(Get it? Get it?!)
I chatted briefly with my sis yesterday and the topic of my little blog came up. Ape threw me under the bus for the over-played weekend I posted about. I mentioned to Sis that I was sorry that had happened and that I'd even publicly apologized for messing up Ape's weekend. She didn't know about my blog so I gave her the address to check out later. Hopefully she'll post. But more likely, my BIL will, as he's gotten sucked into that OTHER MMO, WarCrack. Maybe some of the info I have will be helpful to him. Then it was time for a fantastic dinner and Amazing Race viewing party at Mom's!
Also, I meant to post this earlier in the week. I mentioned MySQLGame some time back. I still play it every couple of days. Well, I recently got a blind invite to my server's number 1 guild, err, "clique". I didn't accept at first (see Fhox and RDB, c.04/2007) but gave in yesterday because I think the game is changing. A lot of farm rows have been obliterated lately and once they're all gone guilds are gonna turn on each other in a serious way to see if they can. Per DarkCooger's ranking site, I'm ranked 154th. But I do have pretty substantial rows. All 8 carry 14 money and fuel factories and lately I've been investing in both attackers and defenders. I got hit twice by lolzj so I beefed up the attacked row but now I realize as farms disappear rows like mine become juicy targets.
It doesn't matter to some if they'll lose a lot of attackers - they may still attack just because they're bored or to try to assert their dominance. Almost every one of my rows is AM1/DM2 so fortunately anything over 5 can't attack me (if I understand the rules). My plan is to take every row to money/fuel 15, 50k defenders and 100k attackers. Then everything I can scrounge up goes into row #9 and more attackers. Once I have massive attack power I might flip the switch and take AM/DM up to where I can start pillaging some high-level rows of my own. I might go scorched-earth and destroy as many high-powered rows near mine as I can, especially near my beachfront spread in the 600's.
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