Aerinravage's GamerCard

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Throwing It All Away

Could I? Could I walk away from Vana'diel?

Could I abandon two-plus years of fellowship and adventure? My friends? My allies?

I don't know.

Some of you may be wondering where I've been. To be honest, I haven't been absent by choice. It's a long personal deal but basically, the longer I play the more DoT I dump on Ape, it seems. We're working through it now. I have no intention of quitting altogether, but if I can't work out a fair way to play on some weeknights and more over the weekend I think I may have to reevaluate my Windurstian cistizenship.

I can't *not* party 5 days a week. I'll never get anywhere. And the parties are what I live for anyway, be they shell get-togethers or random pick-up groups. Camping VE can only occupy me so long ^^

I may or may not be on tonight but will have family in town starting later today. Friday and Saturday may get eaten up with that, as it's my cousin and he's having girl trouble ><

I hope to see you all soon, and I miss you terribly.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Racing Around All Weekend

This post was originally called "Penance"

As I mentioned to Fhox while I was on briefly Saturday morning, I kinda ticked off Ape. So Friday night after Coraline (3.5 of 4) and Krisky Kreme (nom) we went to bed early. Saturday night? Early bed.

Sunday I plan to be on in the afternoon but right now (as I type this even!) we’re all headed to her school for another Open House. Since it’s a private Catholic school they have to fight for enrollment and with things the way they are, the numbers don’t look good. This is the second open house in a month trying to build interest for next year.

My weekend was not uneventful however. Saturday morning my dad and I headed out to the European Rally School in Keystone FL. I haven’t done a lot of Car Talk here but come March 21st, I may break character a bit. See, if all goes well and I can obtain a dispensation from my boss, I will be racing Shiroma on ERS’s 2-mile Bradford road course.

The facility has a wide array of automotive programs: Rally, off-road/SUV, pocket bikes and go-karts, and of course sports and race cars. They’re about to host a NASA (not that NASA) racing event and they sell club memberships ($$$ +1) where a group of motorheads can basically buy a timeshare of the track.

What my dad and I will be doing is called an Open Track Day. Show up, pay about $300, get inspected, have a driver’s meeting, and then race. 7 total track hours are available, split among 3 ability classes. If cars in a class don’t register that day, those slots go to the remaining classes.

Yesterday there were seven drivers. All were in the beginner’s class despite rolling up in some serious machinery (more in a bit). Since no one was in Intermediate or Advanced, these guys could come and go on the track as they pleased. My dad and I camped out on the back stadium complex (map) and got to see and hear some fantastic action. Which hopefully we’ll be part of in a few weeks.

The cars… The cars… I don’t know who among my friends is into cars, but see if this list rocks your boxers like it did us: Nissan GTR (x2!), Nissan 350Z, BMW M3, BMW 3-something, and BMW 135.

If you follow cars, you must be wondering about two $80k supercars at a track day. So were we. Turns out ONE GUY owns both. His and hers. Sweet. He lent his wife’s to a good friend. That is some trust there. Kind of on the level of someone lending me a K-club for Maat ^^

At least two of these fellows were part of a Tampa-based speed shop and after today the owner plans to set up a 20-30 man raid on the track!

And since these guys were from Tampa, all the crap in their cars was piled up on the edge of the tarmac. Kinda funny actually.

During the drivers’ lunch break we were loitering around the staging area gawking at the GTRs with their open hoods. Beautiful machines… While we ogled, a truck pulls up and a headphone-equipped man asked us how we were doing. Turns out he wasn’t security, he was the owner, Ivor Wigham (link). He graciously took us on a track tour in his truck, driving the long and short courses and pointing out various facts about the design or the plans for further enhancements.

We left at about 3 with plans to return ASAP.

. . .

Sooo, sometimes things don't go as planned ^^ I got back in around 4 and at about 5:15 Fhox expressed interest in doing another RDB level 10 party. However, he was helping our newest member Carlabrownie (from France) level THF. Once Carla dinged 10 he called us together but it was nearly 6:30. I had said in shell that I had to leave near 7pm but Fhox missed it. He was caught off guard when I said I had to leave. Ape was riding me a little hard over the Amazing Race dinner party she was throwing.

I'll have to meet Carla later.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


(Even with the hecticness, I'm missing Aer a lot lately...)

Sorry guys - work has started to get intense and home life is increasing in chaos too - lots of sickies and makeup homework to deal with...

Sun night: Phax becomes first person in my 2+ years to learn Aerin's middle name. Keep it to yourself PC until I publish the story ^^

Monday: Skilling with Raki until Medium started. He was trying to get Great Axe to 225 but on what might have been the last pull, he aggroed a Korrigan and I couldn't get it slept before both it and the intended Steelshell killed him. I barely made it to the Cloister. I raised him but I had to go at 10 sharp. He was able to continue and I kept checking on him during commercials until 10:40 when he was done and I teleported him out (to Holla of course).

Tuesday: Camping VE (no pops) then leveling THF some more.

Wednesday: Quick leveling on THF then went with Fhox and Raki for Alima's WAR AF. Had to deal with some Quads in Palborough Mines and some leeches in Oztroza. No issues at all and I tanked a mob or two. With Hexa and a good club I can put out some fair damage now. Soon I need to see about some of the nicer JSE clubs for White Mage.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Fri - no party joy, and cops!

Sat - soloing and no party joy...

Sun - Soloing before Amazing Race, BRD to 10 and DRG almost to 10. Fhox wants to start static-ing at 10, so, hey! Enz has been keeping up with my blog, and Fhox and Phax had a lively discussion about job combos for party and solo play.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pathetic Paladin Redux

(I'll get it right eventually)

Ok, not so much the pathetic part, but last night Fhox had another Kazham party and I came on PLD. I was hoping to get the 6k I needed to hit 33 and enable the last piece of my RSE. But the start of the party made me wonder if we'd survive at all.

Put simply, Fhox wanted gobs that, at 26, were a bit much. We could handle them, but I was having a hard time trying to work in my self-cures and deal with other issues in between furious sword slashes from the smithies. Being a healer main means I think I understand how PLDs work. Being a PLD wannabe, I'm thinking I still need some work. I let my HP get too low and then the party's WHM Yapyoyu(9 more letters) couldn't get to me before things like criticals or Rushes nearly knocked me flat. One did.

At first I was annoyed but then I realized it was probably as much my fault as his - I still had enough MP for a couple C2s... He was doing his job right by letting me get cure-hate. The real rub ultimately wasn't either of us, I decided - it's the gobbies being a bit too tough to leave us any margin for error.

Later we'd die again from a super-gob that was not going down despite weapon skills and the like. I got drilled and then it went downhill from there - the gob wiped everyone but Enz and the gob was probably over 50% still... Oshiro had some fun at my expense while his dead body was sprawled across my dead body - apparently my tail itches ^^ Enz worked on raising with Yapyoyu's help (once HE was raised) and then we got some fantastic news - Isa was coming to PL!

If I didn't say it before Isa, you're a fine PL and I'd trust you with any party of mine! Fhox got a shot in at me for voking off Isa - I used my "kill" macro (attacks and vokes in one click) at the start of a fight but Isa had already stolen hate. Maybe Fhox wants me to add a mea culpa to my PL guide?

Once Isa got there things rocked really hard - I got 33 and everyone else got assorted levels IIRC. I went to bed in Kazham.

Let's see - Fhox, Enz, Alima, Yapyoyu and Oshiro, the pantsless Elvaan. We're turning into quite the LS static. Oh, and Yapyoyu is Zelll. I remember Zelll but I wonder if he remembers me...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Career Growth

Tuesday Night: Partied with Fhox in the jungles of Elshimo island. I had logged out on PLD but Fhox wanted me on DNC, so I had to try making my way in to Kazham for the job and gear change.

The fumbling funk that’s been over me the last day or so continued as I popped Vince going for another macro, got aggroed and died. I HPed and OP warped back in on DNC. And maybe a whopping 150 feet from the party camp, got aggro AGAIN, despite Spectral Jig, because it decided to wear as I fell down the “in” drop. Fell right on a gobbie’s head…

Yogepoge, who had been PLing, raised me and we started proper. In addition to Fhox, we had Melanna, Oshiro, Ohgr, and Miodio. Who is also Sprinzer. Yoge left kinda early but then Mio brought Sprinzer out to PL so it was all good.

I worked out what I thought was a sane cure rhythm to minimize hate pull and help keep Mel and Mio from having to rest as often. I had pretty good luck with my enfeebling steps too. And I think I do prefer front-lining at this level wearing my Savage set. I’ve been comparing it to the preferred Eisenplatte set and while Eisen adds a nice bit of AGI and Eva, Savage boosts STR, DEX and HP and MP. I’d love to see a true stat comparison, as in wearing one equals x AGI, y Eva, z Att etc versus the other.

For one, I don’t want to spend a lot for this muffler. Second, especially on PLD, I can use an extra 48 HP/MP.

With Sprinzer PLing we chain-pulled when low regularly but I kept my TP reserve maxed. We never really had any problems even with a couple of links. I ended my time with the group by tanking the last gobby with mega-cure hate. Hehe!

I ended the night by pushing PLD to 32 with Sufhi’s help.

Wednesday: Camped VE with Hayato, Elkunit and someone else, and gave up after about an hour. Still 9/3/0. Then added a level to Bard (7) and then took Thief from 1-5. I think I’m going to take every job and get them to at least 11. Most will be 20+ for Choco use but some I know I’ll never mess with but at least as Valkurm-eligible I can take them on a whim or at request.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Centering Myself

I recognize that I have an important job to do

I recognize that others do as well and that sometimes these lines cross

I will strive to put the mission first while treating all with respect and professionalism

I know there will be those who seek to undermine or interfere, with or without cause

I must shut them out and not let their enmity affect my role in the party

I must remember at all times that I am always a “healing touch” and I directly and indirectly affect many and cannot sacrifice them for the one

I must remember that I am not “better” than others, regardless of skill, and must maintain humility and respect at all times

I must remember that ultimately, I am a guest and my actions are the greatest factor in remaining so

I have chosen and committed to my path, rightly or wrongly, and I must honor this choice and those who support me by remaining true to my self

. . .

I recognize that others may not share my opinions on respect, party support or professionalism. My choice must be to ignore this or not associate with them. I must not allow them to gnaw at my spirit.


Later today, there will be a post here. No one reading this is to take the content as being at all related to FFXI, because that's not what prompted it. Something happened recently that's been bugging me and I've decided to Mithra-up and stop worrying about it.

As it happens, what will appear can help me in-game, but that's not who it's meant for.

Thank you!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pathetic Paladin

(Sometimes we all need to rely on others)

Since Medium is on tonight I didn't have a lot of time. I logged in close to 7:40, and saw VE about 3 minutes later! And about 5 seconds before Hayato got him, with apparently no drop. Stingy bug.

I flagged up and got an invite from Sakina who said to meet in Jeuno. It was riiight about this time Clone the Elder informs us he does *not* have his backpack and needs it >< I had to leave meet Grandpa, and return. I was able to board the Jeuno boat and hoped I'd be back 5 minutes or so after landing. Well, the crew went to Kazham and I just missed it.

I expected to get the boot because it was going to be like 20 more minutes for me to meet them, but they waited. I was very appreciative to Sakina and the rest when we met up. I told her I'd "tank my best" and the months syncing down made that hard. For example, I walked into the jungle with Sentinel and didn't even think of it until hitting 31.

Once I got my crap together, I was holding hate better. Sentinels on the gobbies and the normal routine on the mandies. Also, I managed not to remember Red Lotus Blade. Geez...

Sakina handled my need to leave with the same grace and professionalism she showed me earlier, which I really didn't deserve based on my actions. Let's just say I'm very thankful there are still characters with Character here. /smile

All told, we got crazy XP for just under an hour and half. I was initially miffed at the constant chain-pulling keeping me from using cure hate, but not ONE death, despite links, feisty gobs and rarely-full HP. I did use Vince at a good time, kinda early, but all told everyone else used their talents well and it just worked.

Oh yeah, I Shield Bashed two bombs, and ended less than 200 from 32.

Fhox and Phax, I kinda left you in the cold - the IRL errand and the chain-pulling kinda made chatting harder than usual.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dark, Fhox and VE

(Ding ding ding)

On logging in at about 7:30 I was hoping the GD Promy run was on but it wasn't.

Dark and Val were trying to put something together. I was wanting more XP action and offered to come on SCH. There was a little teasing about being up to the task but honestly I think Dark gets it. He did ask what kind of cure support I'd like and I asked for a Dancer. Luckily we got one and when the rest of the party filled up they headed to the Nest. I had to meet them from Windy because a lot of my gear was in storage. Fhox chimed in asking if I wanted to party but I'd already committed.

The party went well but as I had jokingly feared in chat, Val was chain-pulling. And to top it off, when we made it to 32 I offered to Dispel. I waited to switch to Dark Arts until Aspir was also available. I basically became a Red Mage on cure, enfeeb, Dispel, and buff duty. I was practically setting my controller on fire with all the button presses!

Poor Val died twice when Crawlers decided to link on him. And our original PLD bailed early partly because of the delays. The rep PLD, Deathlos, seemed to do a better job with curing for hate and making my life easier. And Scorpionsys stepped in terrifically when I needed a little rest. I only had to call for full stop a few times and it wasn't always about me - Deathlos needed MP for sure and it wouldn't have hurt Dark either.

After the party's end I checked with Fhox who had tried to get me earlier but he was wrapping up. He asked if I could PL the last bit on the way to Aryianna's final level and I did. After that I Tele-Demed him and we said our goodnights.

I returned to the Dunes and tried VE again. I was up against Halloween (RNG75) and Ranbuu, and a duo seemingly skilling on crabs but who knows. I was at it for almost an hour, freaking out when Halloween, who rarely moved, took off towwards a fly. I never did see him kill VE but the stress was killing me. Then Ranbuu finished off something I couldn't identify and then he and 'Ween both took off. The two skillers had stopped as well next to an open treasure box.

Dejected I healed up the PLD who had come off sync as well as his friend. I turned around to leave and VE popped right in front of me. 8/3/0. I got yet another wing, so hopefully he has only the one left before having to pony up the Pin lol.

I finished the night leveling BRD/BST to 6 with Sufhi's help.

Friday, February 6, 2009



Camping report: Spent an hour plus on a very crowded beach and lost out to a trio working together. Pecott won (I think) and I /hurray-ed them. They returned the acknowlegement. Earlier, Xthedevil was shouting and saying bits of VE advice. Silver was roaming around and there was another (besides the trio).

I went to Jeuno to sell crap and I got into a party in WAR30 led by Shooon. He's a BLM31, with no subjob. That gave me pause. That I was 2 of 2 in the party list kinda made me worry too. I had just been invited out by Archer for a shell party at the same level...

While waiting for the rest I tried soloing at the Qufim tunnel entrance, as Schoon had said we'd be syncing to 21. I died when the EP bats linked and I didn't scoot at once. I had to HP, OP warp to the mountains and run for the Weapon camp between Jeuno and Garlaige.

While there, Etf and Iceball were SATAing off me, which, in my mind was goofing up hate control. I still can't hold that much hate on WAR but I could steal it with weaponskills and the odd voke. It made more sense to me for Ice to SATA onto me and let my def plus shadows and hate tools to keep the weapons from wandering so much.

See, between Tomomomo on heal and Schoon on nukes, the front line couldn't hold on. Tomomomo, I believe the issue was not you ^^ Our PL had his hands full too.

Once we got to 31, we moved to the Citadel and things got a little rougher. We pulled bats almost exclusively and Ice bit it once or twice when they linked unexpectedly. Thankfully our Taru PL came along for raises and more cure support.

Embarassing moment #2 - I ran out of shihei. See, I haven't needed to cast shadows in ages because normally I'm not the tank (even on WAR). But by now, we had the routine down and on a few pulls Ice's SATAs and my Raging Axe and vokes would keep hate on me for maybe 2/3rds of the fight. Ice traded me a total of 60 after I said in party "{Ninja tools} {I have nothing to give you.}" I paid over his protest - tyvm Ice, you really helped me out and it was worth every gil.

At some point we got a Mithra NIN called Jeminin and between the two of us and Ice's hate help, we had things pretty under control. Until Shooon overnuked... Which was a lot.

But that's not why I titled this post as I did. No, at about 2:30am I told him I needed a rep. I wanted to be out by 3 or 3:15 to get enough sleep for Ape's Confirmation event at school.

I never did get a rep and I waited until 4:30. Etf was having a similar problem and when I finally announced as best I could to the rest I was leaving rep or no rep, Eft left also.

To the others, I humbly beg your forgiveness. Because Schoon wasn't communicating events it must've seemed an abrupt end to what was a great party. I got two levels on WAR and learned SATA techniques (again, thanks Ice!). I worked pretty well with our NIN Jemi on swapping vokes when shadows fell - but I know I can improve.

Anyway, because of this, from now on, I will announce in Party rather than PM that I have to go. I don't want others to get hosed when leaders don't fulfill certain obligations.

I missed the event but we spent the rest of the day together and had a very nice time!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Guess What I Can Solo?

Once again, I logged in on the beach. After 70 minutes of fly-killing, I finally popped VE. In time for Navarro to get claim. Navarro, whom I never saw once on my laps of the beach until VE popped. /sigh

I congratualted and cured him and then went to Gustav to skill shield. While taking weak poundings from makara, I looked up shield skill procs - turns out I need a buckler to make my life easier. I'll likely have to get one of the level 30 "job" shields... On a Robber Crab I managed to hit 221 club though!

Bored and feeling bold (only 25 xp into 70, mind) I tracked down the Gob Alchemists down the lower tunnel. It took some luck and patience but I found one clear of other mobs and prepared to fight him.

Even without the rest of my "solo/Maat" (missing +12 eva and +10 acc) gear I took him pretty easily with plenty of MP - thank you Sub and Starlight! And I got a testimony in one try! So it's back to frenzied skilling I suppose.

Fhox is still frozen.

Chapter 1 of Aer's story is done, Chapter 2 is nearly complete. I don't know what I'm doing for 3 yet...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Frenzied and Frozen Fhox

Logged in and barely got to the camping when Fhox asked if I had something I wanted to level in the Dunes with his DRK. He had a mostly full party and I joined as SCH/WHM. Turns out it was a Sync to 14. Apologies Fhox - I can't main-heal until about 17 or so when I get Cure II.

But it was OK - Isa came to PL on her RDM.

The party wasn't bad but we had two players who were Japanese and likely used to that style. Loxis and Rruf pulled constantly and to make it worse they'd trade pulls so there were often two mobs - one dying, one hungry.

I "voked" as best I could then Isa would cure voke off me. It didn't always work and there was a lot of red HP but nobody died and we got good XP. Fhox tried his best in auto-trans to calm then down because Isa was running low on MP. I had to get into the act as well.

The party broke up when Isa and one of our DDs had to go. I got about 3k XP in just over an hour. No VE sightings afterwards.

P.S. Fhox is really cold! The weather over Florida is pretty brutal now ^^

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I don't care for Beastmaster much. But last night I duoed level 16 BSTs with Archer. That was fun! Turns out it isn't BST itself so much, it's the dedication to solo play.

We died a lot. It took us awhile to get a groove together but we finally did. I even asked Sufhi along.

In VE news, I'm 5/2/0 meaning five sightings, 2 claims and no drops. I was camping for a good while when I ran across Bersalia (sp). She'd been idle for awhile but on one particular run, she took off to the rock wall. I was already running down a fly and couldn't see anything where she was headed. Well, after engaging mine I ran toward her and saw... yup...

I didn't bother fighting my fly. I just watched her progress. And to my eye, it wasn't good. She and VE were about even on HP 60% or so, despite her efforts with DNC. I thought about what would happen if I let her die (assuming she did - she could've 2-houred or popped an elixir, or...). But that thought didn't last more than a flash.

I buffed and cured while she fought and she eventually won, without a drop. She thanked me and I logged out.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Roll Call

(I don't know why but lately I've been missing Aer more)

Friday night, after Taken (8 out of 10 btw), Stoik and others in GD were in Uggalepih. I asked what they were doing and they said Stoik's 8-2, would I care to join them? It took some doing but I got there and they came to get me since some of the doors won't reopen. Most of the Tonberry mobs went down easily and I meleed most of the way.

Once we reached the hallway where Stoik needed to pop the NM mechas, we prepared ourselves by clearing out the Tonberries and getting the key pieces needed for the pop. We had a lot of aggro from the Iron Maiden mechas and Hovertank pots.

I don't recall exactly but I think I died but reraised. We got everything sorted then Stoik called to see if we were ready. A couple of us raised our hands but someone said to wait. Stoik didn't see it and what happened next could be characterized as a mess. Two NMs, at least one Iron Maiden, and possibly a Tonberry pop. We all did our best but it wasn't happening. Thankfully Arch survived and with help from a raised Res we were able to tractor and raise our way back up. It took an eternity for that, the re-clearing and the prep, but once we tried again things went perfectly to plan.

Except I went under 70. I was about 600 shy of my favorite JA ever, Sublimation. Oh and R3. I was too tired to do anything else about it and after Res's D2 I gave VE a look-see then went to bed.

Saturday I was on twice. Once, briefly in between car repairs and Game Night, once late late night. The first stint I decided to camp VE once more. Who should I find working the beach but Phax?! Heya PC! He actually got VE too, but no drop. I logged out after a brief PL session by the Selbina gate. The party there seemed to want me to stay as PL or party main-healer but I had to go --;

. . .

I logged back on and found myself back in the Dunes. I ran to the VE area and lo and behold, he was just sitting there. I ran up, flashed him and edged out a nearby adventurer (a BLU maybe?). No drop. Pretty cool though ^^

Then it was party time. Most of the gang from last night was in Garlaige and wanted anyone on a 37 to come play. I wasn't thinking clearly (headache) but then I remembered BLM36. Res was asking if I was coming and mentioned the Maat fight. Res, if you see this, please don't worry about the confusion ^^ Aer is a chick, I'm a guy, it all works out fine depending on who's talking lol.

We were there for maybe 90 minutes. Things went pretty well until a delay led to Dove and Stoik pulling at the same time, but on different mobs. Can you say near-wipe? Later, we'd somehow get linked bats and we did wipe. Some players looking for passage through the gate we were blocking helped out.

I joked that maybe I should pull and Stoik shot back that he was doing fine until I got there. First off, please accept my apologies Stoik if I overdid the teasing - I know I take my job very seriously and expect others to do the same. That said you do give and take a lot and I hope what I said was taken in that spirit. In any case, yes, you did just fine (when we were all ready - ZING /smile)

I made 37 on BLM, making it the first of my many 30+ jobs to hit proper sub status. I do think I'll take it up some more, at least to Warp II levels. I need to get my Dark magic up too for use on SCH.

Sunday was Super Sunday (great game, great ads, lots of fam fun at Mom's).

Monday WOULD have been a nice day with my friends, but O'Reilly's Auto Parts had different plans. Let me just say what should have been a slam-dunk exchange (receipt and all) tool close to 2.5 hours, two stores, and about 40 miles of driving... AAAARGH!

But even with all that, there are two people, S. and R. who deserve all the credit I can give them.