(happy but exhausted!)
I don't remember Friday night. Wait, let me rephrase that. I don't remember Friday night in Vana'diel. Before my memory loss, a whole bunch of us went to eat, Ape and I looked at TV's, rented 2 movies from Blockbuster and watched one (Be Kind Rewind). By the time all this was done it was almost 2am. I picked myself up off the floor at 5-ish. I think I partied in the Dunes on PLD for a bit but it must not have been a long party as I only dinged once. I think it was a 4-man + PL where the leader was 2-boxing the PL. Slow XP and a death or two but it was alright I suppose. And no, I *KNOW* I didn't fall asleep while in-party.
I do remember mentioning to the Brigaders earlier in the night that I had played the new WoW song for GH3. It's called "I am Murloc" and it's actually pretty nice riff-wise. But I told them I felt dirty playing it and I got a few lols.
Saturday on the other hand, I do remember. All 7 hours of it. Saturday was the scheduled ZM4 run with the ShinraSoldiers, the mission-based shell I got from Gojira recently. I logged in at about 11 to make sure I would be ready. I spent some time reading up on the mission and it seems I missed a few of the pre-reqs, but it turned out fine.
In actuality, Gojira had set the /lsmes to say it was ZM6, not ZM4 they would be doing at midnight. But when I switched shells, he was setting up ZM4 for me and a couple others. ZM4 is a 3-NM fight in the Temple of Uggalepih. And like everything else in this game, 80% of the time required is transportation and logistics, not combat or other action.
When I jumped shells, Gojira invited me into a party. Elvtin joined not long after and the three of us entered the temple. Then others joined in via alliance. Ultimately, 10 of us made our way down into the Den of Rancor for the fight. Kirstyana was there and recognized me. If she wasn't in RDB at one point I must've partied a few times with her because I know we've had a few chats.
Oh, one other detail - at 68, I was the lowest level in ShinraSoldiers and this 10-person party. Most everyone else was 72-75 with a couple of 71s. Seems like SS might be a "helpful end-gamers" shell. This might not be so bad after all.

After that, I thanked them all and we split up. By now it was about 1am and I wasn't in the mood to start ZM5. So I flagged back up on PLD hoping for 20. Not long after I got my invite and made my way to the outpost where the rest were waiting. This was another Mithra-heavy party and Moonshorty, waiting near us (but not in the party) says "I bet some of you are guys >.>". I shoot back "Aye", then "And?" He didn't reply ^^ My two counterparts clarified in party-chat that they were female IRL.
We headed out as 5 with a 6th on the way. Turns out this was more of a "get subjob items" farming party than an XP run. Two of them needed items, even the RDM20. So XP was lousy and it was taking longer than it should have because Silentss kept voking off me and hate was ping-ponging.
Once Bomoise arrived to round out the roster, it was clear we needed to sort strategy. Bomo and I seemed to be the most experienced and we eventually settled on him pulling and me voking as soon as I saw his shadows drop. It took convincing but Silent laid off the vokes for the most part. Turns out he's a Marine in real life and preservation of teammates is a strong instinct for him. I /saluted him, in all seriousness. I also mentioned that as a WHM main I find myself doing the same kinds of things.
This new plan worked much better for hate control. And we got the crab and worm drops we needed. In fact, I wound up dead on the final worm which was actually a Fly and two gobs. They all survived (barely) and I congratualted them on their teamwork. I said it was OK that I died because that's what a PLD does. As I returned from homepointing, they began chatting about the skulls they still needed. Bomo suggested he and I go to Gusgen on higher-level jobs and the others remain in the Dunes and lot remotely.
I stopped short of outposting thinking I'd have to change jobs but then our leader vetoed that plan and we broke up not long after. Three of us wanted to stay and Bomo took lead. We were in full XP mode now so it was time to move to Qufim. Our WHM, Sarrie, had never been to Jeuno and did not have any gate crystals. I accepted Bomo's request to escort Sarrie while he built the party back up.
Sarrie andI went to Selbina so I could change. She was appreciative of my gear and asked my opinion on hers. She had a few nice pieces of INT+ or MND+ gear, and she even had the Mist Silk Cape I've been trying to get for SMN and SCH! I warned her the walk would take nearly an hour and she said she planned to be on at least 2 in order to get one more level, hitting 20.
It was a long walk through La Theine, Jugner, and Battalia, but we made it safe and sound. She and I chatted a bit. Aside from some helpful advice, I learned her brother has been on for a year or so and she finally succumbed two months ago. I think she's English. Just before zoning into Jeuno, I asked her if she was ready to see the capital. She chuckled and we both zoned.
Once inside, I took her to Waag-Deeg's for some scrolls, then the AH. Her initial reaction to Jeuno was "So many people". Yeah, coming from a sleepy town like Windy and its pastoral surroundings into the hub of activity Jeuno is can be quite daunting.
During the walk, Jaadin joined and kept asking when Sarrie and I were going to make it to Qufim. Bomo told him more than once why it was taking so long. I told Bomo privately that I didn't think I'd be able to stay long since it was going to be almost 5am before setting foot in Qufim.
And in fact, after Sarrie finished her shopping and we entered the icy tunnel, it was just about 5. But I stuck it out for almost an hour and finally bailed once my rep (handily arranged by Bomo) arrived. Jaadin seemed to be annoyed I was leaving so soon and I don't know if I was clear with him that I had been in this party since like 1:30am. Whatever. It was nice to experience Sarrie's wonder and I can't help but be reminded of that one YouTube video about the meaning of adventuring. Please watch it here.
Sunday was a short run for the crystal fragments needed for ZM5. One of eight is the reward for ZM4. 3 more are fetch-quest style items. However, the final four are drops from NM fights... Damn, I didn't think ZM would be so hard or involved. I logged out seeking the crystal in Western Altepa because I can't find the Quicksand Caves ramp ><
Just before logging out I confirmed Fhox wants another RDB static, again at 8:30 Wednesday, for levels 13-15. He said he might push back to 9.
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