(I think I lost the battle of the vows)
Today we renewed our vows, as did my Sis and her Hubby (aka The Springfield Connection). We were on 15, they 10. I had thought Mom & Dad were doing it too (at 41!) but they didn't. Our aunt (the one who lives in Sevierville, TN) handled the officiating and the location. She found this really beautiful and picturesque spot where, withing like 500 feet, you could use an old barn, covered bridge, rock-lined stream, or grassy hills. We opted for the bridge.
After an opening prayer and pronouncement, Ape and I went. She blew me away with what she'd written. Perfectly describing us and rhyming, too! She said she'd been sketching it out in her mind for days but only just put it to paper last night. Mine were written months ago for the planned Vana wedding. I incorporated pretty much all the major facets (friendship, partnership, divinity, love) but I didn't do it with her style.
And now, for your reading pleasure, my vows to Ape, and hers to me.
(face guests)
Everyone has a destiny. That destiny may be a moment of greatness, or spectacular triumph. Sometimes it is marked by sacrifice or failure. And sometimes, Destiny is eight years old…
(face jesup) /em look into eyes
It is often found where paths meet, where an exchange of mind or heart takes place. Nearly thirty years ago, our paths would meet for the first time. We were preparing to proclaim our devotion to God, unaware that God had plans for us.
Years later, while in the company of others, our paths met again. This would set in motion the events that would lead us to share one path forever.
/em hug
There have been times when things did not always go as planned, but such is Life. Our commitment to each other has seen us overcome all challenges that have befallen us. Our friendship amplifies our triumphs and soothes our failure. Our devotion has taken many sacrifices from both of us, but our love has been greater still.
I humbly thank you for all you have given me throughout these years. I’m not the easiest person to live with but your simple kindness makes me feel incredibly cherished. You have supported me throughout all my adventures, and for that I am eternally grateful.
/em join hearts
“From my heart to yours” a gift: A bond unyielding, a love unending.
/em kiss
Fifteen years ago, when I became your wife
I promised to love and honor you each and everyday of my life.
I’ve cherished all the memories we have made throughout these years
The ones that brought us laughter and even ones that brought us tears.
We’ve stuck by one another through the good times and the bad
I feel blessed to have you by my side and for all the fun we’ve had.
Through a house fire, infertility, and job losses we’ve stayed strong
That through this path of ups and downs I know where I belong.
For you love me for who I am and you understand me when I’m low
And you treat me like the most beautiful woman in the room no matter where we go.
You hold my hand when I have fears and snuggle me when I cry
You are my happy go lucky, kind-hearted soul, glass half full, sensitive guy.
In fifteen years we’ve accomplished many things together as a team
Two boys, a house, trips, two cars, and so much more in between.
I love how we still get excited about seeing each other each and every day
How we don’t feel complete or able to sleep when the other is away.
I’m so proud to be “Jesse’s girl”, your high school sweetheart and best friend
And I thank the Lord for giving me this love that will never end.
So my pledge for you from this day forward is to continue to stay true
And I will hold your hand and be there to support whatever you may do.
I know there will be more challenges and bumps along the road
But we will be together to support each other's heavy load.
Thank you for these fifteen years and for sweeping me off of my feet
And I will love you forever and a day because with you my life is complete.
I thank the Lord everyday for giving me you and for letting me have another day to love you and be with you. He brought you into my life because he knew I needed someone who understands me and supports me when I need it, who loves me when I’m not so lovable, and who looks at me with admiring eyes when I don’t feel so pretty. He gave me a man who makes me feel special and who has such a positive attitude about life so I to can see the positive side of things. I love our life, our children, and the way we compliment each other so perfectly. You are my best friend and I think that is why our marriage is so strong. Thank you for choosing me to be the one. I am blessed.
P.S. Post Four Hundred?!
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