and PUP unlock run...
My AIM buddies may be wondering where I'd disappeared to but basically on the trip Ape hogged the laptop and we were running around or entertaining at our place.