Camping report: Spent an hour plus on a very crowded beach and lost out to a trio working together. Pecott won (I think) and I /hurray-ed them. They returned the acknowlegement. Earlier, Xthedevil was shouting and saying bits of VE advice. Silver was roaming around and there was another (besides the trio).
I went to Jeuno to sell crap and I got into a party in WAR30 led by Shooon. He's a BLM31, with no subjob. That gave me pause. That I was 2 of 2 in the party list kinda made me worry too. I had just been invited out by Archer for a shell party at the same level...
While waiting for the rest I tried soloing at the Qufim tunnel entrance, as Schoon had said we'd be syncing to 21. I died when the EP bats linked and I didn't scoot at once. I had to HP, OP warp to the mountains and run for the Weapon camp between Jeuno and Garlaige.
While there, Etf and Iceball were SATAing off me, which, in my mind was goofing up hate control. I still can't hold that much hate on WAR but I could steal it with weaponskills and the odd voke. It made more sense to me for Ice to SATA onto me and let my def plus shadows and hate tools to keep the weapons from wandering so much.
See, between Tomomomo on heal and Schoon on nukes, the front line couldn't hold on. Tomomomo, I believe the issue was not you ^^ Our PL had his hands full too.
Once we got to 31, we moved to the Citadel and things got a little rougher. We pulled bats almost exclusively and Ice bit it once or twice when they linked unexpectedly. Thankfully our Taru PL came along for raises and more cure support.
Embarassing moment #2 - I ran out of shihei. See, I haven't needed to cast shadows in ages because normally I'm not the tank (even on WAR). But by now, we had the routine down and on a few pulls Ice's SATAs and my Raging Axe and vokes would keep hate on me for maybe 2/3rds of the fight. Ice traded me a total of 60 after I said in party "{Ninja tools} {I have nothing to give you.}" I paid over his protest - tyvm Ice, you really helped me out and it was worth every gil.
At some point we got a Mithra NIN called Jeminin and between the two of us and Ice's hate help, we had things pretty under control. Until Shooon overnuked... Which was a lot.
But that's not why I titled this post as I did. No, at about 2:30am I told him I needed a rep. I wanted to be out by 3 or 3:15 to get enough sleep for Ape's Confirmation event at school.
I never did get a rep and I waited until 4:30. Etf was having a similar problem and when I finally announced as best I could to the rest I was leaving rep or no rep, Eft left also.
To the others, I humbly beg your forgiveness. Because Schoon wasn't communicating events it must've seemed an abrupt end to what was a great party. I got two levels on WAR and learned SATA techniques (again, thanks Ice!). I worked pretty well with our NIN Jemi on swapping vokes when shadows fell - but I know I can improve.
Anyway, because of this, from now on, I will announce in Party rather than PM that I have to go. I don't want others to get hosed when leaders don't fulfill certain obligations.
I missed the event but we spent the rest of the day together and had a very nice time!
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