Aerinravage's GamerCard

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Missing Out

(And we were just beginning to rock the Lab, too...)

To Fhox, Isa, Stoik and Dark, {Please forgive me.} I hope you all know me well enough to know it tore me up having to bail on you - I really hate letting down those who I'm trying to support.

Ape kinda flipped out over this project thing - She and Matt have been working on it off and on for a month and it's due tomorrow. We have a display board, a paper, and a zillion note cards. And tonight, she found out he did the whole thing wrong. He had a rubric that somehow didn't make it home until now and the scoring is for things they didn't even do.

As for you my friends, I hope things went well and many SUs, gil and fun was had. I'll be on tomorrow and Saturday a lot (I hope) and I'd love to make it up to you.

It's bad enough that before we started in the Lab, I wound up nuking a treasure pool Stoik had worked hard to fill. Raki invited us to Zi'Tah but had to leave. I got promoted but didn't see it. When checking the party roster for Stoik's level (because I rarely /check unless I have to) I disbanded instead. *Poof*

Double /facepalm


Anonymous said...

=) When is going to be the day I promote you from {Amateur} to {Master}?
LOL, since I found you wondering in Meriphataud Mountains as a RDM14 without a sj; I saw you doing great things. From all the people I met in FFXI, you have been always one of the few with great expectations. I think sometimes you are too worry about stats, at the end always remember "this is a game". We failed, we died, we re-raised and we go on.
Strats are good as info, but you always know about your own limitations. Be good with what you are good and better with what you put aside.
Maat is a SOB, no doubt about it, but you are more if you think the way you have to fight from lvl 01 to 70.
WHM amateur, yeah for now, I know later I have to call you Master Aerin.

Aerinravage said...

I am truly honored by your kind words, Boss!

It's not stats I'm worried about (unless you specifically mean SUs for Maat). I worry that somehow I'm going to make life harder for someone else or elses, which is the exact opposite of what I'm invited to do.

Yes, of course I know it's a game. But people choose to give up IRL time to spend it in here and I feel it's my duty not to waste it.

And there's the fact that I really enjoy hanging out with you people and I missed that part a lot last night.

Also, getting yanked out like that for *homework* sucked. I could see if we had to rush to meet friends surprising us from out of town or something, but...

Master Aerin? Hmmm... I dunno about that ^^ I'm sure even with 75 and full merits I'll still find creative ways to kill my parties lol

{Thank you} though - I needed some cheering up after that home chaos last night!