Aerinravage's GamerCard

Thursday, January 31, 2013

On Roadblocks


After making solid progress with my personal life I thought I'd be energized to tackle some things that need to be settled and take on new challenges:

* Get our household budget under control
* Get into crafting in a serious way (both clothcraft and culinary)
* Fix Shiroma's rear suspension
* Umm...

So, as part of my process, I posted two things here earlier this month. They're quite personal, at least based on /my/ standards of sharing details about my real life. And I certainly know that once it's out on the Internet, there's no going back. (There might be a way back but there are no guarantees what you want to retract hasn't been cached elsewhere)

I figured once I'd made some things clear to myself and said them aloud that the magic would happen.


I'm doing well with work and with Ape and the fam, but other than that I have nothing left. And I don't think it's a DoT from my depression, which is in check right now. Of course, I'm wary about how depression lies (thanks, Bloggess!) but I don't think that's it at all. I'm quite content actually, aside from my lack of motivation.

I think the Jawas let me off the crawler with a bad one.

In any case, I'm still plugging away. And hoping my really nice sewing machine isn't hosed up from sitting idle. I wonder if my teacher is still doing "Stitch & Bitch" sessions...

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