No play; didn't want to push my luck. By the afternoon we'd sorted things but also uncovered some really interesting issues. Basically, she doesn't equate online-only friends with "real" friendship and wonders why I don't hang out with more flesh-and-blood type people. Well, almost every weekend we're hanging out with one of two "mutual friend couples", and/or some family relation, usually SIL & her hubby.
So it's not Ilike I shun human interaction. But she really likes having couple firends to hang out with and I think she'd love it if we added more couples to the rotation. I am not OK with that. As it is, I don't have alot of "me" time and the last thing I want to do is give it away. Please don't misunderstand - I consider you my friends, online be damned, and I enjoy hanging out with you. Well, when it isn't getting me into hot water.
The other thing she threw out there is that she feels gaming is an escape, and a path to lethargy and poor health. Maybe so, maybe so. I'm not super fit but I can climb stairs and walk a mall. I can even DDR from time to time. In fact, I spent 4 years at a competitive level which probably did wonderful things for my cardio health.
To me, Vana is not an escape. I don't have anything to escape *from*. It's a destination unto itself, just like going to a club or some weekend getaway. And like I told her, FFXI is not what you want to do if you're having a bad day. It is not normally a mood elevator! I don't think she gets just how much of a JOB this game can be, and I'm not even into endgame! I think she'd kill me if I signed up with some Dynamis shell and had to schedule family events around raid times!
Sometime soon, I think she's gonna start reading my blog, or at least poking around. I've welcomed her many times and told her there are no secrets here. Hopefully if she does dive in, she'll see that I treat my online friendships as sincerely as she does her RL ones.
Also, we proved that you can fit 4 people and *two* weeks' worth of groceries (plus school backpacks!) into an RX-8! Let me put it to you this way - my packing and sorting skill is capped at 276 + boost items + full 5/5 merits. I can out-pack anyone.
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