(It took long enough!)
I lost track, and couldn't find anything to make notes on, but I had two brief parties on NIN. Enough to hit 37! The first was in the Citadel and I think Erolynne was in charge. The second was in East Ronfaure [S], and I believe Chelcie was coordinating on behalf of the mostly Japanese crew.
I died just as I made it to camp, but I sorta made up for it when Soho tracked me down and offered a level's worth of PL help. Poor fella's been having some headaches lately so he was tired. The help was appreciated all around!
Also appreciated was how Chelcie handled my leveling. She expected I'd be done at 37 and put the question to me. I concurred but said I'd stay as needed. Turns out after I hit 37 and said I'd stay 20 more for a rep, they wrapped anyway ^^
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