(I don't know why but lately I've been missing Aer more)
Friday night, after Taken (8 out of 10 btw), Stoik and others in GD were in Uggalepih. I asked what they were doing and they said Stoik's 8-2, would I care to join them? It took some doing but I got there and they came to get me since some of the doors won't reopen. Most of the Tonberry mobs went down easily and I meleed most of the way.
Once we reached the hallway where Stoik needed to pop the NM mechas, we prepared ourselves by clearing out the Tonberries and getting the key pieces needed for the pop. We had a lot of aggro from the Iron Maiden mechas and Hovertank pots.
I don't recall exactly but I think I died but reraised. We got everything sorted then Stoik called to see if we were ready. A couple of us raised our hands but someone said to wait. Stoik didn't see it and what happened next could be characterized as a mess. Two NMs, at least one Iron Maiden, and possibly a Tonberry pop. We all did our best but it wasn't happening. Thankfully Arch survived and with help from a raised Res we were able to tractor and raise our way back up. It took an eternity for that, the re-clearing and the prep, but once we tried again things went perfectly to plan.
Except I went under 70. I was about 600 shy of my favorite JA ever, Sublimation. Oh and R3. I was too tired to do anything else about it and after Res's D2 I gave VE a look-see then went to bed.
Saturday I was on twice. Once, briefly in between car repairs and Game Night, once late late night. The first stint I decided to camp VE once more. Who should I find working the beach but Phax?! Heya PC! He actually got VE too, but no drop. I logged out after a brief PL session by the Selbina gate. The party there seemed to want me to stay as PL or party main-healer but I had to go --;
. . .
I logged back on and found myself back in the Dunes. I ran to the VE area and lo and behold, he was just sitting there. I ran up, flashed him and edged out a nearby adventurer (a BLU maybe?). No drop. Pretty cool though ^^
Then it was party time. Most of the gang from last night was in Garlaige and wanted anyone on a 37 to come play. I wasn't thinking clearly (headache) but then I remembered BLM36. Res was asking if I was coming and mentioned the Maat fight. Res, if you see this, please don't worry about the confusion ^^ Aer is a chick, I'm a guy, it all works out fine depending on who's talking lol.
We were there for maybe 90 minutes. Things went pretty well until a delay led to Dove and Stoik pulling at the same time, but on different mobs. Can you say near-wipe? Later, we'd somehow get linked bats and we did wipe. Some players looking for passage through the gate we were blocking helped out.
I joked that maybe I should pull and Stoik shot back that he was doing fine until I got there. First off, please accept my apologies Stoik if I overdid the teasing - I know I take my job very seriously and expect others to do the same. That said you do give and take a lot and I hope what I said was taken in that spirit. In any case, yes, you did just fine (when we were all ready - ZING /smile)
I made 37 on BLM, making it the first of my many 30+ jobs to hit proper sub status. I do think I'll take it up some more, at least to Warp II levels. I need to get my Dark magic up too for use on SCH.
Sunday was Super Sunday (great game, great ads, lots of fam fun at Mom's).
Monday WOULD have been a nice day with my friends, but O'Reilly's Auto Parts had different plans. Let me just say what should have been a slam-dunk exchange (receipt and all) tool close to 2.5 hours, two stores, and about 40 miles of driving... AAAARGH!
But even with all that, there are two people, S. and R. who deserve all the credit I can give them.
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