Tuesday Night: Partied with Fhox in the jungles of Elshimo island. I had logged out on PLD but Fhox wanted me on DNC, so I had to try making my way in to Kazham for the job and gear change.
The fumbling funk that’s been over me the last day or so continued as I popped Vince going for another macro, got aggroed and died. I HPed and OP warped back in on DNC. And maybe a whopping 150 feet from the party camp, got aggro AGAIN, despite Spectral Jig, because it decided to wear as I fell down the “in” drop. Fell right on a gobbie’s head…
Yogepoge, who had been PLing, raised me and we started proper. In addition to Fhox, we had Melanna, Oshiro, Ohgr, and Miodio. Who is also Sprinzer. Yoge left kinda early but then Mio brought Sprinzer out to PL so it was all good.
I worked out what I thought was a sane cure rhythm to minimize hate pull and help keep Mel and Mio from having to rest as often. I had pretty good luck with my enfeebling steps too. And I think I do prefer front-lining at this level wearing my Savage set. I’ve been comparing it to the preferred Eisenplatte set and while Eisen adds a nice bit of AGI and Eva, Savage boosts STR, DEX and HP and MP. I’d love to see a true stat comparison, as in wearing one equals x AGI, y Eva, z Att etc versus the other.
For one, I don’t want to spend a lot for this muffler. Second, especially on PLD, I can use an extra 48 HP/MP.
With Sprinzer PLing we chain-pulled when low regularly but I kept my TP reserve maxed. We never really had any problems even with a couple of links. I ended my time with the group by tanking the last gobby with mega-cure hate. Hehe!
I ended the night by pushing PLD to 32 with Sufhi’s help.
Wednesday: Camped VE with Hayato, Elkunit and someone else, and gave up after about an hour. Still 9/3/0. Then added a level to Bard (7) and then took Thief from 1-5. I think I’m going to take every job and get them to at least 11. Most will be 20+ for Choco use but some I know I’ll never mess with but at least as Valkurm-eligible I can take them on a whim or at request.
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