(Busy but happy)
More housework - garage cleaning and some other cleanup.
Worked with Elder on some of his HW and Sci Proj, then took him for his choice lunch. Followed by GameStop and a Coke run (finally, on sale again!)
Spent a little time in Vana with Kepi and later Soho camping VE. Kep actually got claim but no drop. Soho gave her the pin she'd no longer needed ^^
Also had a long chat with Kep about the first book of Last Herald Mage and related stuff.
Matt and dad lost out and were eliminated on AR
Left at 9:15 to watch the rest of the shows.
Read at bedtime after finding batteries for my HP booklight
Got to work early and read 15 minutes, then an hour more at lunch. 'Lyndel's dead already?!
Waiting for car to warm up, I read 5 more minutes - actually shook when Van slit his wrists - I /felt/ it and since I drove off shortly afterward I felt weird and foggy for a bit after.
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