(Lots of fun lately!)
Well, getting time to play lately's been a challenge. Matt's been wrapping up his first semester in middle school and starting two major projects (science fair and history profile) as well. Monday night was mostly chat with some farming and an Enz rescue and brief PL thrown in.
I wasn't very successful farming (no tests and only one Gravity) but I was able to put the one Rusty Dagger I got to good use ^^ End was leveling Thief and farming silks from Saruta crawlers and had gotten poisoned to death. My, how fondly I recall thse times... Dying in the grass. Dying at the gates. DYING IN TOWN ON THE MOG HOUSE STEPS >< Nothing says "noob" like having to be raised in-town. But I bet many of us have been there and won't admit it!
Anyway, Enz - on THF he should have been skilling up Dagger but he was using a sword. I teased him and he mentioned not being able to buy anything before heading out to farm, so I gave him the Rusty I had. He seemed to notice an improvement right off - A rank'll do that!
Most of the rest of Monday was chatting in shell and with Phax. He's apparently having some love drama with some off-again-on-again with a girl he likes. I think when I left they were back to talking. I never got a chance to ask where they met or anything 'cos he got in a party and I got wrapped up with Enz.
Also, since I don't think he saw this. As we were chatting about serious love and a desire for commitment, I posed this: Out of 14 girls I dated how many were strictly dates and not "spouse material evals"? Answer, one. From my teen days to getting married in college I never really dated around. I wanted what my parents have - a strong friendship, close ties, romance and fun together. So that's what I always sought, and eventually found in Ape. Take *THAT* Missy!
Oh, the ninja sock market died, leaving me with two unsold stacks I'll hang on to until the weekend.
Yesterday, after the Y (more on *THAT* later!) I logged in and took off my pearls. Tonight was going to be ME time. I really don't mind helping my friends, but lately, with all the stress and such, I feel I need to do more for me and my progression. Hence the recent crafting and melee binges.
My plans got a slight detour when, on waking up in my house I found an email. I expected it to be from Phax and was surprised to see Dark's name on it. He wanted to set up an XP party for Isa and sought my skilled WHM services. I PMed him back and said it was fine if I could get some cleaning done first (company coming tomorrow). We began to assemble in Whitegate.
I ran into Isa first and as expected, she noticed my missing pearl. She said it seemed odd and I agreed but explained the "me time" thing. I bet her 50 gil that Fhox would want to know what was up once he logged in. Sure enough, he must've asked Isa what I was up to because she said I won the bet. Later in PM I elaborated and he sympathised. He seems to want to change RDB somehow but we never really got into it, because...
We partied in the woodlands on Lesser Colibri and smashed the heck out of them. I hasted and cured, Isa Refreshed and enfeebed, Raven, our Dancer, kept Haste Samba up and through all of this there was no down time and constant chaining. I threw a Benecide at a key moment and managed to hold hate deep into the red HP - but Raven and Isa kept me alive until hate returned to the front line.
We disbanded late - I had said I needed out by 10-ish and didn't log until 10:50. And sweet Isa, she's still trying to keep me alerted to the time. Believe me, I was watching the clock and furiously searching for a rep among only one seeker and lots of blind invites. We had to settle for disbanding.
I think I pulled in close to 7k XP in just about 75 minutes, a great rate with little effort. Fhox wanted to make SMN plans with us, Dex and Puma but I was kept busy with a 4-man Haste cycle, Regens and many Cure III's. I also reminded him SMN wasn't my strong suit.
Fhox also mentioned some new RDB drama but I begged off on a full explanation. I told him he should start a blog and after some more blog-teasing he said "Get out of my sight". I hope that was a mt but I responded with {Casting spell.} {Invisible} - no response. Hmmm. I'll have to get that drama update tonight. I went to bed late and Ape and I chatted a bit before drifting off.
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