(What gives? A week with this thing and I'm already going BLM!)
Wouldn't you know it - I finally get my big TV back and I can't log in... DFLS seems to want to play more frequently with me lately ><. (text that was here was eaten by Blogspot's code because I used the angry-face near an italics tag... Attempting repair...)
Tonight was supposed to be RDB Static night, but instead it became movie night. April, the boys + friends went to see Get Smart while I saw Hellboy II. I really enjoyed it, and also enjoyed the last 10 minutes or so of their movie waiting for them to finish. But after all this I got home after 10 and then had to go back out to pick up some groceries. In the rain. If you know me, rain + driving is actually a good thing, but it also means I didn't rush home.
Long enough story shortened, I didn't try logging in until 11:10 and didn't make it past DFLS until 11:30. And by then the gang was wrapping things up. Fhox invited me to come PL while it looked like Yalto was going to stay longer. Hopeful for a chance to level SCH I head out.
Fhox and I PLed 5 other Brigaders (Ali, Enzio, Isa, Yalto and Aleu) plus Wrex for about 40 minutes. They were a mix of 14-16's and were taking on pugs at the boat beach. Hits for 30% were not uncommon and Fhox and I had our hands full.
I took over escorting Isa on pulls and sure enough, on one long pull she got her pug plus a BH add. I tried casting C2 on her but she made it out of range before it stuck and moments later she got dropped. Thinking back I don't know if I could have done anything to prevent that. I could have flashed the gob but the pug was already doing heavy damage. If she stayed put she probably would have taken more hits - I don't know if the gob was close enough to hit her yet. A C1 might have landed faster and pulled enough hate - I may have to test that out in a less-stressful situation.
I still felt bad especially since the party was ending soon. But aside from Fox's inevitable teasing nobody mentioned it.
After the party disbanded I thought Yalto and Serro (who had logged in just after) might want to start something but they didn't. Since I was In Selbina now, I decided to hitch a ride on the ferry and see if I could fight some pirates. Despite taking two rides none came, and in fact I was the only passenger both times. I did get two water clusters for taking out a Water Elemental, so, there's that.
Then I teleported to Jugner_S en route to Campaign but since the San d'Orians lost their hold on the forest I couldn't find the CA. I skilled up a bit on the fortification before warping to safety and logging out.
With the recent Campaign "updates" that's less of an option for me for late-night action. I'm either going to have to play during the day and limit it to 2 hours or I'll go ahead and break out the Adventuring Fellow Quest...
As for DFLS, all signs point to a DNS issue despite several different fixes - public DNS, manually setting, etc. Someone else mentioned disabling uPNP so I'll try that later.
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