(I'll get it right eventually)
Ok, not so much the pathetic part, but last night Fhox had another Kazham party and I came on PLD. I was hoping to get the 6k I needed to hit 33 and enable the last piece of my RSE. But the start of the party made me wonder if we'd survive at all.
Put simply, Fhox wanted gobs that, at 26, were a bit much. We could handle them, but I was having a hard time trying to work in my self-cures and deal with other issues in between furious sword slashes from the smithies. Being a healer main means I think I understand how PLDs work. Being a PLD wannabe, I'm thinking I still need some work. I let my HP get too low and then the party's WHM Yapyoyu(9 more letters) couldn't get to me before things like criticals or Rushes nearly knocked me flat. One did.
At first I was annoyed but then I realized it was probably as much my fault as his - I still had enough MP for a couple C2s... He was doing his job right by letting me get cure-hate. The real rub ultimately wasn't either of us, I decided - it's the gobbies being a bit too tough to leave us any margin for error.
Later we'd die again from a super-gob that was not going down despite weapon skills and the like. I got drilled and then it went downhill from there - the gob wiped everyone but Enz and the gob was probably over 50% still... Oshiro had some fun at my expense while his dead body was sprawled across my dead body - apparently my tail itches ^^ Enz worked on raising with Yapyoyu's help (once HE was raised) and then we got some fantastic news - Isa was coming to PL!
If I didn't say it before Isa, you're a fine PL and I'd trust you with any party of mine! Fhox got a shot in at me for voking off Isa - I used my "kill" macro (attacks and vokes in one click) at the start of a fight but Isa had already stolen hate. Maybe Fhox wants me to add a mea culpa to my PL guide?
Once Isa got there things rocked really hard - I got 33 and everyone else got assorted levels IIRC. I went to bed in Kazham.
Let's see - Fhox, Enz, Alima, Yapyoyu and Oshiro, the pantsless Elvaan. We're turning into quite the LS static. Oh, and Yapyoyu is Zelll. I remember Zelll but I wonder if he remembers me...
PLD job is not easy... I know that, you know that, and everybody else just cry when the Tank is down. I agree with you about too low HP to start doing Cures on yourself. I was trying to adjust the party because Alima never ever party in Yuhtunga Jungle before, Enzio needed to sj WAR instead of NIN because the voking was killing us and Oshiro already got sj NIN. Alima has never been in a party doing Skillchains so she was pretty worry about her role. I explained to her in between pullings how the Skillchain works and give the party a better statistic to lvl up (because of the fast killing). Anyway, I think she should sj WHM instead of RDM or I should sj WHM (But a DRK with sj WHM doesn't look well). Sooner or later the party would work better but luckly Isa PL us. Sorry you kiss the floor twice.
Fhox, I'm starting to worry you think I'm getting depressed about dying/mixups/etc.
Please don't worry! I push myself because I want to have fun, help everyone else have fun and make the most of my limited time.
I treat days like this as learning experiences and adjust. I'm not taking any of this personally. There's very little in Vana'diel I've ever taken personally.
Certainly, there is often room for adjustment across the party but it's no big deal. We worked it out and with Isa's awesome help we got over the hump and rocked the jungle.
Later (maybe before midnight)!
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