(News Flood!)
The Bad:
Randy Pausch, of "The Last Lecture" fame died yesterday. /sorrow Ape and I watched his story on Diane Sawyer and we were both very moved. This guy seemed to be the real deal - a nice, honest fellow that anyone could be friends with. And the fact that we was a CompSci professor, and created Alice as a way to teach programming and logic concepts was plain awesome.
My dad was told yesterday to expect to lose about HALF of his annual salary. And this is after a recent cut during his company's ownership change! Ape and I are still conflicted on what to do job-wise as well...
The Good:
Penny Arcade Adventures: OTRSPOD coming to PS3? Hells yes! Now I don't have to buy an Xbox! Oh wait, dead PS3...
Two words. Well, a word and a float: Tron 2.0. Yesterday at Comic-Con a teaser was shown for the audience of about 6,500. I will be surfing YouTube tonight!
Tron and Star Wars are fully to blame for me taking an interest in science and technology (and computing). I am what I am career and intellect wise because of choices made after having my mind expanded by these films.
To quote Tycho re: Tron: "This is the most important thing that has ever happened."
Today is Friday!
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