(Lots of good news)
Even though I'm back to all-WHM mood-wise, yesterday had some challenges. I apparently missed Ape's signals Sunday night, thinking she'd gone to bed. I had logged in around 11:30, plenty late, but she was not very happy the next morning...
So I dedicated yesterday to her. 4 hours at my parents', for dinner, game night, and PC repair, then hanging out until 12:30 at home. But I did log in, and on the first try too ^^
I didn't have a lot of time, so aside from hellos to the few Brigaders still on, and some quest-planning with Aleu, it was going to be a quiet night. Aleu needs her AU boarding pass and wants to unlock Corsair. I don't have the details on COR but I told her what she was in for on the pass. Turns out she already has 4 of 6 items needed. So once she grabs the other two she's gonna pop the quest and hope she can get the pass for tonight.
Tonight, my focus was on the elemental Ninja scrolls I could have been using all this time. After puttering about in Jeuno with some final sales and crap item disposal, I fired up my Yhoat teleport. Almost immediately upon landing in the jungle, I get a blind tell asking for a tele-Holla, 5k.
It's already 1:35am by now and I desperately wanted to be done by 2. But I gave in and walked to where the party of two was waiting. I told him it would only be 2k and after that was sorted, I zapped them off to La Theine. Buffs, one skillup, and much appreciation later I return to Yhoator.
This time I make it just into Yuhtunga before being stopped. This time, it's Corina on DNC soloing one of the Yutunga Mandies. It's a long fight and she's making progress but occasionally dipping into the middle of her health. Then I see the "network issue" icon over her head and dismount, curing as soon as I hit the ground. I was concerned that even with a brief freeze the mandy would be able to finish her off. But luckily she came back quickly.
During the fight I healed and threw hastes out. Once it ended I tacked on protect and shell. She was very appreciative and I said not to worry and that it's what we (WHMs) do. At least, what we're called to do ^^
From here it's a long run to Norg and I realize outposting would have been far faster. It would also cost more, at about 800 gil versus a free tele and a bird for about 250, but maybe the time savings would've been worth it...
Once in Norg I finish off the Kurayami quest, since in one more level that one will be usable. Then I find the scroll NPC called Chiyo and learn the shop is closed. So is the general store guy behind me. I log out, ad realize I have a little homework to do IRL. Once that's done it's close to opening time for the scroll guy. So I try logging back in, and once again I'm in with no DFLS. I log out and do it once more, with no error. Here's hoping that particular gremlin is gone!
I check the sundries shop first, noting their price on the -ton ninjutsu tools. Then I review the scrolls and lo and behold, FAR cheaper than Jeuno. {Hmmm.} I buy one of each of the -tons and log out.
So hopefully Tuesday night will be a successful job unlock with Aleu, and I'll give the new scrolls a whirl. And maybe do a little market speculation...
Somewhere late in the evening, Aleu and I chatted a bit about Ape. I'mgoing to have to paraphrase here since I forgot to grab a summary of the convo. Aleu, my apologies if I mess this retelling up:
It started with a comment about the lateness of the hour. I told her I try to get on earlier but that tonight, due to a mistake on my part I had to wait on FFXI. Ape has first claim on my time soI get in when I can.
She said I should get Ape on and my answer was "If only there was some way. If only..." She actually apologized at this, so I felt bad. I let her know that, "I'd much rather have her and be sleepy than be married to someone else. She's my best friend and we get along" (great, but this got eaten by the input box ><)
She thought that was sweet.
Yes, I do wish Ape would get into FFXI or something similar. I figure one of my spawn will before too long. Runescape didn't work but there's quite a few other choices. In all honesty, I worry for my family's health should Ape and I join forces online. We'd be sucked in and chores and responsibilities IRL would remain undone!
As for the networking, if the fix holds for a few more days, I want to look into undoing the DMZ setting and possibly the static IP mapping. I'm wondering if I'd get better performance out of my ISP's DNS servers rather than hopping out to OpenNIC. And since I don't feel DNS was the real issue it shouldn't matter.
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