(Reduce speed to 3/4 impulse, Mr. Sulu)
Monday was supposed to be a GD Sync party but the four of us who signed on for it couldn't get our crap together. In the meantime, I farmed Saruta Cotton in Tahrongi and Buburimu. I also said "Howdy" to Aleu as I passed by her in Jeuno. Also also, Stoik had asked for a Raise and I was going to bring him the Linen Cloth he'd requested earlier but when I reached the OP Warp guy in Windy, Stoik had apparently gotten a raise elsewhere.
So imagine my surprise when about 10 minutes into farming he pops on needing another. I declined this time because quite honestly, I didn't want to pay for 3 OP warps when 2 would have done. Also, I was really getting into farming mode and didn't want to lose time. The drop rate isn't that hot.
With the non-party's breakup and Fhox's PMs, I changed shells. There wasn't a lot going on but Enz and Ali are back ^^ There were two new Brigaders and one was chatting with Fhox when I arrived. Somehow, Fhox's "Red Mage" switch got flipped and the discussion began with {Backhand Blow} and ended with my {Mithra} {Dancer} = {Divine Magic}. I wonder if Fhox alerted Aryianna (sp) to the fact I'm a dude since he told me Ary was also male on a female toon.
Tuesday I spent over half an hour verifying my screenshots. I have a couple dozen that need posting. So I didn't actually get in until about 9:40. Fhox requested my help in the Citadel and at first I thought it was a Sync party. I told him 30 minutes tops and he agreed. A sleepy hour and a half later, I logged.
It wasn't an XP party. It was a WHM coffer hunt for Puma and possibly Isa and Enz. We made decent progress with minimal aggro but we had to breach both gates, and we had to hit 3 twice because of a directional mixup. On the second pass-through Puma's falling Sneak brought the slimes and although we made it into the door, we soon had 4 mobs on us. I did my best to bring the pain WHM-stype with all the Banishga and Earth Shaker damage I could muster. I certainly held a good amount of hate ^^
We all made it and I apologized for the add - my Shaker brought an otherwise disinterested Beetle into the fray. But I Benedictioned to make up for it lol.
We ended the run coffer-less and I suggested Puma log out behind #2 - it at least has 4 spawns to #3's 3 and he might get lucky and wake up before another shell raids the area.
Appreciation to Isa for trying to keep me on track bedtime-wise, and also to Puma and Enz for understanding. And no, this isn't a dig at Fhox, so put that Enfire-charmed sword down Boss! Actually, I'm a little frustrated at myself for letting things get this way. I'm tired and achy and I know less sleep makes it worse. But I can't help myself. I just want to make people happy, and certainly not strand them just out of reach of a major goal like AF.
/sigh I guess it's why I play WHM most, after all! A dear friend basically told me I'm too nice for my own good. Perhaps, but seriously, I really need to behave for a few days or I'm going to really regret it physically.
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